Official Bitcoin Thread

Everything went through on my end but for whatever reason they didn't honor it and I still own my ripple that I sold. Now the price dropped like 5 cents during the DDOS and I lost a majority of my $$ that I would've profited on. Checking on twitter and the trollboxes it seems this happened to a ton of people. A lot of guys are calling inside job by poloniex because it keeps happening and coin values fall drastically during the "attacks" and everyone loses a ton of money cause they can't trade.
I went up 400 after the crash so i wouldn't call inside job, half the people in that troll box don't know anything.
interesting.  I just bought some ETH at 87 and I got a text from my bank for fraud detection.  Bought on coinbase.

"Coinbase      Cheapside      GBR who bills out of United Kingdom "

SAid something like that
It is safe
did you have the spinning wheel of death?

I noticed a few deals would get stuck on that, so i had to refresh the page and start over on the order...

If u are caught with the spinning wheel, u have to log back on with a diff search engine or browser. Worked every time and saved me a bunch
ETH wayyyyyy down

Man I woke up to ETH being down to 80. I was low key hurt a bit but I've already made the money I needed to make off of that coin so I'm really more interested in watching this LTC growth.

LTC was booming for a second it seemed but its slown down a bit after last week.
I rarely get any of my info from reddit. The threads are not what they used to be. Too many paid trolls and shills, not worth my time
where do you get your info?

also, @BeezyGotSole  ,  I'm still getting those same errors on coinbase that you are when trying to use credit/debit. won't let me do anything, not even $1. every time I try it just says it has to be under $200...
what sites do you guys use to buy and sell coins outside of BTC, LTC, and ETH? are polo and kraken the best options?

also is it too late to jump on the litecoin train? think it'll get in the 50's anytime soon?
one more thing, this dude on twitter predicted ETH going back down into the 70's yesterday...he says it should happen again before anymore upward motion. so if you want more ETH and missed out last night on the sub $80 prices, it should happen again soon. be on the lookout

his twitter is
anytime a coin(s) get lots of movement and big money changes hands, an exchange will get ddos. it has always been this way. if you have been on crypto from the jump, this "attack" has been standard protocol.  remember, with crypto...we are on the tech/geeks turf....ain't nobody messing w/these dudes money. you just have to ride out these bumps as everything is decentralized/anonymous.  keep grinding on your stacks and make moves.  last thing we want is for crypto to be fully regulated by the i correct?

just know if you are bagging, you are in the forefront of a billion...possibly trillion dollar business.  just check the charts. these are facts.  haters will say NO...but they use TA (technical analysis) on everything else. smh
oh and one other thing.....if you are in Panic Mode, pls DM me and I will take some $70 ETH off your hands. *dead serious*

we can do it OTC, I'll send you btc...u send me eth.  
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oh and one other thing.....if you are in Panic Mode, pls DM me and I will take some $70 ETH off your hands. *dead serious*

we can do it OTC, I'll send you btc...u send me eth.  
Money seems to be transferring back to BTC, mostly from ETH. I'm still not fully sold on ETH being undervalued, I think much  of the potential is already priced in. LTC/BTC seem like a better bet long term.
BTC just keeps chugging along.
What sites do you pros go on to help make the best decisions in this game?

After like a month I'm proud to say I'm in this coin game.
But where I'm at today, I need to know how to maximize my ventures.

Still ******* mad I haven't purchased BTC and that thing just keeps going up.
BTC just keeps chugging along.
What sites do you pros go on to help make the best decisions in this game?

After like a month I'm proud to say I'm in this coin game.
But where I'm at today, I need to know how to maximize my ventures.

Still ******* mad I haven't purchased BTC and that thing just keeps going up.
Don't sleep, i made $287 already on the 2 i got yesterday.
BTC just keeps chugging along.
What sites do you pros go on to help make the best decisions in this game?

After like a month I'm proud to say I'm in this coin game.
But where I'm at today, I need to know how to maximize my ventures.

Still ******* mad I haven't purchased BTC and that thing just keeps going up.
i would suggest joining the slack channels of the coins you own or interested in.  you will get great info, and if its a solid community....great Q&As
I bought .06 worth of btc and profited $8.90 :lol:. Copped a nice chunk of ether with coinbase on April 30 and it still hasn't cleared as of today even though the funds have been taken out of my account. Was supposed to clear yesterday. Anyone know what the deal is?
BTC just keeps chugging along.
What sites do you pros go on to help make the best decisions in this game?

After like a month I'm proud to say I'm in this coin game.
But where I'm at today, I need to know how to maximize my ventures.

Still ******* mad I haven't purchased BTC and that thing just keeps going up.

You're right. I owned some BTC when it was around $800 and sold it because it was too expensive :rofl:

Owned close to 1 full coin

Thinking of transferring my ETH to cop a BTC.
Not sure if that's the move though.

This **** is fun.
Bout to sell my ripple though.
Is there hella upside to that?

So many questions.
Bout to go down a deep rabbit hole of websites on this.
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