NT I'm trapped being blacks hurts

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:lol: @ people giving actual advice.

Your avy sucks, I want to hit that guy so bad and I don't even know who he is. I truly hate you, you've been a thorn in my side for a very long time ...to the point I'm willing to pay you to fight me in person. 

$2,500 plus hotel and travel expenses...I really want to hurt you bad, like break a part of your face.

Would stream the PPV.
@ people giving actual advice.
Your avy sucks, I want to hit that guy so bad and I don't even know who he is. I truly hate you, you've been a thorn in my side for a very long time ...to the point I'm willing to pay you to fight me in person. 

$2,500 plus hotel and travel expenses...I really want to hurt you bad, like break a part of your face.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it...
WHY did I know it would be Nomad Revere once I looked at the thread title.

Nomad, you're obviously an intelligent and knowledgable man and I will always respect someone like that. But you just need to stop worrying so much about things and just flat out live life.
I am the angry black guy... I'm the one who randomly knocks out white people, makes statistics out of gorgeous non-black women, I sell drugs, I pimp the system, I will shoot you in the ******g face without hesitation....I rap, I walk around like the world owes me something, I hate white people, if they try to challenge my right to hate I will crush them with overwhelming empirical evidence of my plight. If there is a GOD he's cruel, and the worst comedian I've ever heard of.
LOL at this Nomad clown. Spewin drunk nonsense. No one cares. You have a long history of ducktales and now all of your racial insecurities make so much more sense. No one will ever take you seriously ever again (not that they did in the first place), when you complain or comment about anything being racist. You called out somebody who said Rhianna was ugly and immediately said they were racist. That was a dumb assumption that made you look even stupider. And your true colors shined thru in this thread when you said that you hate white people.

You are just a piece of trash if that is how you think. You claim racial injustice yet harbor racist morals yourself. You are a hypocrite....a sad, worthless, lying, attention-needing hypocrite that has zero credibility on this forum, especially after this post right here. 

Stop being a victim. This world doesn't hate you because you're black. You hate you because you're black. We hate you because you're trash. All the successful black people in this country didn't get there by complaining about social injustices. You exaggerate racism in this country to no end. No one said it doesn't exist...but you make it so much bigger than it is. Quit crying. BTW OUR PRESIDENT IS BLACK. THAT MEANS A HELL OF A LOT OF WHITE PEOPLE VOTED FOR A BLACK GUY INSTEAD OF THE WHITE GUY. Get over it.
The Six Mafia
Jim Jones

Lil Durk (L's Anthem etc)
Chief Keef 
Some dead homies I got money with in my 20's (no ducktales ...:smh: )

.....Life ain't **** for real, it's cold and unforgiving.

Sounds like liquor mixed with missing your homies and old lifestyle.
Swear, life just ain't that serious. Not like I necessarily want to, but if I died would it really be that serious? I've lost close loved ones, I do miss them, but people die everyday B and this little blue marble keeps right along spinning.

Realizing how wonderfully pointless life is, makes you free to see how wonderfully beautiful life is.
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