MTV's The Challenge

This szn has been odd, lot of the OG strong teams getting washed early
I agree, I mean Bananas holds grudges we know that but to pick Zack right off the bat was strange. I also like the idea of double eliminations here and there and how they could potentially shift teams up.
I agree, I mean Bananas holds grudges we know that but to pick Zack right off the bat was strange. I also like the idea of double eliminations here and there and how they could potentially shift teams up.

Bananas spoke on this on a Podcast

Zach came into the season wanting to go home early because he had a family wedding to attend. So he told Bananas, CT & Leroy that if for whatever reason they get sent into an elimination, they could call him out and he’d throw it
I know right if I was bananas I wouldn’t want to come out explaining that, makes him
Look even weaker losing in the challenge. The fact he picked a team that was going to throw a elimination and still lost.
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I guess that’s one way to look at it. To expound further, he said Zach clearly didn’t hold up his end of the bargain and went for the win.

Zach clearly had a change of heart.

Also insinuated that Zach proceeded to throw the elimination the following week to Wes
So according to Bananas Wes and Zach were secretly working together and planned to get rid of Bananas. Then Zach was supposed to throw the elimination to him but had a change of heart and decided to actually try. After that Zach decides to call out Wes, the person he was secretly working with, and throws the elimination to him.

Dude is reaching hard and just upset he got eliminated early, especially with Wes being the one to “mastermind” it.

Also he’s probably playing everything up and trying to get Zach as a future partner for another Rivals or Vendetta season.
Not sure how that would benefit Zach in the long run. I wanna know how much these cats are getting paid to be on these shows per person. Obviously Bananas is making more bank than most at this point.
So according to Bananas Wes and Zach were secretly working together and planned to get rid of Bananas. Then Zach was supposed to throw the elimination to him but had a change of heart and decided to actually try. After that Zach decides to call out Wes, the person he was secretly working with, and throws the elimination to him.

Dude is reaching hard and just upset he got eliminated early, especially with Wes being the one to “mastermind” it.

Also he’s probably playing everything up and trying to get Zach as a future partner for another Rivals or Vendetta season.

He was pretty happy and casual on the Podcast talking about all of this.

But I guess you can run with the whole he’s upset angle
What podcast is this stuff on?

Challenge Mania.

Road Rules Derrick is one of the hosts. He can be hard to listen to when he starts endlessly rambling.

But it definitely fills in some gaps about things that have happened in the history of the show.

CT/Bananas get at least 50,000 just to show up.

That Josh guy from Big Brother was on it last week, and it sound like they threw him a hefty bag to show up. Hunter was big mad when he found out about how much he was getting

And Bananas is smashing those Morgan cheeks to smithereens. She made a quick cameo during his interview
Challenge Mania.

Road Rules Derrick is one of the hosts. He can be hard to listen to when he starts endlessly rambling.

But it definitely fills in some gaps about things that have happened in the history of the show.

CT/Bananas get at least 50,000 just to show up.

That Josh guy from Big Brother was on it last week, and it sound like they threw him a hefty bag to show up. Hunter was big mad when he found out about how much he was getting

And Bananas is smashing those Morgan cheeks to smithereens. She made a quick cameo during his interview

How do you know he’s hitting it like that? With that much emphasis?
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