Official Los Angeles Dodgers Season Thread: NLCS vs Phillies

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Also there's a rumor floating on Dodger boards about Matt Kemp being on the trade block while his value is high, it would make sense that he's not getting any play, to prevent any injuries.
Possibly, but I think if they wanted to trade him they would've done so this off-season.. specially with the number of outfielders on the roster. If anything, I'm thinking (and hoping) they're showcasing Pierre.

I know Torre, like Grady, gives vets the benefit of...experience? in order to get playing time.. so that may be the case. I don't know though but I hopeKemp gets some consistent playing time.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

SMH at the Padres in this game.

And we'll be sure to return the favor to Dodgers fans when you guys come back down to Petco.

Yeah, cause "Petco" sounds very intimidating

I am updating the thread. I try to do it before every series. Geeezzz.

& let's calm down. They've played 12 out of 162. Andruw won't be this bad all year, Furcal won't be this good all year.

You guys should be excited, we have 4 solid starters, with Kershaw ready to break down the door.

On offense, with Furcal healthy and getting on base, it's only a matter of time before the big guys get going. If you guys were expecting 50 HR Andruw,then you were mistaken from the beginning.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

i went to sleep thinkin the dodgers won last night, i was wrong, smh.

Yeah same here, I saw Saito come in to close it out, and I said to myself, "game is over".

I'll be there tonight rooting for the Blue Crew. Jackie Robinson day
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

that must have been sick goin to the JR game...what kind of tribute did they do??

Before the game Lou Gossett Jr. spoke about Jackie, and they introduced a handful of students who benefit from the Jackie Robinson scholarship fund, theyshowed a video on JR's career and impact on the game, the video touched me, I just can't believe what he went through and still focused on playing thegame, knowing that he was pretty much on his own on that field. Jackie's legacy will live on forever.

His niece sang God Bless America. Shaka Khan did the National Anthem.
Don Newcombe was there to throw out the first pitch. All throughout the game, they showed video clips of Jackie, it was cool.

Oh and, the Dodger Won big
Originally Posted by jakecuevas

ya i was getting updates on my that would have been great to go to that game....

Only 37,000+ showed up for the game. Usually they hit the 42+ most games. I was out of the stadium in literally 2 minutes

Tonight will be packed though. I bet traffic will be bad to get out of the stadium
And I never leave early, I'm just not that type of person.

Let's make it 2 in a row guys.
most dodger fans show up in the 3rd inning and leave in the 7th or

37 is low for a JR
^^ Yeah tell me about it.

There were these dudes that came in around the 2nd or 3rd inning, they sat, they ate and drank, then left before the 8th inning started.
@ andruw jones in 1996 (granted its been 12 years) the dude was a beastat like 160pounds

anyways he has 2 strike outs tonight (18 for the yr) ..........................

comon dodgers....
And we get swept by the braves.

I know its REALLY early, but somethings wrong with the team .................
When you go 1 for 21 with runners in scoring position you deserve to get swept.

This team is playing like crap right now, losing to three call ups: Bennett, James, and Jurjjens.

It is just sloppy right now. Pierre gets on board, and steals second with nobody out and a one run deficit. Loney strikes out. Pierre steals third with oneout. Andruw Jones hits a dribbler to short for the second out and Martin grounds out for the third out. It was a frustrating inning to watch.

Proctor got bombed in the 8th, so game over.

I hope it gets better, because it can't get any worse (I shouldn't say that
). We've been swepted twice already (D'Backs, Braves), which is not a good look.
Originally Posted by CL2423

Any reason to be optimistic, guys?

Only that it's still early, but when you see Arizona running away with the division, you have to stop and think to yourself, when is it time to turnthings around.
The top of the lineup is getting on base, but no one can bring the boys in. The problem is the offensive production with runners in scoring position.

Just like in basketball, you miss a great scoring opportunity, and the opposing team always comes back and bites you.
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