Official Nike Air Yeezy II "Red" Thread NO BOT TALK--NO FAKE/GM TALK-NO BUY/SELL/TRADE TALK-- Ye to

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Hot lavas look nice 
I knew i should of bought those lava ATC2s 2 years ago when they were only going for $40usd smdh. The hype sky rocketed the prices
Y'all are in here trying to create unnecessary hype for ATCs when majority of you weren't even thinking about them.

His are fake for sure. Look at that boxy toebox and the way they are creasing. Suede looks like garbage too.
lmao ya'll are too much. You can really tell if they're authentic from that picture? Bruh, you know that ain't even a clear shot ahah.... ****
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Update from the store i work at's Nike rep NYC release... at unsaid Tier0 Accounts are scheduled to release Super Bowl weekend - Valentines day. Supposedly I'm about to abandon ship if this fall through 
Update from the store i work at's Nike rep NYC release... at unsaid Tier0 Accounts are scheduled to release Super Bowl weekend - Valentines day. Supposedly I'm about to abandon ship if this fall through 
what could this account for, aside from the ROs?
Valentine's day. OK makes sense to me either way Feb is set to be a big month and I'm sure nike has some surprise in store for us all. Salty times soon.
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