Official Green Bay Packers @ Seattle Seahawks Screw Job

So we gone act the Packers would have had the lead at all without shaky reffing?

Stop it. That last drive, the packers were called for two 15 yard penalty & neither should have been called. The officiating went both ways
Pete Carrol hit the shady insurance salesman jog to the locker room though

they did my dude Sam Shields dirty though.....BS pass interference call and then he got pushed like **** on the last play 
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So we gone act the Packers would have had the lead at all without shaky reffing?
Why are you all so dense? Outside of Packers fans, I don't think anyone really cares who won the damn game. What I care about is the fact that the last play of the game was a blown call by the scabs that cost one team the game. It's embarrassing.
Saw this on FB

Coach always said just knock the ball down! No need to go for the pick. Refs fault? Maybe.. But just knock the ball down.

Kinda true... but w/e **** was WILD tonight
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Some of you guys are forgetting the horrible PI call that was called on Kam on the go ahead TD drive for the Packers. That dictated the game as well.

People and their selective memory...The Packers line survived by holding on every damn play..and of course that terrible call..

Packers would have been put in a situation to attempt a FG

Bro they were on Seattle's 47. Unless they were about to tie a NFL record they weren't kicking a FG
Why are you all so dense? Outside of Packers fans, I don't think anyone really cares who won the damn game. What I care about is the fact that the last play of the game was a blown call by the scabs that cost one team the game. It's embarrassing.

And that right there is what I mean man. 8 sacks in the first half, a dominating defensive performance both ways and no one cares.
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So we gone act the Packers would have had the lead at all without shaky reffing?
Why are you all so dense? Outside of Packers fans, I don't think anyone really cares who won the damn game. What I care about is the fact that the last play of the game was a blown call by the scabs that cost one team the game. It's embarrassing.

And those scabs gave them the lead in the first place dumb ***
Some of you guys are forgetting the horrible PI call that was called on Kam on the go ahead TD drive for the Packers. That dictated the game as well.

People and their selective memory...The Packers line survived by holding on every damn play..and of course that terrible call..

Packers would have been put in a situation to attempt a FG
Bro they were on Seattle's 47. Unless they were about to tie a NFL record they weren't kicking a FG
You're right. I remember them being inside the 50, couldnt recall how far in they were

Thanks for pointing that out...another good point for people to ignore
Ha, replacement refs gave Rodgers a kicking ball to use on the two point conversion.

NFL is turning into the that old crusty strip club that has overweight pregnant women and chicks with cellulite and c-section scars.
I need mike pereira to comment on this so all these cry babies shut up.

You honestly think the call was correct or something?

Game was amazing defensively too which was a shame, Packers were lucky they even had that last TD on the PI call, perhaps karma :lol:
You found one instance where it backfired. Doesn't change the fact that its what he was coached.
the fact is knocking the ball down doesnt guarantee anything. i know youre not that slow to not understand the point i was trying to make.
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Packers got hosed this coming from a hawks fan. that being said they benefited from the bad calls as well, there drives were extended and points scored, in conclusion hawks defense beastmode all night.
lmao...Stuart Scott just said Wilson threw a game winning INTERCEPTION

This is exactly what I mean about Seattle getting no respect man. The analysts just blatantly hate us and clown on our team. An example: we dominate the Cowboys and in the power rankings we're at 20 and BELOW the Cowboys. Just little stuff like that annoys me so much.
No one hates yall... The Seahawks LOST...
Goodell is just going to fine the **** out of everyone this week so he can pay the refs salary
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