My friend is being charged with grand theft...

I have no brothers.

Three ipads go missing and they saw him with a brown box in his hands on camera. Two He accepted a shipment of one ipad and he put it away in a locked cabinet. Two other people work in his area and one was on vacation. My friend goes on vacation and when the lady who was previously on vacation is asked about the device she says there is none. I guess he must have sent it to a purchaser or he put it in the right place. That set everything off. So when he came back he was confronted about it. He denied everything. Today he admits he took one. His boss tells him to go the conference room and two detectives walk in shortly and take him to the precint. He calls me from the precint on his cell phone and tells me to go pick his bookbag up. This is at 1 30. I show up at 3 30 and they tell me he hasnt come in yet. I find this odd. So i go take care of some of my errands near by in case I get a call. So I come home and at 9 30 I get a call from him from jail (weird jail that has a phone in the cell). He tells me to call his gf. I do, she is very angry. When he called me last he said he was going to see the judge in an hour or so.

My friend might not be the smartest person in the world. But, he is my friend and you need to help people out even when mistakes happen. I'm hoping his bail is not more than a couple thousand.
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Exactly. I'll help my friends through anything except rape and murder.
But I don't think you can do anything in this situation. They're gonna find out.
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by J23S

Don't do the crime....

if you cant do the time.

its the truth though, your friend is an idiot so i dont know why your helping him out.

So you can't help a friend out when he makes a mistake?? Hes in jail thats when he needs someone the most... dudes on NT getting mad for helping friends
Exactly. I'll help my friends through anything except rape and murder.
But I don't think you can do anything in this situation. They're gonna find out.
Originally Posted by Wikipedia

I have no brothers.

Three ipads go missing and they saw him with a brown box in his hands on camera. Two He accepted a shipment of one ipad and he put it away in a locked cabinet. Two other people work in his area and one was on vacation. My friend goes on vacation and when the lady who was previously on vacation is asked about the device she says there is none. I guess he must have sent it to a purchaser or he put it in the right place. That set everything off. So when he came back he was confronted about it. He denied everything. Today he admits he took one. His boss tells him to go the conference room and two detectives walk in shortly and take him to the precint. He calls me from the precint on his cell phone and tells me to go pick his bookbag up. This is at 1 30. I show up at 3 30 and they tell me he hasnt come in yet. I find this odd. So i go take care of some of my errands near by in case I get a call. So I come home and at 9 30 I get a call from him from jail (weird jail that has a phone in the cell). He tells me to call his gf. I do, she is very angry. When he called me last he said he was going to see the judge in an hour or so.

My friend might not be the smartest person in the world. But, he is my friend and you need to help people out even when mistakes happen. I'm hoping his bail is not more than a couple thousand.
How old is he? I have no idea about his relationship with his parents so i won't say he should tell them but in most cases hiding something like that is pointless cause we they find out later it will just make them even more upset.

If bail is needed you should just contact a bail bonds place. They will pay the entire cost of the bail and he will owe then about 10% of the total which is a good deal in most cases. In all honesty there isn't much you can really do other then bail bonds and a lawyer if you guys can afford it. Public defenders are useless.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

I have no brothers.

Three ipads go missing and they saw him with a brown box in his hands on camera. Two He accepted a shipment of one ipad and he put it away in a locked cabinet. Two other people work in his area and one was on vacation. My friend goes on vacation and when the lady who was previously on vacation is asked about the device she says there is none. I guess he must have sent it to a purchaser or he put it in the right place. That set everything off. So when he came back he was confronted about it. He denied everything. Today he admits he took one. His boss tells him to go the conference room and two detectives walk in shortly and take him to the precint. He calls me from the precint on his cell phone and tells me to go pick his bookbag up. This is at 1 30. I show up at 3 30 and they tell me he hasnt come in yet. I find this odd. So i go take care of some of my errands near by in case I get a call. So I come home and at 9 30 I get a call from him from jail (weird jail that has a phone in the cell). He tells me to call his gf. I do, she is very angry. When he called me last he said he was going to see the judge in an hour or so.

My friend might not be the smartest person in the world. But, he is my friend and you need to help people out even when mistakes happen. I'm hoping his bail is not more than a couple thousand.
How old is he? I have no idea about his relationship with his parents so i won't say he should tell them but in most cases hiding something like that is pointless cause we they find out later it will just make them even more upset.

If bail is needed you should just contact a bail bonds place. They will pay the entire cost of the bail and he will owe then about 10% of the total which is a good deal in most cases. In all honesty there isn't much you can really do other then bail bonds and a lawyer if you guys can afford it. Public defenders are useless.

