Red camo Dion Waiters wore. Peep Fields Italiano camo VI

Another look at Dunleavy's iDs
not crazy about pythons either...the brown is just too boring for me. 

damn these BHM keep looking nicer.  hate TLO..
Just got back from the Vault, got there at 9am and there was about 60-70 ppl out there.

Kobes and KDs were gone at about 45minutes in!

Definitely thought there Supply would be atleast 100 pairs but i guess not.

Two kids in front of me got out there at 9 pm and said there was atleast 40 heads camping out

they slept in there car and got in line at 9am. SMH Rookie mistake on there part.

Got up near the door and there was Sulfurs on Display in the window, one of the kids asked me if this is the shoe! 

So these hypebeast/wannabe/resellers Camped 12 hrs and dont even know what shoe your camping for?!?! 

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Can somebody post an on feet pic with the python in daylight? Really curious to see how the colors look naturally :rolleyes
But really tho, and i know goons gonna get on me when i say this, but Im not even feeling the BHMs, none of the 3..>D
But really tho, and i know goons gonna get on me when i say this, but Im not even feeling the BHMs, none of the 3..>D
I like them. I like the Sulfurs. Love the Christmas but don't have them. The ASG look decent.

Phythons, Blue Lights, the Lakers colors are the best though.
^ dude on FB went from 240, 230, 220
now he's like 215 by the end of the day he'll ship tomm :smh:
I don't know why people go out there way to cop the shoes try to get a 30-40 dollar come up quick.
Why not just save your money and not even buy the shoes, instead of being out 140-160. for the day?
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