Most intense Deja Vu youve ever had?

Apr 27, 2005
Today in NYC it was a nice sunny day for a change . Im looking for a train station, headphones blaring some Jigga. Suddenly, this enormous feeling just overwhelms me. Like literally I felt it creeping up. I looked around at random things, like a fire hydrant, some stoop, a STOP sign and it all felt so familiar. I take my headphones off and just stand there for a minute, and thinking back the people around me must have thought I was a fool haha. Now im sure ive never been in that exact spot in the city ever. I shook it off and kept bout my business but this stuck with me for a while. Its happened before, but something about this time was so intense and real.

Sometimes I try and think about what could be the cause of such a phenomenom and i gather that you might have seen this scene earlier in dream, or perhaps were in a similar situation , and your mind is connecting them together, thus being sentient of both related events (in my case, walking through the city, listening to music, looking for a train station)

I find Deja Vu extremely interesting. The word translates to "already seen" but its defined as the sensation you get when in a situation, and feel like youve been there before , but in reality its never happened. So do you guys have any little stories about a Deja Vu occurence that was so strange you could have sworn it happened before ?
Deju Vu experiences always trip me out man. 

I can't think of a specific experience right now but I remember a good handful of times where I literally just stood there for a minute and thought to myself ... Wait.  I've been in this exact same situation before - same weather, same time of day, same feeling, same joke, same conversation, same same everything - and yet I can't remember when I did it.

I wish I could regale you with an exact story but it is definitely an experience that always bugged me yet fascinated me at the same time.
The craziest deja vu I had was my grandma's funeral. We were in the chruch and there was the casket. There was my uncle kneeling in the middle of the isle and I was just sitting there. And then all of a sudden Igot a rush of deja vu, like I had already experienced this months ago. I was just sitting there like Is this really happening. .crazy ishh
I wouldn't say intense experience, but I frequently get that deja vu feeling in class.
It's usually triggered by a phrase/sentence by another student, then I'm just sitting there like "I've heard this entire conversation before"...
It amazes and shocks me at the same time. I can never recall when/how I heard what the person said but I'm more than confident that I heard it before.

I'm not weird.
I've had Deja Vu so many times, usually its from a dream I had, and its the dreams that I don't really remember because they were so insignificant. Insignificant enough to become relevant and make me feel the way you described when it occurs. Its pretty fascinating @#+#
I think when you dream you see the past, present, and the future, and even alternate you's.
I was driving through a stoplight and everything was similar...i pointed out a bus stopping and picking up people.

Another I don't remember exactly...but in 3rd grade we were growing plants
, and i could've sworn we've done it before since it felt familiar, yet i never grew a plant in my life before then
Yeah i get some like if im walking thru the hall it comes to me or when im in a conversation
Ishh is weird

Feels like im in a dream
It happens to often for me to really pick 1 but it's usually a random boring dream, that become a reality. I usually feel like I'm a psychic when it happens lol
I've had deja vu plenty of times. I can't remember any exact times but I'll have a dream where I'm talking to somebody about something and then when we talk in real life it will be like a word or something that have me like "damn this is familiar"...crazy
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

 Sometimes I try and think about what could be the cause of such a phenomenom and i gather that you might have seen this scene earlier in dream, or perhaps were in a similar situation , and your mind is connecting them together
It has something to do with your brain tricking itself into thinking you have experienced these deja vu moments.
whenever i take some Flu medication its deju vu like crazy! i feel im vuing like every 10 mns
Funny tho, i dont recall ever having deja vu in my dreams
I recall one of the first times I experienced it. I was about 9 and I was at someone elses house playing with a toy train on a bed. All of a sudden I felt like I was "there before" but I couldn't explain it. So much about the mind is interesting and we will probably never fully understand it all.
i have a recurring one,, i cant quite remember what exactly it is (it supposed to be like that though right?)

but its weird as hell
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