Man didn't he just keep on denying it?
You should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER admit to any wrong doing. The burden of proof lies on them.
Man didn't he just keep on denying it?
You should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER admit to any wrong doing. The burden of proof lies on them.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Just help him make bail, then worry about finding an attorney and etc.
had a similar(but different) situation in my past.

we were blazin in my buddys dorm room one day.  i guess one of his neighbors got annoyed and called campus police.  no less than 5 minutes after i walked out, campus police rolled up and searched his room.  unlucky for him, one of his other friends stashed his supply of meth there (since that friend was paranoid that the cops were closing in on him).  My boy got hit with felony posession and intent to distribute.  Campus police took him in, transferred him over to Long Beach PD where they took him downtown for processing.  His roommate immediately called me as we all scrambled to get him out of jail and keep it from his parents.

what went down:

I immediately drove over to the jail to see if I could get in touch with him.  Like you said, it took awhile for processing and I was unable to get in contact with him til the next morning.  I made the necessary calls (to his girl, to our other boys, etc...) and then got in touch with a bail bondsman.  By the next morning, I was able to visit him in jail for a few minutes and he told me that he had already gone before a judge and that bail had been set at $25,000 (for some BS posession charge).  Luckily, one of our boys is fairly wealthy and we were able to convince him to front the $2,500 for the bondsman, since the jailed friend said he would eventually pay him back.  By around 4p the next day he was released with a court date to return.

We were able to keep the whole incident from his parents somewhow.  A lot of it had to do with the fact that he wasnt living at home (was on campus) and therefore all his mail from the courts came to the school address.  Furthermore, all his court dates were at the local court, and his parents did not know what he did on a day to day basis (they just assumed he went to class like a normal college kid).  He did not spring for an attorney (couldnt afford one, especially after being $2,500 in the hole).  Even with a public defender he was able to work out a plea to serve no jail time (since he had no priors, first offender).  I am not sure if he ended up pleading guilty to a felony charge or if they reduced it to a misdemeanor, but all in all it wasnt as bad as it could have been.  He had to do a ton of community service and take drug abuse classes for the next 6 months (as well as pay for court costs).

It can be done OP.  your boy might be able to keep it from his parents, but the circumstances have to be right.  If he still lives at home with the parents, NO CHANCE.

whatever the case, first things first.  spring him from jail.  gather up the cash and pay the bondsman the 10% if you guys cant afford the full bail.

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Just help him make bail, then worry about finding an attorney and etc.
had a similar(but different) situation in my past.

we were blazin in my buddys dorm room one day.  i guess one of his neighbors got annoyed and called campus police.  no less than 5 minutes after i walked out, campus police rolled up and searched his room.  unlucky for him, one of his other friends stashed his supply of meth there (since that friend was paranoid that the cops were closing in on him).  My boy got hit with felony posession and intent to distribute.  Campus police took him in, transferred him over to Long Beach PD where they took him downtown for processing.  His roommate immediately called me as we all scrambled to get him out of jail and keep it from his parents.

what went down:

I immediately drove over to the jail to see if I could get in touch with him.  Like you said, it took awhile for processing and I was unable to get in contact with him til the next morning.  I made the necessary calls (to his girl, to our other boys, etc...) and then got in touch with a bail bondsman.  By the next morning, I was able to visit him in jail for a few minutes and he told me that he had already gone before a judge and that bail had been set at $25,000 (for some BS posession charge).  Luckily, one of our boys is fairly wealthy and we were able to convince him to front the $2,500 for the bondsman, since the jailed friend said he would eventually pay him back.  By around 4p the next day he was released with a court date to return.

We were able to keep the whole incident from his parents somewhow.  A lot of it had to do with the fact that he wasnt living at home (was on campus) and therefore all his mail from the courts came to the school address.  Furthermore, all his court dates were at the local court, and his parents did not know what he did on a day to day basis (they just assumed he went to class like a normal college kid).  He did not spring for an attorney (couldnt afford one, especially after being $2,500 in the hole).  Even with a public defender he was able to work out a plea to serve no jail time (since he had no priors, first offender).  I am not sure if he ended up pleading guilty to a felony charge or if they reduced it to a misdemeanor, but all in all it wasnt as bad as it could have been.  He had to do a ton of community service and take drug abuse classes for the next 6 months (as well as pay for court costs).

It can be done OP.  your boy might be able to keep it from his parents, but the circumstances have to be right.  If he still lives at home with the parents, NO CHANCE.

whatever the case, first things first.  spring him from jail.  gather up the cash and pay the bondsman the 10% if you guys cant afford the full bail.

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