NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
^ if phil can fix rodman and artest then jr shouldnt be a problem... the biggest thing is getting a new coach... i want woodson gone and dont see how he can make this team better even with phil here.... for some reason i believe dolan this time by leaving the team alone and handing the keys to phil... hopefully this is true
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If Jordan had PJ's position with the Bulls, there would be Jordan shirts/jersey on the shelves too. just saying.
I like how you conveniently ignore that big *** Jordan statue outside of the United Center. Cool beans 
^ if phil can fix rodman and artest then jr shouldnt be a problem... the biggest thing is getting a new coach... i want woodson gone and dont see how he can make this team better even with phil here.... for some reason i believe dolan this time by leaving the team alone and handing the keys to phil... hopefully this is true
Ron got released tho...
The point I was trying to make is that franchises that are desperate will do anything to draw people in. Since in this case there is little championship hardware they have to market someone who isn't even playing to draw interest. It stinks, but I understand why it's done though. 
i don't think the knicks are "desperate" to draw people in though. they always play capacity crowds at home and are one of the biggest draws on the road

their marketing & sales team is doing what it's supposed to do - find every possible way to generate revenue through sales of team paraphernalia (in this case)

the jackson tee is a novelty item - it's like a throwback as well a way to honor him "being back" with the team
^ EXACTLY.... the knicks will always be relevant regardless if they are good or not... during the starbury days the knicks would sell out home games or close to it... theres still a big following around this franchise even with no chip in 40 years... i think the big reason dolan did this because its another quick fix just like all the other dolan moves before but the difference is phil actually brings legitimacy to this franchise with all his success...dolan is desperate to bring in a big name here not named melo and the focus is on 2015... look how far dolan went to get melo and in 2010 he was desperate enough to give amare that contract when nobody was offering that because of his non-insured knees...this is why he brought phil in to lure those free agents here and also because he trusts phil since hes a winner... and steve mills was brought in because hes close to the players and agents so it was the same reason they hired him also so he can get some free agents here too...
Jackson Given Full Control Of Knicks By Dolan 'Willingly, Gratefully'
Mar 18, 2014 1:21 PM EDT

Phil Jackson was introduced as president of the New York Knicks in a Tuesday press conference at Madison Square Garden.

James Dolan said that he was “willingly and gratefully” giving up control of the Knicks to Jackson.

I am by no means an expert in basketball,” Dolan said, adding that he’s “a little bit out of my element,” when it comes to making personnel decisions.

Jackson spoke extensively on wanting to create a 'team culture.'

Jackson's first major order of business will be the free agency of Carmelo Anthony.

"I have no problem committing in saying Carmelo is in the future plans," Jackson said.

Phil Jackson 'Strongly Committed' To Running Triangle
Mar 18, 2014 3:07 PM EDT

Phil Jackson is 'strongly committed' to implementing the triangle offense as president of the New York Kincks, according to a source.

Jackson has run the triangle during his tenures with the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers.

Jackson plans on shaping the roster with the triangle in mind.

Sn runs no triangle
If we're running the triangle you can expect 3/4ths of the team to be gone between next year and 2015.
Sine we Will be running the triangle, I feel we should look into signing Marc Gasol in 2015. I feel he'll be a good fit, he's also a really good passer for a big.
Sports Center got some new blonde that I would love to stroke. Best white ***** I've seen on ESPN :evil:
damn man why i gots to be at work right now... im missing out on this bunny on espn and dolan speaking to the media :smh:
He was on The Michael Kay Show. ESPN just aired the audio.

Michael Kay is a huge ******, can't stand his ***** ***
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