Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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That's cool. Nobody said no-one can enjoy sub par writing.
I mean, it's pretty easy to assume why it's been that way.
We want the best writing, acting, uniforms, tools, backdrops, Women, Animals, CGI and the works.
We want 10 episodes of all of that.

You think they sped up the story and shoved it into 7 episodes because they couldn't muster enough material to fill 10 episodes?
I don't.
They are just balling on a budget.
They could have made it 6 seasons and wrapped the joint up early and just called it done, so I will take this "watered down"'s good enough for the girl I go with.
We would complain no matter what.
It's just what we do, Champagne taste and there is nothing wrong with that.
Critique helps those willing to listen learn and apply.
HBO just broke boys about this, but it's their money I guess...*shrugs
As unpredictable as the NK getting a dragon or Danny riding in to save the day?

The writers are waaaay to into fan favorites these last few seasons.

Somebody gotta go!

My biggest complaint this whole season is Jamie not being cooked. If that happened that would have been the best episode of TV ever.
it's a slippery slope, you keep your pride and don't bend the knee and your people could end up dead. OR you bend the knee and you save your people but they no longer wanna follow you because you "gave up".

That didn't happen when Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon, so yeah..
You can tell the difference between the show when it was on book material, and now that they've run out. They're trying to hit major points with limited time, so they're cutting corners with the writing or just straight up giving characters motivations that make no sense in relation to the last 6 seasons. They're doing the best they can to service fans now, which kind of berays a lot of what this story is built on. There's never (or VERY rarely) fan service. Lots of lows, less highs. The ultimate betrayal would be a happy ending. This story isn't about happy moments, and to see it become that makes it almost more cheesy.

I've rolled my eyes this season more than I have in the last six combined.
HBOGo is live the moment the show airs on HBO (depending on timezone, I believe) which is super clutch.

That IS clutch. Just signed up for my free trial.
Aight I'm out for real now.:rofl:

Good job, HBO. I was fully anticipating some type of leak of the season finale. You made it to Thursday so far. :lol:

Was just thinking the same thing. Those hackers got a few more days to go to try to work HBO. I know if it leaks in HD I'll definitely give in, though.:lol::smh:
For those with HBO Go, how long does it take for them to upload an episode after it airs? I'll be away this weekend so I'll try the HBO Go free trial this weekend just for it:lol:

HBO Go/HBO Now go up 1-2 minutes before it televises to the world. Super clutch.
Those hackers are full of ****. All bluffs. None of the episodes leaked this season have been due to hacking.

Prove me wrong, hackers. >D
HBO disrespected them and offered them chump change in response to their demands.:lol:

They're definitely bluffing. :lol: @ HBO doing more to leak their show than actual hackers.
Robb >>> Jon

His story line the first 3 seasons were so much better then Jons.

Jon ain't get good until he got murked and started rocking that man bun.

R.I.P. The Young Wolf


Here's my rebuttal:

You're a "bastard" in a noble family such as House Stark. Ned Stark has been reveled as one of the greatest swordsman there is. Sibling rivalry will always occur but remember, Jon never was truly accepted but his siblings of similar or older age (Sansa and Robb). Although they "tolerated" Jon, they took after Catelyn's view of Jon and never fully accepted him. So as someone as outcast as Jon, would it be wise to show up your brother, the true born and namesake of the house?

Jon being the peace loving humble guy didn't want conflict. Yes Robb was definitely a great war strategist but i say that is probably due to the fact that he was more privy to attend meetings with Ned as opposed to Jon. How many times did we see Robb wash anybody in actual combat? None that i can remember.

Jon was legend before he died.

#TeamSnow all day right here.
He was known as the King who Knelt and a bunch of people disagreed and revolted.

* It was a small band of people, not a bunch.*

If anyone disagrees with Jon bending the knee, **** them! They can do like the Company of the Rose did and take their *** across the narrow sea.
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