NT: How do y'all deal with nightmare bosses?

Dec 24, 2002
My boss is seriously on some other ##%. (kinda long)

Basically, I had one boss, the owner of my store, but he decided to take on 2 partners, one of which is now my direct superior. My first boss (original owner) wanted to take a step back from the Operations side of the company but he is still a 50% owner.

Anyway, the store I run has had all sorts of problems since before I became the GM of the store. Equipment and system malfunctions are the biggest issue which cause loss of product, and everything breaks down on a weekly basis. Original boss knows all about this and knows that we spent months trying to get it under control. The final result was that we could not solve the problem but try and get the "symptoms" under control, however every once in awhile, things go haywire again and I can't stop it.

Well we just had another cycle of this recently, and new boss wrote me up for it. I gave a 2.5 page response to my write up addressing all the things he wrote me up for and explaining how it's been an on-going problem and original boss knows this. I even offered up 4 months worth of emails between me, the owner and the CEO of our company showing that this had been a problem before he even joined the company. I even spoke to him on the phone about it and he said he understood, yet he still gave me the write-up anyway. Another thing he does is that if I make a small mistake, say on my inventory where I forget to fill in a space, he won't tell me about it so that I can correct the mistake, but will still hold it against me.

I was having an issue on my inventory and called to ask him about it and he said "That's because you're entering the information wrong. You've done it the last 3 weeks and every time I have to go in and correct it." yet not once did he call and tell me that I entered the numbers wrong or show me how to correct it.
How can you expect me to correct something if you don't tell me that it's wrong?

He seriously has no social skills or know how to talk to people. He asks me for marketing ideas and if I give him one and he doesn't like it, he's laugh at me, roll his eyes or tell me that it's the stupidest idea he's ever heard and then when I don't offer up ideas anymore (because I'm tired of getting that reaction) then he gets on my case about why I'm not offering up marketing ideas. I really feel like he just doesn't like me and is trying to look for every way he can to fire me by giving me bogus write-ups. I need this job because I make great money and get a company car to drive, but I'm so tired of dealing with him and go to work stressed. Plus I'm afraid if he fires me, I won't be able to get unemployment and I'll be %%% out. I want to go talk to my original boss about this because he knows that the stuff going on in the store isn't my fault, but I don't want it to look like I'm running behind new bosses back to tattle. What should I do?

Cliffs notes:
Original boss took on partners
New boss is an @%*@+%% who writes me up for stuff that I can't control
I'm afraid he's looking for reasons to fire me
I'm scared I won't get unemployment if he does fire me
I want to talk to original boss about new boss but don't wanna get in trouble for tattling
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Title had me like, "Damn, you got bosses at the end of your dreams you gotta fight?" 

I needed that laugh. Thank you. I didn't even realize it read like that.
find a new job.  also you'll get unemployment if you're fired as long as you can prove that you weren't being insubordinate/not handling the job correctly
I would write down the problems occurringand ask the real boss how to solve them. Do as og boss says and when supervisor complains shrug and say its what the boss told me to do.
Talk to them. That is all you can do. let them know that you won't be punked, disrespected, or fooled with. It worked for me. That is all you can do man.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Title had me like, "Damn, you got bosses at the end of your dreams you gotta fight?" 


I read it as: "How do y'all deal with nightmares, bosses?"  I like being called a bawse, but in the end i fail at reading comprehension.  feels bad man


Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

find a new job.  also you'll get unemployment if you're fired as long as you can prove that you weren't being insubordinate/not handling the job correctly

Trust me, I'm looking but it's hard as hell. I'm in Socal and the job market here is not good.

Currently, I'm keeping a written record of everything that's happening and I've printed out all the past emails I have documenting the troubles with the store just so I have them. My assistant manager has also said he would write a witness statement for me if I need him to.

One of the things on my write-up was that I failed to fax in my daily paid-outs. I faxed them in every day, which my ASM saw me do, I had the fax confirmation page for them and he still didn't want to admit that maybe it was a problem with his fax machine and take it off the write-up.
My best suggestion is to be professional and as nice to him as possible, at the same time, look for a new job, so that your current manager(s) could be references.
Just tell him how you feel.

Maybe that's too straight forward if his people skills are lacking.

Try to be his friend, not his employee. Don't suck up, but treat him like he matters and then address these issues.

If you attack full on, he might get offended and get you fired, even if the old boss KNOWS you're a good worker. Do what you got to do to get him on your side and then let the truth be known.

No reason you have to put up with his BS.
My current supervisory was an @#$ in my first couple of months. I swear I was about to punch dude in the face when he got on my face and it was really uncalled for. However, now he's still an @#$ but I guess I got used to it. Although it doesn't really make the situation better, I just try to zone out and do my work. Needless to say I'm keeping my option open for new opportunities in other companies.
Work your god damned @%# off.

Be the best employee he/she has ever seen.

Make him RELY on you.

Continue to take control by accepting responsibility.

....then walk off during a critical moment.
I also feel the need the mention that it's hard because he micro manages the hell out of me. It's hard to do my job and run the store because I'm constantly back in the office sending emails every time there's a certain amount of product loss, calling him every time I have to call a repair man, sending the same email three times in three different ways because he needs the same information more than once. He asks me to send weekly emails telling him what we're doing n the store for marketing (the same #*$$ we were doing last week because you won't let us actually spend any money on any real PR/marketing)

In my write-up he listed that I did not inform him immediately of product loss, so now since he gave me no set guidelines for doing so I email him for the littlest things just to cover my $%#. On the flip side of that, he then acts frustrated that I email him all the time and treats me like I can't run my store because I call/email him for every thing.

It's just annoying going into the store every day to put my inventory in because there's that stressful moment where I'm like "Oh my god, please don't be a large shortage today because I'll get another write-up if there is." It's like this, every damn day.
BTW, he also makes me do a daily inventory and a weekly inventory on top of it.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Work your god damned @%# off.

Be the best employee he/she has ever seen.

Make him RELY on you.

Continue to take control by accepting responsibility.

....then walk off during a critical moment.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Work your god damned @%# off.

Be the best employee he/she has ever seen.

Make him RELY on you.

Continue to take control by accepting responsibility.

....then walk off during a critical moment.

Oh make no mistake. If I walked in tomorrow, gave a "@$%! yo couch!" speech and walked out, they would be screwed. As many issues as the store has now, it would be even worse without me. I run a tight ship and work my +!$ off for this company and I know my worth. Real talk.
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