NT Advice

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Ok, so you're not a bad looking kid. Just go to the party wanting to have a good time and don't go just to collect numbers or to hook up with girls. If a girl wants to hook up with you, she'll let you know in one way or another.

There is nothing worse than being THAT DUDE that all the girls feel awkward being around and whisper about at school on Monday morning.

I partially agree with katie, and kind of know what the op is going through. But Katie you're sending him into the ring to box with out teaching him how not to telegraph a punch or read an opponent.
My best advice is to become the guy at school who hops from crowd to crowd during lunch getting to know everybody at school but don't try too hard cause it will become awkward.
The easiest way to do this is meet one person out of each group during class because it's easier to converse about the curriculum which will lead to you befriending them and deeper convos, then at lunch go say what's up to them and 9/10 they'll introduce you to their friends.
It'll help you in three ways 1. less awkward situations at parties 2. you know some females so you can recognize changes in their demeanor 3. you will be invited to more parties. And op remember that the more awkward situations you put your self in the less awkward they become over time.
 And if a girl doesn't bite on your bait don't trip, just become friends with her and let her get to know you a bit she'll either warm up to you or find you a friend that fits you.

cliff notes:
  • meet new people that you normally wouldn't chill with
  • Do so by meeting them during class
  • Then chill with them at lunch and meet their friends
  • Put yourself in socially awkward situations to become less affected by them
  • If you meet at a girl and sense she isn't feeling you the same way don't give up cause you can always pull her or her friends later
  • And when at a party eye contact is a battle of dominance you look away you lose but maintain a sly smile like she's already yours
  • Always have something light hearted and corny to say, females love to laugh and use that as a convo opener and sinker(never walk away with the last word)
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Who asked you for pics?
this made me laugh for some reason. like a parent talking to a child... "did i tell you to post pics damnit?...DID I huh?"
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Who asked you for pics?
this made me laugh for some reason. like a parent talking to a child... "did i tell you to post pics damnit?...DID I huh?"
JET5FOO1 wrote:  Stupid decisions lead to funny stories. 


Whatever you do, DON'T listen to this guy. 

Stupid decisions will get you 25 years to LIFE!
Just start off with a nice converation and see what she likes and what she's into. If your into that stuff too then go with it
Just start off with a nice converation and see what she likes and what she's into. If your into that stuff too then go with it
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

LOL @ your cliff notes being just as long as your advice ahaha!

You're right though.

Thank you Katie, and somethings you can't short wind my bad though
Originally Posted by Kramer

Just start off with a nice converation and see what she likes and what she's into. If your into that stuff too then go with it
Nobody wants to do all of that at a damn party.

You freak first, ask questions later.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

LOL @ your cliff notes being just as long as your advice ahaha!

You're right though.

Thank you Katie, and somethings you can't short wind my bad though
Originally Posted by Kramer

Just start off with a nice converation and see what she likes and what she's into. If your into that stuff too then go with it
Nobody wants to do all of that at a damn party.

You freak first, ask questions later.
Aiyo cut the Lil homie some slack. He 16. He just tryna ask yall "experts" how 2 get dat cutty. Pm me Lil homie
Aiyo cut the Lil homie some slack. He 16. He just tryna ask yall "experts" how 2 get dat cutty. Pm me Lil homie
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

JET5FOO1 wrote:  Stupid decisions lead to funny stories. 


Whatever you do, DON'T listen to this guy. 

Stupid decisions will get you 25 years to LIFE!

lmao... I didnt say make stupid decisions. I just said they lead to funny stories. PLEASE DONT RAPE ANYONE! 
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

JET5FOO1 wrote:  Stupid decisions lead to funny stories. 


Whatever you do, DON'T listen to this guy. 

Stupid decisions will get you 25 years to LIFE!

lmao... I didnt say make stupid decisions. I just said they lead to funny stories. PLEASE DONT RAPE ANYONE! 
ask her to dance. she either says yes or no.

just dance on her than talk (i hate this method and never really do it I think its weak / weird but I have done so before)

talk to her than ask her to dance.

just talk to her and bag a #.

just talk to her than go in for a kiss which would be eye contact and 75% lead in with lips if she doesn't meet you the other 25 or pulls away etc than its whatever cant win em all

if she kisses you you can either let it marinate for a few more and see if she tryna go back to the crib

or when you're a season veteran you'll learn about the inner thigh and other pro moves (warning this is where the rape line is very thin)
ask her to dance. she either says yes or no.

just dance on her than talk (i hate this method and never really do it I think its weak / weird but I have done so before)

talk to her than ask her to dance.

just talk to her and bag a #.

just talk to her than go in for a kiss which would be eye contact and 75% lead in with lips if she doesn't meet you the other 25 or pulls away etc than its whatever cant win em all

if she kisses you you can either let it marinate for a few more and see if she tryna go back to the crib

or when you're a season veteran you'll learn about the inner thigh and other pro moves (warning this is where the rape line is very thin)
People really ask people to dance? Just get up on her and go to work man. If she is interested, she will dance. No point of wasting words ASKING. It is a party, it is fair game.
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