offical 10/14/08 thread

Originally Posted by Ebonics

*sigh*...some of yall aint got nothing better to talk about

for real though. nothing is gonna happen and in a day people will forget about the whole thing.
The dollar is to important to the government to compromise it
REAL TALK... no doubt but that dont mean you can count out the CHIP theory for the NWO... and NOOO im talkin boutHollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall........although I know if we keep talkin bout it, someone is gonna ask if the NWO just recruited HORNSWAGGLE"
and KEEP the POKEMON talks coming,, those are killing me no doubt
Also..there's no doubt we would see threads like:

"I almost got bodied by Team Rocket Vol They stole my Mudkip"

"NT I accidentally threw my Master Ball at a Ratatta! What should I do"

"Anyone in NYC see Snorlax chillin on 3rd Street? Vol It's gonna eat me"

"Official New 3G iDex Post"

"Misty Appreciation"

NTers who got beef gonna be talkin reckless like "Son I got Charizard and Mudkip on deck come battle me lil _"
That thing is supposed to be here in like 5 days, but it's nowhere on our radar screens? Something the size if a trip from L.A. to Cleveland is in space right now, headed for Earth, and we're not picking it up? Either it's crazy stealth, crazy fast with crazy control and crazy stopping ability, or crazy doesn't exist.
Maybe it camouflages to the sky like in Signs.
that was poorly written for being a message from a superior race

they want us to know the "truth" yet they will only show their ship

anyone remember john titor and his civil war prediction in 2004?
oct 14 is so close.

aliens dont come until 2010. maybe they bumped the dated up? its not that far fetched, the world been goin through some %*+ as of late. i cant call it though.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

[h3]What is predicted to happen on 10-14-08?[/h3]This may be hard for many to believe, especially if your skeptic, but nonetheless, you need to know this...

There have been many predictions online via YouTube of a tremendous event that is set to occur on October 14th, 2008. This event involves a UFO encounter...A friendly encounter.

If any of you are familiar with an extra terrestrial group known as the "Pleaidians", then you know what I'm talking about.

(t.i.)if you believe that i gotta a bridge in brooklyn i wanna sell you homie(t.i.)
what a minute, if something is suppose to go down the 14th,. what about the 15th!? thats the last presidential debate
man, i dont know about yall, but im on google earth right now trying to find all this talk about these weird rectangles and diamonds over the world and i dontsee none of em...
Originally Posted by Air Messiah

Yeah aight....

Something was suppose to happen on the morning of October 7th as well...

pay attention duke:

European Economy market taking a hit

It's been since the beginning of October since we have seen these so-called "shape glitches" that the skeptics prefer to call them. Yet we are seeing similarities in other satelite images other than from Google Earth. There's no question now that this is far more than just a simple glitch. But what does it mean?

- Is something being covered up that somebody doesn't want us to see?
- Is it indeed an anomaly we are seeing from a spacecraft?
- Why are the shapes so perfectly proportioned?

The Current Google Earth Image:

The idea of the "diamonds" reference could play a potential role here. With current estimated measurement using Google Earth, this "diamond" spans well over 4000 miles from tip to tip vertically:


Are we sure this is only going to be a one mile spacecraft, a 2000 mile spacecraft, a 4000 mile spacecraft? Regardless of what various channellers, UFO abductees and psychics have said, the size has always been generated within a state of flux. My friends, we may have no idea of the size of the vessel until October 14th.

But as I've said before, in all the times I've used Google Earth, nothing like this has ever appeared before. It's something we just shouldn't throw on the backburner. This should be investigated and should have a close eye kept on it on a day to day basis until the 14th.

Only 5 more days until those who believe (myself included) see for themselves, and the skeptics will see the very thing they thought they would have never of seen in this lifetime.


UPDATE: I found this post in the comments rather interesting. A poster named "lilrose" stated the following:

"Brad, thanks, for this, I know someone who worked for NATO and defense department... they told me that The Department of Defense gets first dibs on what goes out on all satellite images and if there is anything there that they do not want us to see, they are blocked out 'for security reasons'. So no matter where the images are coming from... whatever it is they do not want us to see is blocked off. It has nothing to do with putting together 'snapshots' from previous days, or angles of the satellite images... these shapes were not there previously and they take photos daily and they have the technology to cover the whole globe. There is a coverup."

I have a strong feeling that lilrose is correct. Like I've said guys. I've used Google Earth in the past, and nothing like this has ever come up before. People can offer their 'explanations' about multiple photos causing shapes and bla, bla, bla, bla...I'm not buying it. This is a strange phenomenon that is happening on Google Earth, and on other satelites as well...And it's not going to get dismissed. We really need to not throw this aside and say, "oh, well it's just a glitch." I think with this being the 8th day of these occurences, a mere 'glitch' is definitely irrational thinking.

Another clue lilrose stated was about Blossom's book named "Snapshot." And she had no idea why it's called that. It has also been stated that Blossom's wikipedia page is gone as well. And still no forms of blip within the main media on this at all. Guys, wake up and smell the cover up coffee.
[color= rgb(255, 204, 0)]Aye... Weezy sold over two million records (double platinum) and now his boysare coming to pick him up (phone home).[/color]
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