NT, do you know your license plate number?

Nov 26, 2009
So, I was having this discussion with a few people at work, and was amazed that they didn't know what their license plate number is. I thought it was something that everybody should know for the sake of it. I mean, it's only 6 letters/numbers to remember. 
Do you guys know your license plate number by heart?
I know my old one but since these new plates i always forget to look at it. Im gonna do it when i leave work.
yup.. mine is easy.

how many people have custom vanity plates? i know it's not much but i wouldn't want to pay yearly for it.
Originally Posted by useref15

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

No. And this isn't really tread worthy.

Then why post? There are tons of other bs threads asking questions. 

So you decide to make another one? Makes absolutely no sense. Should've just posted this in the "thread about nothing". It's your world tho homeboy, do what you do.
I learned to memorize them after my car got towed [illegal parking].
I thought it was stolen at first so i called the local PD , they asked for my plate # ...told them i didnt know
I do, but I have vanity plates. To answer the guy who posted above, at least in TX, you don't pay every year. Well, I think you can, but that would cost a lot more. They have tiered pricing so one year is something like $250, five years $500, and ten years $600.
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