Mysterious Death In North Carolina

Aug 6, 2012
Very little coverage for this story

"Friday, August 29 was a big day for Lennon Lacy. His high school football team, the West Bladen Knights, was taking on the West Columbus Vikings and Lacy, 17, was determined to make his mark. He’d been training all summer for the start of the season, running up and down the bleachers at the school stadium wearing a 65-pound exercise jacket. Whenever his mother could afford it, he borrowed $7 and spent the day working out at the Bladenboro gym, building himself up to more than 200 pounds. As for the future, he had it all planned out: this year he’d become a starting linebacker on the varsity team, next year he’d earn a scholarship to play football in college, and four years after that he’d achieve the dream he’d had since he was a child—to make it in the NFL.




But Lacy never made it to the game that night. At 7.30am on Friday – exactly 12 hours before the game was scheduled to start – he was found hanging from a swingset about a quarter of a mile from his home. His tight-knit family was thrown into despair, and a question echoed around the streets of the tiny town of Bladenboro, North Carolina: what had happened to Lennon Lacy?



Five days later, the investigating team, consisting of local police and detectives from the state bureau of investigation, told the family it had found no evidence of foul play. There was no mention of suicide, but the implication was clear...."


When his dad told him to go to bed for the big game tomorrow he responded "OK,daddy" (who says daddy at that age?).

He was found at the near by playground.

Something happened that brought him back to his early childhood and messed him all up.
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Reminds me of that kid that was "stuck" in that wrestling mat.

exactly what i was gonna say

but this is a little different since it was out of school. that story still got me mad where police and everyone thought the kid put himself in the mat and killed himself :smh:

what the hell man, this got me sad and confused. i wanna know what happened to the kid, SMH

RIP to him
So he was found wearing size 10.5 sneakers that were not his, and his new, size 12 J's are missing? And the cops didn't investigate further? Sheesh. :smh:
It's not exactly easy to overtake a 200 linebacker that regularly ran shuttles with 65lb weight jackets, and hang never know the internal struggles somebody that looks like they have it all, is going through...No telling how much pressure his fam was putting on him to take care of them and give them the life they've always wanted.
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It's not exactly easy to overtake a 200 linebacker that regularly ran shuttles with 65lb weight jackets, and hang never know the internal struggles somebody that looks like they have it all, is going through...No telling how much pressure his fam was putting on him to take care of them and give them the life they've always wanted.

True indeed. There was a local kid around here that was a top 5 football recruit that killed himself last week. Dude appeared to have everything going for him from the outside looking in.

But that still doesn't explain the abrasions, bumps on his face and the fact he was wearing someone else's shoes that weren't his size.
So he was found wearing size 10.5 sneakers that were not his, and his new, size 12 J's are missing? And the cops didn't investigate further? Sheesh. :smh:

completely ignored that part :x

but to rob someone and hang em like that tho for sneakers that would have to be deeper, like there has to be a motive behind that and more that one person to do all that.

About two years ago a girl hung heself at our local park around my way kind of reminds me of this no letter left behind no motive for her to do what she did or anyone to suspect foul play, some people just crumble underpressure tho :smh:

either way rip to the young man
For several months before he died, he was in a relationship with a white woman, Michelle Brimhall, who lives directly opposite the Lacy family home. The liaison with Brimhall raised eyebrows because, at 31, she was almost twice his age. (The age of consent in North Carolina is 16.)

“Everybody was going on to me because he was 17 and I am 31,” Brimhall told the Guardian. “We told people we weren’t seeing each other so they would stop giving us trouble.”

The Lacy family said that Brimhall had split up with Lacy a couple of weeks before he died and that she had a new boyfriend. But she denied that. “We were still together, I did not break up with him,” she said. “I had never had a man treated me as good as he did, and I probably will never find another.”

Brimhall said she did not notice any hostility toward them as a mixed-race couple. But she is convinced that Lennon did not take his own life. “No, Lennon did not kill himself. He loved his mother so much, he would never put her through that.”

She added: “I want to know who did it. I want them to suffer.”

Her ex prolly caught those feels, got his boy, and they emmit tilled the homie. smh

A white couple, Carla Hudson and Dewey Sykes, live in a trailer home right behind the Lacy house. Soon after Lennon died his family learned that a few years ago Sykes and Hudson had been instructed by police to remove from their front lawn a number of Confederate flags and signs saying “******* keep out."

The Guardian asked the couple why they had put up the signs. Sykes said that it was his idea. “There were some kids who ganged up on our kid and I put some signs up.” Asked whether he now regretted doing so, he replied: “Yeah, I regret it now.”

Carla Hudson said she had begged her husband to take the signs down. “I told him he had to stop that. It wasn’t how I saw things – there’s not a racist bone in my body.”

or these racist *****. Any number of things could have happened. Or, Lennon could have done himself in. Hopefully forensics finds out.
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didnt see the shoe part... :smh:

so he went stole someones shoes that were too small and hung himself..?

this is like 3.5 hours east of me here in NC. Local news here hasn't talked about this but I'm in a different region of the state. Big news here is this devil worshiping dude who had two people buried in his backyard 
this is like 3.5 hours east of me here in NC. Local news here hasn't talked about this but I'm in a different region of the state. Big news here is this devil worshiping dude who had two people buried in his backyard 
That's crazy that your own state isn't even covering this. Crazy how these big news stations just flat out ignores things.
Also notice how that dude is 17 and the girl is 31 yet they're described as being in a relationship. Switch genders and the attitude changes.
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