Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie (Reboot Announced)

So to confirm, this is a reboot, correct? All the Rangers before this film is no longer canon or not connected to this film in anyway?

Tommy will be Zordon.

I hope they bring back Bulk and Skull lol.
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Maybe Trini is short fo Trinidad now? :lol:

I was skeptical at the casts first but that EW picture of them conveyed too much swag.

This film officially has my blessing. Saban, don't **** this up
Trini will be short for Katrina in this iteration...

Not sure what they'll do with the Asian guy being Zachary Taylor though...
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It really isn't that far fetch if you think about it, like the pink ranger actress name is Naomi Scott but she is Indian on her moms side and British on her dads side. Looking at her other pics, she definitely strays more on the Indian side and I wouldn't have guessed her name is Naomi Scott.
Not it's not far fetched if you think about it at all.

A Latina named Trini is perfectly fine.

Lol, Zachary Taylor for an asian guy is also fine.

Let's not over think this, guys
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Ehh. There's a well known white guy named David Lee.

Kwan for a latina mgiht be a stretch, but I'ma roll with it.
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Ehh. There's a well known white guy named David Lee.

Kwan for a latina mgiht be a stretch, but I'ma roll with it.
Plenty white and black guys go by Lee actually.

It's just you find out for them the history is more like it being short for Leroy or Lee originally spelled Leigh :lol:

Aint stereotyping but I'm stereotyping when I hear the name Kwan :lol:

But hey Seinfeld taught me a chick named DonnaChang doesn't necessarily have to be Asian.
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Cool to see Adam again. I hope this new film will have cameos of some of the rangers in the past. Particularly the members from Mighty Morphin up to Zeo...Well, maybe the known rangers lol.
Girl who played Kimberly in the OG show is still fine, last time I checked

She needs a spot as someone's teacher or something
Lost Galaxy was such a weak season
I mean it wasn't the best but it did some interesting things. They seemingly killed of the pink ranger pretty early in the season. You had the magna defender storyline that was kinda similar to the silver ranger but different enough. The space station stand point.

It was def a step down from in space but still a solid season.
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