Official Bitcoin Thread


and.. degods :emoji_eyes:
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VaporFi just updated to a tier system for nodes.

Anyone looking to get their feet wet on the node game for a very minimal risk should consider it. You can probably pull close $100 a month on an investment of just a little over $260 at the moment. Of course you can go higher (or lower) then that if you want to. Whatever you're comfy with. Liquidity is locked for quite a while, so they can't just take the money and run in a month or two.

Also doesn't hurt to diversify for those of us who're already in the game. Just in case we get f`ed by another project. Or do we call it getting Dani`ed now?
アミーゴ アミーゴ you work for paradigm now? i didn’t verify but it was said that matt huang started following concave finance on twitter. not that it means anything at all but some people got erect.
Take that first L by your own volition.... Buy XRP first as a sacrifice to the crypto gods.

After that you buy something fundamentally sound like SHIB.

I don't know what any of this means :rofl:

I know someone on fb who constantly rants about SHIBA. Wth is it?
Thor already slashing people's unclaimed Thor level node rewards a day early.

Before anyone freaks out and starts foaming at the mouth, there will be a special claims button on Feb 15th where you can get your coins back. Problem solved.

Still gonna be a bumpy road till all tier levels have made the switch to the new system, I think.
For the newbs. What are some practical ways to make money off bitcoin?
I always suggest newbies to look into the stable coin market and see who offers best interest on stable coins via nexo or Celsius.

I personally use nexo and have more invested with them.

Stablecoins like USDC won't fluctuate with market downturns and will get you a better interest rate than a traditional bank.

After you get used to that you can start dollar cost averaging into coins like BTC, ETH etc.

Honestly just using an app like nexo will make you watch the market more and you will begin to notice trends. Don't worry about price fluctuations too much for now.
I always suggest newbies to look into the stable coin market and see who offers best interest on stable coins via nexo or Celsius.

I personally use nexo and have more invested with them.

Stablecoins like USDC won't fluctuate with market downturns and will get you a better interest rate than a traditional bank.

After you get used to that you can start dollar cost averaging into coins like BTC, ETH etc.

Honestly just using an app like nexo will make you watch the market more and you will begin to notice trends. Don't worry about price fluctuations too much for now.

I already got bitcoin on coinbase do I just let it sit there? I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible without using too many apps.
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