Laker Haters & Kobe Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)

seasoned vet seasoned vet

I think a long time ago I remember reading a post you wrote saying that you used to be a Laker fan, but Kobe made you stop. Am I remembering correctly? And if I am remembering correctly is this a situation where you'd follow the team again when he's gone?


i was a HUGE Barkley fan, i used to catch heat from peers since i lived/ grew up in Illinois during the 90's and my favorite team was The Suns.

they lost to the Bulls and blew up the team. as a fan i was pissed they blew up the team, but didnt feel right following Barkley to Houston. so i ended up following Ced Ceballos to the Lakers.

i still favored being a fan of a team that had potential, and at the time the Lakers were close to as low as they are now but had a lot of potential in youth.

years later, after the team got better and the chemistry was great, i grew tired of watching Kobe sacraficing team chemistry for personal stats.

i bore through it, and once they got their first championship with the team i stopped watching them. i couldnt stand watching that clown destroy that team any longer.
stopped watching all basketball really.

i didnt start back watching NBA until the class of 2003 with Bron, Melo, CP...

would i follow the Lakers again? nah. i can watch them now, but not follow. the Suns and Lakers killed that for me. teams dont have any loyalty anymore outside of the Spurs and the Jazz.

that was a good feeling to see a team come up over the years. you hardly see that anymore.

its heartbreaking to see the teams today right on the edge blow a team up after 3 seasons.

im one of those 'player fans' you guys despise. LOL!

i love it though.
i root for everybody
i want to see everyone do good.
i just wanna see a good game.

...still would love to see a 30 for 30 on how Kobe ruined that team LOL!!
I'm basically seasoned vet... but I could never give up on my squad.

But one thing this farewell tour has accomplished for me is reinforcing my 2 decades long awareness that Kobe is simply all about himself.

"WHAT?! He gave his ALL for the Lakers!!"

No. Himself. He has given his all for himself. AND HE HAS THAT RIGHT!!! I'm not mad at that.

"Dude, it's his life. You want him to give his all for some OTHER person or team or entity? It's HIS life."

No, no... he has that right. His life. I get that.


We are GARBAGE... and he's allllll smiles. Couldn't possibly care less if he tried. $48.5 milly, thank you, goodnight. But then he's going to be heralded as Laker gold, through and through.


Arrogant, self-concerned, fake diva through and through, with an extra $48.5 milly practically just donated to him because he flashed a smile and didn't go anywhere else.

Those of you hating on the Lakers, I get it. Unlike Jumpman with his team, I can let y'all do your thing. I have teams I hate; I get it.

But those hating on Kobe, I can't leave y'all alone... because I'm right with you.

(Go ahead and copy this to the Laker thread.
Meh. I can't blame him for taking the money these past few seasons.

Tim Duncan took a paycut and backseat and his team won a ring and should've won 2. The Spurs are also arguably the best ran team in professional sports who have a knack for playing at a high level while guys come and ago and their stars age. The Jim Buss ran Lakers are the exact opposite of that.

Had Kobe took a paycut so they could sign another guy, they likely end up in a situation similar to Dirk on the Mavs in recent years. Their ceiling at best would be making the first round of the playoffs like Dirks Mavs have been despite him taking a paycut so they could sign guys.

The end result has been the Lakers being an absolute joke the past 3 seasons who are deserving of all the crap they've been getting. But from a business standpoint, both sides got what they wanted from the deal. Kobe got paid so he's content. The Lakers have been able to get some lottery picks and start the rebuild all while still having good attendance and making money because they've had Kobe to fill the seats.

It's going to be interesting next season when they suck and don't have their cash cow anymore to fill the arena up though.
Out in the first round is absolutely better than being a laughingstock.

Kobe is leaving his team in complete disarray, and yes, it is in part because of him.

Completely? Obviously not. But is he blameless? Nope, not even close.
It all depends. Middle of the pack is the worst place to be imo when it comes to the NBA. Better to suck and stock up on top 5 draft picks and build for the future then getting put out in the first round every year and being 4 game sweep food for the Spurs or Warriors.

Kobe has had his part in the decline, but it's moreso his ego, thinking he's still the main guy, and reluctance to take a back seat which pushed away potential free agents which I'm blaming him for. I won't fault him for taking that huge contract becsuse the team wasn't doing anything either way and are arguably in a better position long term with young talent on the team then being an 8 seed with no young picks to build off of. Plus, the team wanted to rebuild while selling tickets so they knew what they were getting into giving him that deal.

Although I'm sure this thread is enjoying the d'Angelo Russell saga going on right now lmao.




















if your a warriors fan you should be banned from discussing basketball amongst contending teams.

on the clock 16 times in the 17 years, you guys should be more worried about your team becoming relevant then worrying about other teams. typical loser fanbase mentality.

but since this thread isn't considered trolling i might as well mess around and make a "Heat Haters And Lebron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread) " and go at it with air fresh and a few others the rest of the playoffs.

like i said, warriors fans are comedy, you guys should be more worried about the new ownership making that team into a contender then getting hyped up off another team losing.

maybe it's just me, im anti heat/lebron but if the lakers get put out, the heat losing in any round doesn't mean nothing to me since the lakers didn't win the title., if the lakers lose this series it just means i'll watch basketball again next season.

I love it the hate will grow even stronger when Dwight and CP3 put on a Lakers jersey next year
. Lakers might be out this year but they will always stay relevant and always find a way to go back to being contender unlike all these crappy teams and their simple minded fans

:lol: at the these gems
Lmaoooooooo. I miss the 1995-2012 Warriors.

**** it though, sports karma is real. The Warriors are about to win 73-75 games and repeat as champs and the Lakers look as dyfunctional as the 97-98 warriors with spre choking coaches and Todd fuller doing his thing.

O how the mighty have fallen.

Dude has drove Hall Of Famers off his team now he's spending his twilight years with Deangelo and friends.

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