Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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I think its possible, but like why would they do that, dont they have a code of ethics to live by? or am i expecting too much out of a 8.50/hr retail worker. Either way sorry for the mis info. not trying to **** with anyone just point out what i heard.
not your fault. If you look in the Kobe thread some guy who won a raffle got a phone call and the employee was asking him to buy food

That would be me.

@Princeryan0  any legit info will definitely be hear first nonetheless. I definitely feel like you got DuckTaled by those guys.
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did anyone look at that amazon post? did they look legit? it seemed like a pretty legit source imo. as stupid as it seems $1500 didn't even seem that outrageous considering no one has them.
Would you think that points towards a release? I would think so.
this was before the Kanye "motivational speech" rants in public. I was told he's had an internal problem with Nike for some time. At Nike, the date is still TBD. Too many releases this month to put a Yeezy out IMO. Either way, every release is gonna sell out if they should decide to release them this year.
this was before the Kanye "motivational speech" rants in public. I was told he's had an internal problem with Nike for some time. At Nike, the date is still TBD. Too many releases this month to put a Yeezy out IMO. Either way, every release is gonna sell out if they should decide to release them this year.
Truuu. I'm pretty sure there will be a release next year without a doubt. I don't see the logic in scrapping the pairs.
Decided to peak in this thread. I'm suprised it's still active. Lmao. It's a wrap for these guys. R.I.P. I know death is hard to deal with but it's the circle of life baby.
Decided to peak in this thread. I'm suprised it's still active. Lmao. It's a wrap *, for these guys. R.I.P. I know death is hard to deal with *, but it's the circle of life*,   baby.
Go back to elementary school before you take a "peak" in this thread.
Go back to elementary school before you take a "peak" in this thread.

"Peek" or "Peak" , doesn't matter, these are not seeing the public, or publik or publack , GRAMMAR POLICE!! Don't get mad at me. Direct all that frustration toward Oregon for not meeting (or meating) lord yeezus' godly demands.
"Peek" or "Peak" , doesn't matter, these are not seeing the public, or publik or publack , GRAMMAR POLICE!! Don't get mad at me. Direct all that frustration toward Oregon for not meeting (or meating) lord yeezus' godly demands.
Proof? Ron says his source at Memphis distribution says that they are listed under TBD as far as release dates go. And they're still producing them. A release is likely to occur.
I am by no means claiming to have gone through this whole entire thread to find the answer...  But how do we know for a "fact" that they are sitting in the Memphis distribution center?  Has someone posted credible images or just another circumstantial/here-say "source" info?  

And no, I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'm simply looking to determine if there has been any concrete validation to the information listed...
Only reputable evidence I've seen as come from @DJFolk's tweet claiming he saw them with his own eyes. No, no photos.

Typically when someone with a reputation makes a claim like this there are 2-3 people stumbling in here saying "yes this is what my source has told me".....

Now what I want to know is this-- why the hell were people (at least 2 members) saying "well this release is going to be interesting..." They were saying this before the whole Kanye / Adidas stuff came up.

Why are you not saying what was interesting? Was it more interesting than your standard ndc, rsvp, and small boutique drop? Was it some type of scavenger hunt?

Or did you really know nothing but were desperately seeking to seem important in this forum.

I'll wait for an answer (you know who you are)
bruh go back to KTT...

isnt there a kanye concert you can stalk him at and make up stories about him looking in your direction

the real hundreds posted about his adidas deal before any of you knew in here,

why would he want to spoil the surprise?

thats why people are so weary of posting INFO on here because you nosey kids always want more, yall even ran the only chick off the site.
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bruh go back to KTT...

isnt there a kanye concert you can stalk him at and make up stories about him looking in your direction

the real hundreds posted about his adidas deal before any of you knew in here,

why would he want to spoil the surprise?

thats why people are so weary of posting INFO on here because you nosey kids always want more, yall even ran the only chick off the site.
You sir are special and are lacking the necessary reading comp skills to be included in any sort of discussion.

Did I say people didn't put in helpful information? Nope, never said it.

How did you get me asking why people were calling this release of the NIKE Air Yeezy's "interesting" to discussing people predicting the Adidas deal? Where is the connection? TheRealHundreds confirmed what was already being speculated but he also said these are dropping in December- so when? And they'd be an interesting release- how so?

Members asked immediately after he posted his info what he meant by that and we received no replies. Now, with no release in sight why aren't people revealing their top secret info?

And lmfao @PRGirlGoneRogue? Really now?? I drove her away? Is that why she PM's me on here regularly to discuss this release among other upcoming releases... I did the opposite of drive her away. I'm probably the reason she stuck around so long.

Oh and another person who has provided a good bulk of REAL information, including the first mention/confirmation of an Adidas deal- @SuNiversal has kept me up-to-date via text with all the info he's received.

But good one bruh :lol: I'll report back next time I'm at a show and Kanye West makes eye contact with me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But ay bruh I went back and checked the list of release info and you sir put in work these past 3 months. So much detailed info. We'd virtually be clueless had you never signed up. I feel like me posting about Ye making eye contact with me is a couple of notches below your mountain of contributions.Thank you, from all of us

[SPOILER = Warning!] now you've got me feeling like us nosey kids ruined your chances at a date with the only chick that was in here :frown: sorry bout that bruh [/SPOILER]
i can't help but ask… how can you tell if they are real or fake just from those pictures? did anyone look at the post on amazon where the store was selling them for $1500? that store seemed pretty legit imo. i just don't know much about telling fake form real. maybe i could tell a bad fake from a real one if i had them in my hands but that's about it.
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