"Manly" things as either designated by NT or society, that you don't adhere to...

My older brother and I wear formal cloths to work but had to youtube how to tie a tie when I was 24 and he was 27.

I used to get others, including females([emoji]128532[/emoji]) to tie my ties and I would just never retie them or take em apart.

bruh this right here..... i learned how to tie a tie when i was 6 & never forgot... pops taught me

watching the struggle during prom of kids trying to tie a tie is :x
Being manly is about being self sufficient and having the ability to take care of your ish. Some of the stuff is pointless (having a beard) but other things are basic survival (changing a tire). Besides, most of that stuff (changing a tire, fixing basic mechanical problems in appliances etc) is pretty simple, especially compared to some of this ish ya'll kids can do online.
I think everybody should know how to cook. I mean that's the first thing I learned on my own really. Get home from school, mom going to work, what I'm gon eat? I'm not gon eat frozen waffles, and poptarts every day. Start small with eggs, then go to hamburgers, steak, pasta. It's really not that hard.
I'll take it one step further.... I've not only changed my tires, I've changed my brake pads and rotors on my own. I also shot brake fluid right into my eyes the first time I did it and I screamed like a B*&$^..... so yeah, I try to just stay in my lane when it comes to the manly checklist :lol:
Honestly setting up the jack on your car to change your tire is more difficult than changing the tire itself :lol: Setting that up in some hasty way can leave you ******
lol this thread is hilarious....and yes' id be the first to admit im a lazy sommbit when it comes to that type of life.
yall crazy I LOOOOOOVEEEEEE yard work--that was my first hustle shoveling snow,raking leaves, and mowing lawns..I bought my first pair of forces by shoveling snow
, my hands are rough supposedly, I dont know how to drive stick, change oil, or tires, but I do know how to jump a car, I like building and tearing things apart too

-I can grow a mean 5 o clock shadow but for me to grow a full blown beard it would probably take ehh 3 months

-Ive never grilled before but I know how to do it

-any physical labor is cool with me..its probably why I like moving furniture so much...now that im out of school I should start doing that as a side hustle
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Type of dudes that go camping and can't even pitch a tent or start a fire with matches :lol:
I don't drink beer.

I don't know know nor do I care to know anything about cars (tire change, check oil, washing it by hand)

I don't eat meat.

I've never fished.

I don't like camping.

Never mowed a lawn. And won't.

Can't drive stick.

I don't wear blue jeans.

I don't believe in Jesus.

I am for gun control.

I don't own tools.

I don't have facial hair.

I make up for all this stuff in other ways doe. Come at the god.
this a damn shame.
i just don't care about football, maybe bc i'm a basketball junkie... but that's the one thing i always feel like i could know more about when i'm with my bros just mackin
definitely this. 

my best friend plays football in college. Cousin was in the NFL. Homies on my college (uofl) football team.

i just dont go in to specifics about it lol i'd just go to the kitchen.

but baskteball tho?? aw man. basketball fanatic. 
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I like the feeling of accomplishment after fixing or making something.

I will do everything in my power to try and get it done myself before I get someone else to do it

especially with all the information and help we have access to these days...

as far as driving stick, I don't get what's so manly about that
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