Let me vent to you NT (Break up post vol TLDR)

Sounds like you love your weed and she wants you to stop. Find a compromise or stop if you're trying to keep the relationship going.

She wants you to stop smoking, but you wanna keep smoking. You want her to stop drinking, she keeps drinking. Compromise - Do what you guys want and accept it. Or move on

If you got your stuff together, no reason to ban you from smoking and vice versa with alcohol.
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At a glance I feel that she is being immature about the smoking situation.

I've been in a similar situation as her when it comes to smoking weed laced with something else. I don't blame weed, my friends or the girl that I was seeing at the time that I was smoking behind for the fact that it was laced. I should have known better than to smoke something I didn't roll myself. lesson learned. She's holding on to baggage, not taking accountability for her mistakes and fears and reflecting them on to you.

As I tell all NTer with girl problems "Know your worth" and "You can do better"
Honestly OP, you two just don’t seem like a good fit together. What does her having laced weed have to do with you? Nothing. It makes no sense that she’d pursue you knowing that marijuana was a big part of your life and knowing that she isn’t cool with weed period. Hoping to rip something harmless and enjoyable away from someone because SHE doesn’t like it is selfish. Just seems like the universe did you a favor OP. With all due respect, move on and find a person that has more in common with you and what you want in life.
31 and 24, but you are 28 and she was 21.

How'd y'all last 3 years.

At 28, I knew I wasn't the same person I was at 21. Could've saved yourself a lot of time and heartache.

Might as well take this time to better yourself. Read books, learn a skill, date yourself lol
- She tried to actively change you and make you her B. She wanted complete control of you. You didn't buckle and succumb.
- She didn't want to compromise, meaning she's selfish and inconsiderate (not a good trait for a viable, long-term relationship).
- You're a 31yo grown man. To repeat what NT has already said, know your worth.
- Start pursuing your hobbies, hit the gym, get even sexier.
- You're about to go on the greatest run of yambs. These birds aren't ready for the delicious, handsome, intelligent cragmatic cragmatic .
OP's 1st mistake was moving in with shorty after a year of talking :smh: ....But sounds like u better off without her, can smoke all you want without getting nagged and find some new joints to smash
This is a funked up situation. But like most have said do you, smoking however much you want. Moral of the story is enjoy life, sounds as if she wasn't bringing you much joy
But passing the blunt around with random people at a function? If you're 25+ and still doing this then you really need to re-evaluate your direction in life.

Nah. At least where I'm from, weed is pretty socially acceptable compared to a decade ago. Even higher ups and older folks I know from a lot of the big companies around here (Wayfair, TripAdvisor, New Balance, Liberty Mutual, etc) be puffin on the way home from work. Some even on the way to work. Even see folks in the financial district vaping. Sh*t is everywhere.

Maybe you should try to find a woman who will accept you. Most likely it will be a woman with poor hygiene, chest tats, and dismal career prospects. Good luck.

This was just unnecessary :smh:
She sounds like ak hunt. But it is still your fault things got like that. If you gave up weed, she was gonna find something else to nag about. Something happened early in the relationship where she tried you and instead of shutting her down you let her punk you out because the P was still new. You gave her an inch, then a foot and she tried to take the entire leg. I learned that you gotta set up your boundaries early in the relationship as take it or leave no matter how good the P is. Certain **** you ignored at first gets more and more annoying while your familiarity with the P increases.
Yall keep in mind this is only his side of the story.

Op, how much weed and how many times do you smoke per day?
Sounds like both of ya'll were settling and the situation ran its course.

I don't blame her for leaving because you smoke, but I also don't blame you for smoking.

Find you someone who's down with your lifestyle. And let her find someone who's more compatible with hers. Ya'll were 7 years apart and had 2 different morals on something that was obviously make or break.

i don't blame you for not folding, but I don't blame her for wanting what she wants as well. I personally quit smoking for health reasons years ago, and my girl told me after I quit how much better I smelled (and tasted). I got lucky tho, she a rider. You'll find you one b.
Weed vs. Alcohol "Moral Judgement" convos are always funny.

In my experience, It is always liberal WW that scream about how horrible weed is yet they drink.

Makes sense
Weed vs. Alcohol "Moral Judgement" convos are always funny.

In my experience, It is always liberal WW that scream about how horrible weed is yet they drink.

Makes sense

The ones your find wasted at the bar, but find self righteousness in situations that don't appeal to themselves

Usually on college campuses and near Clarendon between thurs-sat nights
I'm also white, lol. And I just turned 31. She's 24. I think that's another reason this is really bugging me. The idea of even trying to date at 31 is stupid. Most girls my age who are single are either divorced/have kids or both. Maybe I need to fix my mentality but I also feel that now I'm post 30, that number seems a lot bigger to someone younger than say 28. I'll be alright though.

Also added to OP that on a good note, I have a really awesome dog that I wouldn't have had I not gotten into that relationship.

Im in the same situation too, 31 and been with together/living with girl for 3 years she left overseas for work and plans to be there for another year (2 years total) but comes back for RR every 4 months. Being out there, shes been feeling some type of way about us and don't know if we should still pursue our relationship. We move to a different state for her job and just finished up my AA degree, and now im saving up to get my BA and also moving back home to mom and pops...... at 31 yeah it sucks starting life over because you thought it would work out with the person you believed in. But at this age, you think to yourself, is it even worth it cause like you said most girls this age either divorce/kids or some sort of daddy issues. I dont see myself bouncing back for a while as well.
The ones your find wasted at the bar, but find self righteousness in situations that don't appeal to themselves

Usually on college campuses and near Clarendon between thurs-sat nights
Didn't find out THIS was a THING until later on in life. Regret never taking advantage
Nah. At least where I'm from, weed is pretty socially acceptable compared to a decade ago. Even higher ups and older folks I know from a lot of the big companies around here (Wayfair, TripAdvisor, New Balance, Liberty Mutual, etc) be puffin on the way home from work. Some even on the way to work. Even see folks in the financial district vaping. Sh*t is everywhere.

This was just unnecessary :smh:
This guy lives in Michigan where marijuana possession in any amount results in a hefty fine and possibly some jail time. If you're busted smoking in a public setting the punishment is even worse. Yeah, no one gives a **** if people smoke weed but there is a problem here as it pertains to relationships. Living with someone is a business deal as much as it is for love. I think you would prefer not to live with someone who knowingly breaks the law and risks going to jail, doing community service, and paying fines out the ***.
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