NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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[h3]Carmelo Favorites Tweet About LeBron Joining Him With Knicks[/h3]
Mar 18, 2014 2:59 PM EDT

Carmelo Anthony 'favorited' a report on Twitter that "LeBron James is rumored to be strongly considering joining Carmelo Anthony and Phil Jackson in New York."

The report from IActAFool.com hardly seems credible or newsworthy, but Anthony's response is certainly intriguing.

The Knicks do not cap space for 2014 and Jackson suggested that 2015 will have a more interesting free agency class.

Anthony has only favorited two other Tweets and none since May of last year.
sounds legit

let's get it boys!

Carmelo would be the perfect Robin to Bron. 

Gets the ball on Bron's time and all he gotta do is shoot. 
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The group originally expected 50-100 fans at the protest, but expectations have been tempered by the Knicks' recent winning streak and Jackson's hiring.

"We know that Phil provides hope for many and combined with the win streak could have an effect on our numbers at the rally but as a group we looked at the history of Dolan's regime, the history of false hope sold at the Garden and came to the conclusion that having the rally was still appropriate," Griffin wrote. ".... This rally is really about like minded fans making their voices heard,and whether that number is 10 or 100 we still feel like it is worthwhile to let Dolan know what our expectations are."

Protest won't resonate after we just picked up Phil and Dolan showed his face and answered questions. Dig the idea, just poor timing.

Organizers expecting like 10 people :lol:
The group originally expected 50-100 fans at the protest, but expectations have been tempered by the Knicks' recent winning streak and Jackson's hiring.

"We know that Phil provides hope for many and combined with the win streak could have an effect on our numbers at the rally but as a group we looked at the history of Dolan's regime, the history of false hope sold at the Garden and came to the conclusion that having the rally was still appropriate," Griffin wrote. ".... This rally is really about like minded fans making their voices heard,and whether that number is 10 or 100 we still feel like it is worthwhile to let Dolan know what our expectations are."

Protest won't resonate after we just picked up Phil and Dolan showed his face and answered questions. Dig the idea, just poor timing.

Organizers expecting like 10 people
Lmao. I still wanna see the 10 ppl. It would be hilarious.
Sign and trade Tyson and Shump for LeBron
Dat Xbox 
this would work a lot easier if y'all quit assuming what i'm thinking, and just answer the question :lol:

in a trade scenario where you lose melo, and receive rondo and jeff green, do you do it?
Smfh these teams just keep crumbling trying to close out the Hawks like they're playing against Lebron and the Heat

**** makes no sense
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Well. Hawks win again.

Goes to show that the Knicks can't **** in the bed & expect the Hawks to clean it up.
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