Kristen Stewart doesn't like black people ...vol. Miley would've twerked for us.

Don't think she is racist. Hollywood is a odd place. The interracial aspect could affect her career in regards to future casting.

hell if doing interracial porn can drop your value down in that business im not surprised how bad it would in normal hollywood...

people think race doesnt matter anymore like people are all in harmony but sorry the world will never change. it will just hide its ugly face until it becomes relevant
Cliffs on thread.

All I seen was will smith can't act. I cried during the pursuit of happiness.

Come at me.

i did too. some roles he can really act but then there are some where you think ashley and carlton gonna pop out at any minute :lol:
 You sound clueless when you defend Miley Cyrus openly mocking a segment of black culture yet wanna make a mountain out of this. 

Just admit YOU'RE CLUELESS as to how I arrived at the defend of Miley Cyrus, maybe this video will help you. 

But comments like yours reflect the larger issue at hand, which is the public's ignorance and easily accomplished servility under questionable leadership. In most cases it's the media itself. Kristen Stewart is an ACTRESS, who GETS PAID to portray fictional characters. Miley Cyrus is an ENTERTAINER and in music itself is usually a reflection of social climate. Miley is actually a representation of EQUALITY. Equality itself isn't RIGHT or WRONG ...but when you get up in arms about a "white girl" acting "black" because it's a believed to be NEGATIVE aspect WRONGLY associated with black culture, it indicates you have POOR SELF IMAGE of SELF or BLACK PEOPLE that you're defending the negative imagery as a spectrum of "blackness".

The inferior spectrum of how you view "twerking" in association with blacks to the comparing of minstrel performance is destructive because you're either actualizing stereotypes or self- fulfilling prophecy by assuming ownership of "twerking being negative and a black ONLY activity".

"Twerking" is sexual expressive dancing in which women are EMPOWERED through sexuality and it's their RIGHT to express themselves how they see fit, no different than ancient Belly Dancing, Go Go Dancing, or sexual dancing has been dated back as far as 9000 years. How is "twerking" somehow "detestable"? Secondly why is it detestable in association with being BLACK? 

It's an issue of INFERIORITY, and I DO NOT have a complex, so I don't need some "white apologist" liberal tucking in my bib and letting me suckle from his or her nipple of disillusioned obligation from the position of superiority. Sengbe Pieh
, Will Smith, Colin Powell, WEB Dubois, Jesse Owens, Joe Louis, and the black people of northeast Tulsa Oklahoma have taught me otherwise. I AM EQUAL, my limits or limitation aren't defined by my skin color, Robin Thicke proved that by his choice of music he makes, Tiger Woods proved it, or and off the golf course, and MORE importantly Will Smith proved it. Miley and Justin Bieber has done more for race relations than the president of the United States...and Jay-Z. Kristen Stewart choice not to work with Will Smith because he is BLACK, and rather come out and say it, she used an excuse which reinforced suspicions to begin with.

Keep in mind so many black people empowered these super star white people, 
 Will Smith, gave Eva Mendes one of her first roles, it's posted in this thread, the "Miami" video now she's dating "Ryan Gosling". 
Akon is responsible for Lady Gaga's career, Usher for Justin Bieber's ...Now you can look at it in lines of "color" where these blacks were SUPERIOR, or you can see it for what it is and it's PEOPLE HELPING EACH OTHER.

that video was informative and i agree with most of his thoughts
Do adult movies with white men and black woman make you feel uncomfortable?

Honestly? If she is pretty yes, same with mainstream black actresses and white men. On and off screen. Not the fact that she's African-American and pretty, but the fact that she's a taboo to be conquered. It's just something about seeing black women being submissive to white men that's really unsettling, especially when I know her psyche has reminds her to be strong and resilient.


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