Nike Air Yeezy Thread Vol 4.. Net/Net 2 weeks till release....6/6/2009

Originally Posted by Jcool813

wow i called the number and it said they were sold out. but how i was on all nite

Nike employees get theirs first, and we get the leftovers.

That is why there is never a FSR on there.

thats all the people in line right now
NDC on some BS - i called again and the rep told to hit up my local HOH becuz they wont sell anymore
Originally Posted by waldoaz

^^^They will res-ell good but not better the the other two. Right now they are only going for $600-650 because of hype. they will go down after tomorrow.^^^
exactly... both the zens and the black & pinks were going for waaaaay more this time b4 their release...

the hype's just on blast right now, and even still they're only fetching $600 - $650... but they really will be the lowest of the 3 in terms of resellafter the hype calms down this weekend...
Well I know I called and the nike rep asked for my sz and told me that they would not be for sell on ndc and none of the cw's have and that my best bet wasto go to HOH and to get a wristband. If it wasnt for the fact that I've actually seen people post pics of their reciepts and order confirmations from ndcafter their pickup, I might have believed her.
I guess I was a fool to think that I ever had a chance of buying any of these Yeezys online or @ retail anywhere NO MATTER WHAT I DID! I dont know about any1else, especially those in areas where no retailers carry exclusives, but Im glad its FINALLY OVER. I spent alot of time & $ on this Air Yeezy Pack. But itsthe kinda thing that Ill keep 4ever.
& if they already did go on sale on NDC then where is the net Icon?, both the zen & black r there & "sold out" but NO nets. & 2nd forthose who claim to have bought them 2day show us a screen shot or some proof.
Originally Posted by AlbanyDom

& if they already did go on sale on NDC then where is the net Icon?, both the zen & black r there & "sold out" but NO nets. & 2nd for those who claim to have bought them 2day show us a screen shot or some proof.

all I know is when NDC said the Zens were sold out they were gone, when they said the Blinks were sold out they were gone, & now they're saying theNets r sold out so they're . . .
heres the line over at compound in portland oregon. but this was shot just befor the tornado warrning and lightning so those guy are still upthere �
this is really bull.

is nike doing anything wrong, legally, by releasing them with no notice and early?
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