NT I'm trapped being blacks hurts

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Op if you are being sincere I would suggest you join a different forum we know your back story and we don't care.

I will look up other forums that I think will give you advice and encouragement.

Anything for you and lord of troll to leave
Hope you can get past this and be one step closer to being happy and more true to yourself fam.

Put the bottle down too son, it clearly puts you into a dark (darker) mental space.
Really doesn't matter if you think he's trolling or not, dude could actually be in a bad state mentally y'all need to chill with the jokes
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Hope everything alright. I haven't been in your shoes but I can see where you are coming from and why you feel the way you do.
Go buy yourself a grail you've wanted for a long time.
New kicks make me feel better sometimes.

Take a trip to Africa.
I dunno. Worked for Chapelle.

Look through a yearbook or some old albums
and look at the nice stuff people did and said for you

....and think of how much better off than them you actually ended up. (only works if you made responsible choices)

Read some confucius.
I recommend "The Analects"

Do something unexpectedly nice for someone you care about
MIght as well have one less miserable person.

If all else fails..
drop everything and walk the earth .go in one direction and don't stop til you reach an ocean... or border patrol.
Then turn around and go the other way
Eventually people will follow you around
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Shout out to @PLVN, man.

I agree that if your wife and her family can have such a negative affect on your psyche, then maybe it is best if you get a divorce or at least separate for a little while. I know its a lot easier said than done, esp. having kids and all, but you won't be of any use to yourself or your children if you let your depression take over.

Talk to someone you trust. Or talk to a stranger. Hell, talk to me. Sometimes the best thing to do is to talk through your issues, have someone to listen, and maybe you'll start seeing the positives through your story.

You've been through a lot. Don't let the house of cards you've built tumble over you.
Your way of thinking and outlook on life is your problem, not your "blackness".

Don't be one of those guys.

For a drunk person you typed remarkably coherent, post after post.

I know what its like to be in a drunk in the hood with the weight of the world on your shoulders and the ghosts of your homies sitting in the room right next to you.....this ain't it. You're flexing per usual.

Getting picked on and overlooked by family is not about being black, man-tanning for your white wife can not be blamed on your "blackness". Constantly seeking attention on message boards is not about your "blackness". Your personal relationship with your father doesn't hinge on being "black".

All of these things are about YOU. Your personal ideologies and choices.

Get a grip b.

You're 30. Time to start manning up.
Damn cuz u livin the life. All my ****** that's trapped out ain't even make it thru college. They still trappin sellin drugs n ****. U made it, how many real ****** from the hood can say that. N u still got your swag **** corporate amerika do yo thang. Ls up for my hittas.
Nomad, you spent countless hours of your life writing essays about how you drive a Ferrari , have a girlfriend who looks like Jennifer Lawrence , got forcibly domed up on the subway, how you beat up 4 polish goons at one time, etc.

on top of that, your pro-black gimmick is such bull @#$%. You wrote even more essays talking about how you love stop and frisk and how everyone who gets stopped looks like they were suspicious anyway. Decide whether you want to be a fake @#$ Malcolm X or Uncle Ruckus

Who I am is not up for me to decide ...because I'm both proficiently, who I am is determined by what whites allow me to be, unless I kill them all and demand UNDIVIDED ATTENTION and GENUINE ACCEPTANCE and RESPECT....I'm sorry but that is a true statement.

Think about all the black babies you know that can talk just like the characters from Sesame Street? ...The hood makes us this way...you can't log off and on to BLACK PAIN...it's 24/7 ...we just make it look easy.

Bruh are you reading this **** that you're thinking. Listen to yourself, bruh! Look at the way you are seeing things!

I wanna smack the **** outta you for even entertaining the idea of what you're saying even possibly being true.

Who you are is not for you to decide? It's for whites to determine? You desire attention and acceptance? Man your just making me mad bruh. I wanna take my belt off and whoop your *** right now for talking like that bruh.

Real ****, you could just walk away from all this. Just be out. You got kids? We'll talk to a lawyer about taking custody of the kids and divorce WELL before even hinting at divorcing your wife. If I were you I would take get all the way ready to divorce her and have the kids in your custody no if ands or buts, then blindside her with them papers. That way you don't have to explain anything. Just give her the papers and walk away without speaking AND START OVER. BE BY YOURSELF WITH YOUR KIDS AND JUST EXIST. If you're as swagger out and paped up as you claim to be, then finding a woman who gets you should be no problem.

You ******g suck, bruh. I'm sorry but jeez what you said in that quote just made me so angry.
I'm sobering up and took a hot shower, but I've been throwing up since 7am, I'm very hungover.

I was so drunk and enraged last night, it's probably why I wasn't able to formulate complete or coherent sentences. However I still feel that way, I didn't mean that whites decide who I am going to be literally, but they are the majority and there's no denying they control the media. They also control the general perception of the American dream and perception of "perfection". Any race that comes to the United States, wants to look, talk and act "white" and part of that means not associating with blacks on an intimate level of communication. Which is why my wife and every other white person I've encountered doesn't know how to interact with us. Our "pain and cries for help" are entertainment. The fact that we try to be anything else other than what represents that gets met with confusion and apprehension. It's actually a form of mass hysteria and mental illness afflicted upon non-blacks. 

Some blacks are just not strong enough to see that the only way we can change anything is through racial solidarity and not cultural appropriation. And for that reason I feel "trapped" and being black hurts, it hurts because I know what we can be, what we should be but sadly what we may never be. 

I'm sobering up and took a hot shower, but I've been throwing up since 7am, I'm very hungover.

I was so drunk and enraged last night, it's probably why I wasn't able to formulate complete or coherent sentences. However I still feel that way, I didn't mean that whites decide who I am going to be literally, but they are the majority and there's no denying they control the media. They also control the general perception of the American dream and perception of "perfection". Any race that comes to the United States, wants to look, talk and act "white" and part of that means not associating with blacks on an intimate level of communication. Which is why my wife and every other white person I've encountered doesn't know how to interact with us. Our "pain and cries for help" are entertainment. The fact that we try to be anything else other than what represents that gets met with confusion and apprehension. It's actually a form of mass hysteria and mental illness afflicted upon non-blacks. 

Some blacks are just not strong enough to see that the only way we can change anything is through racial solidarity and not cultural appropriation. And for that reason I feel "trapped" and being black hurts, it hurts because I know what we can be, what we should be but sadly what we may never be. 

4 hour puking  bruh?

And you sound racist
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