Let's Turn This Post Into " Upcoming/Recommend A Scary Movie " Thread.

Perri Nemiroff sits down with director Michael Chaves and stars Linda Cardellini, Patricia Velasquez and Raymond Cruz to discuss their new horror film, The Curse of La Llorona. The movie is inspired by the Mexican legend of La Llorona, the ghost of a woman who drowned her children and then in despair, threw herself in the river after them. Now her tears are lethal so if you hear her weeping, you're in trouble. The specific story featured in the film takes place in the 1970s and centers on Linda Cardellini's character, a social worker who must turn to a disillusioned priest in order to keep her children safe from La Llorona. The Curse of La Llorona hits theaters on April 19, 2019.
that "searching" movie with john cho
actually getting good reviews
i was gonna see it
but was already prepared for it to be trash
Looks good.

I was mad they were remaking it but it looks totally different than the original
A Quiet Place 2 Won't Be Rushed, John Krasinski Will Return

A Quiet Place 2 is currently in development and producer Andrew Form says that John Krasinski is "definitely involved" in the sequel. This is promising news for fans of the first installment who have been wondering about new details. A Quiet Place was a surprise hit, earning over $328 million worldwide and talks of a sequel began shortly after its theatrical debut. The horror drama will be released on Blu-ray on July 10th and is currently available to stream digitally.

In a new interview with Collider, producer Andrew Form discussed A Quiet Place 2. While the sequel is now in development, it could be awhile before it hits theaters, according to Form, who noted that they will be taking their time to make sure that everything is done correctly. Additionally, the producer says that John Krasinski will be involved, which is pretty big news. Everybody involved is waiting for the "right" story to come along to ensure that the sequel is the best that it can be.

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