My friend is being charged with grand theft...

I immediately thought of that thread last week "My friend accidentally brought his gun to New York" and figured they were connected. 
I immediately thought of that thread last week "My friend accidentally brought his gun to New York" and figured they were connected. 
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

My friend turns 24 next week.

{ i dont feel bad for him at all. at 24 you should definitely know better. 

Grown man stealing from work. smh. he work at bestbuy?

Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by Wikipedia

My friend turns 24 next week.

{ i dont feel bad for him at all. at 24 you should definitely know better. 

Grown man stealing from work. smh. he work at bestbuy?

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Just help him make bail, then worry about finding an attorney and etc.
had a similar(but different) situation in my past.

we were blazin in my buddys dorm room one day.  i guess one of his neighbors got annoyed and called campus police.  no less than 5 minutes after i walked out, campus police rolled up and searched his room.  unlucky for him, one of his other friends stashed his supply of meth there (since that friend was paranoid that the cops were closing in on him).  My boy got hit with felony posession and intent to distribute.  Campus police took him in, transferred him over to Long Beach PD where they took him downtown for processing.  His roommate immediately called me as we all scrambled to get him out of jail and keep it from his parents.

what went down:

I immediately drove over to the jail to see if I could get in touch with him.  Like you said, it took awhile for processing and I was unable to get in contact with him til the next morning.  I made the necessary calls (to his girl, to our other boys, etc...) and then got in touch with a bail bondsman.  By the next morning, I was able to visit him in jail for a few minutes and he told me that he had already gone before a judge and that bail had been set at $25,000 (for some BS posession charge).  Luckily, one of our boys is fairly wealthy and we were able to convince him to front the $2,500 for the bondsman, since the jailed friend said he would eventually pay him back.  By around 4p the next day he was released with a court date to return.

We were able to keep the whole incident from his parents somewhow.  A lot of it had to do with the fact that he wasnt living at home (was on campus) and therefore all his mail from the courts came to the school address.  Furthermore, all his court dates were at the local court, and his parents did not know what he did on a day to day basis (they just assumed he went to class like a normal college kid).  He did not spring for an attorney (couldnt afford one, especially after being $2,500 in the hole).  Even with a public defender he was able to work out a plea to serve no jail time (since he had no priors, first offender).  I am not sure if he ended up pleading guilty to a felony charge or if they reduced it to a misdemeanor, but all in all it wasnt as bad as it could have been.  He had to do a ton of community service and take drug abuse classes for the next 6 months (as well as pay for court costs).

It can be done OP.  your boy might be able to keep it from his parents, but the circumstances have to be right.  If he still lives at home with the parents, NO CHANCE.

whatever the case, first things first.  spring him from jail.  gather up the cash and pay the bondsman the 10% if you guys cant afford the full bail.


Ur boy is stupid OP. Only silver lining is him gettin released on ROR w/ no bail binding he doesn't have a record. His parents gon find out soon or later. Wit that said, it's best that he tell em before someone else does
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Just help him make bail, then worry about finding an attorney and etc.
had a similar(but different) situation in my past.

we were blazin in my buddys dorm room one day.  i guess one of his neighbors got annoyed and called campus police.  no less than 5 minutes after i walked out, campus police rolled up and searched his room.  unlucky for him, one of his other friends stashed his supply of meth there (since that friend was paranoid that the cops were closing in on him).  My boy got hit with felony posession and intent to distribute.  Campus police took him in, transferred him over to Long Beach PD where they took him downtown for processing.  His roommate immediately called me as we all scrambled to get him out of jail and keep it from his parents.

what went down:

I immediately drove over to the jail to see if I could get in touch with him.  Like you said, it took awhile for processing and I was unable to get in contact with him til the next morning.  I made the necessary calls (to his girl, to our other boys, etc...) and then got in touch with a bail bondsman.  By the next morning, I was able to visit him in jail for a few minutes and he told me that he had already gone before a judge and that bail had been set at $25,000 (for some BS posession charge).  Luckily, one of our boys is fairly wealthy and we were able to convince him to front the $2,500 for the bondsman, since the jailed friend said he would eventually pay him back.  By around 4p the next day he was released with a court date to return.

We were able to keep the whole incident from his parents somewhow.  A lot of it had to do with the fact that he wasnt living at home (was on campus) and therefore all his mail from the courts came to the school address.  Furthermore, all his court dates were at the local court, and his parents did not know what he did on a day to day basis (they just assumed he went to class like a normal college kid).  He did not spring for an attorney (couldnt afford one, especially after being $2,500 in the hole).  Even with a public defender he was able to work out a plea to serve no jail time (since he had no priors, first offender).  I am not sure if he ended up pleading guilty to a felony charge or if they reduced it to a misdemeanor, but all in all it wasnt as bad as it could have been.  He had to do a ton of community service and take drug abuse classes for the next 6 months (as well as pay for court costs).

It can be done OP.  your boy might be able to keep it from his parents, but the circumstances have to be right.  If he still lives at home with the parents, NO CHANCE.

whatever the case, first things first.  spring him from jail.  gather up the cash and pay the bondsman the 10% if you guys cant afford the full bail.


Ur boy is stupid OP. Only silver lining is him gettin released on ROR w/ no bail binding he doesn't have a record. His parents gon find out soon or later. Wit that said, it's best that he tell em before someone else does
Originally Posted by CWrite78

wiki it

got 'em
edit:... dude is 24 and the maine thing he's worried about is when his mommy and daddy find out?

sounds like a total loser 
The last thing he should be worried about is his parents finding out. He's a grown $## man.

I understand that a ton of people are guilty of taking things from work, but it's usually like pens or something stupid and small. But an iPad? Come on man.
. Things of that nature don't just get overlooked and then stock right back up like when the office gets low on sticky notes.
The last thing he should be worried about is his parents finding out. He's a grown $## man.

I understand that a ton of people are guilty of taking things from work, but it's usually like pens or something stupid and small. But an iPad? Come on man.
. Things of that nature don't just get overlooked and then stock right back up like when the office gets low on sticky notes.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Man didn't he just keep on denying it?
You should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER admit to any wrong doing. The burden of proof lies on them.
true words there..first 48 taught me that

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Man didn't he just keep on denying it?
You should NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER admit to any wrong doing. The burden of proof lies on them.
true words there..first 48 taught me that

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