Let me vent to you NT (Break up post vol TLDR)

I'm also white, lol. And I just turned 31. She's 24. I think that's another reason this is really bugging me. The idea of even trying to date at 31 is stupid. Most girls my age who are single are either divorced/have kids or both. Maybe I need to fix my mentality but I also feel that now I'm post 30, that number seems a lot bigger to someone younger than say 28. I'll be alright though.

Also added to OP that on a good note, I have a really awesome dog that I wouldn't have had I not gotten into that relationship.
Bro you sound mad frail. I will be turning 31 this year and I just moved to a new country by myself. Most girls I see are obviously younger than me and to be honest that does not deter me. If anything it motivates me to try harder :lol: I was once in your situation but that **** passes. Cannot being feeling bad for yourself when your ex has moved on is most likely getting piped down by another dude who smokes and drinks. Move on bro, she is living her best life, you should also.
Plenty of fish in the sea. Stop fixating on the past and focus on what you've learned from it so you can better your future.
I'm still going through replies, been backing up my phone for the new iphone launch tomorrow and havent had it on me all day.

I just want to add, the only reason I moved in with her was because she couldn't get approved for the apartment on her own since she's a server and doesn't have a real pay stub. Nobody in her family would co sign for her. She calls me while I'm at work in straight tears saying she has no place to live and she couldn't get a cosigner. Being the nice guy that I am, I cosigned and moved in. Try to be nice and it blows up in my face. Just thinking about this, it still really rubs me the wrong way that she always overlooked that and other things I did for her when I went out of my way to do something I didn't need to do.

You live and you learn though.
Im in the same situation too, 31 and been with together/living with girl for 3 years she left overseas for work and plans to be there for another year (2 years total) but comes back for RR every 4 months. Being out there, shes been feeling some type of way about us and don't know if we should still pursue our relationship. We move to a different state for her job and just finished up my AA degree, and now im saving up to get my BA and also moving back home to mom and pops...... at 31 yeah it sucks starting life over because you thought it would work out with the person you believed in. But at this age, you think to yourself, is it even worth it cause like you said most girls this age either divorce/kids or some sort of daddy issues. I dont see myself bouncing back for a while as well.

Honestly, that was a big portion of why I didn't want to start over. Starting over sucks, but the relationship had its issues from early early on.
This guy lives in Michigan where marijuana possession in any amount results in a hefty fine and possibly some jail time. If you're busted smoking in a public setting the punishment is even worse. Yeah, no one gives a **** if people smoke weed but there is a problem here as it pertains to relationships. Living with someone is a business deal as much as it is for love. I think you would prefer not to live with someone who knowingly breaks the law and risks going to jail, doing community service, and paying fines out the ***.

It’s decriminalized in my city actually, possession I a 25 dollar fine. It’s basically a parking ticket. Also it’s on the ballot for recreational in November, and I’m pretty confident it will pass.
I'm still going through replies, been backing up my phone for the new iphone launch tomorrow and havent had it on me all day.

I just want to add, the only reason I moved in with her was because she couldn't get approved for the apartment on her own since she's a server and doesn't have a real pay stub. Nobody in her family would co sign for her. She calls me while I'm at work in straight tears saying she has no place to live and she couldn't get a cosigner. Being the nice guy that I am, I cosigned and moved in. Try to be nice and it blows up in my face. Just thinking about this, it still really rubs me the wrong way that she always overlooked that and other things I did for her when I went out of my way to do something I didn't need to do.

You live and you learn though.

Never do something for someone to bring it back up or talk about it. If you do you’re doing it from the kindness of your heart, not to be praised about it.

With that being said..... post pics of her so we can see if it was worth it.
I'm still going through replies, been backing up my phone for the new iphone launch tomorrow and havent had it on me all day.

I just want to add, the only reason I moved in with her was because she couldn't get approved for the apartment on her own since she's a server and doesn't have a real pay stub. Nobody in her family would co sign for her. She calls me while I'm at work in straight tears saying she has no place to live and she couldn't get a cosigner. Being the nice guy that I am, I cosigned and moved in. Try to be nice and it blows up in my face. Just thinking about this, it still really rubs me the wrong way that she always overlooked that and other things I did for her when I went out of my way to do something I didn't need to do.

You live and you learn though.
Nice guys finish last. Remember that.
Didn't read all of the responses, but I read enough. She's 24 and had a bad experience...she can't transfer that experience to you then go about trying to change you. All that spells is doom. She's young, she still has life to figure out for herself, and that would include knowing what you want as a person, and accepting things about other people that you can't change. If she knew it was a problem, she shouldn't have kept going, that's on her. OP, experience had, lesson learned move on.

I see you @nawghtyhare with them hard hitting reporter questions :lol:
I don't blame her. Weed smokers are unattractive. Maybe she thought you would phase it out, but you didn't. I mean, if you come home from a stressful day at work and want to self-medicate in the backyard then do you. But passing the blunt around with random people at a function? If you're 25+ and still doing this then you really need to re-evaluate your direction in life. I be side eyeing the **** out of grown men who can't function socially without getting danked out in the parking lot. It's just sad. Maybe you should try to find a woman who will accept you. Most likely it will be a woman with poor hygiene, chest tats, and dismal career prospects. Good luck.
You sound like more of a bird than OPs girl, piss boy
She needs an excuse to get out, broads know angles and degrees. That's your vice you ain't stoppin that for her...she knows. I don't think she really cares that much. She just need an out.
You guys are really nice around here.

All the other message boards ive ever been on would absolutely demand pics before answering a wall of text like that.
You guys are really nice around here.

All the other message boards ive ever been on would absolutely demand pics before answering a wall of text like that.

Someone on NT ruined that for me years ago someone knew girl and told her that her pic was on the site.
Why the smoke, bro? Just tryna kick knowledge to the comrade.

I mean I kind of agree with dude. It’s 2018... get with it. And when did I say I have to smoke all the time? I said that she wasn’t even cool with me smoking with friends once a month, but still wanted to be able to drink whenever and however much she pleased. It takes two sides to compromise. Oh, and people who can’t go out without having a drink or several aren’t sad? Smh.

I know tons of successful professional folks who smoke/eat edibles. Hell I know successful people who do a lot harder things than participating in marijuana. And I’ve dated girls before who smoked and they didn’t have poor hygiene nor tattoos.

You legit sound like the prosecutors in my state who are fear mongering and telling people to vote against legalization... ridiculous lol
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