***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He probably won’t face much of a punishment for this but

Article I read said,

Indictment means: He’ll definitely be read his Miranda rights, no guarantee he’ll be in cuffs as he walks out but there will probably be that walk out picture/moment

And of course he’s still in line to be indicted for the Jan 6 stuff and others










This guy reminds me of all those takes back in 2003, when Kobe got charged and all these talking heads kept talking about how this would actually make him more popular among young black men and therefore boost Bryant’s “street cred.”

They seriously thought that black people just love themselves so much crime and they will love you if you are charged with committing a crime.

Now it’s 20 years later and I see a similar but even more ludicrous claim. Yeah, sure, Donald Trump’s name is about to ring out in the street like he’s Marlo Stanfield, that’s extremely probable.

He's been on this for a loooooong time. Even if an act it becomes who you really are at some point

When there’s a group of people who have been beaten down in so many ways for so long, it’s inevitable that some members of that group will identify with the oppressors and the narrative that the oppressor tells.

In a way, it has to be comforting to see the world the way that Whitlock probably sees it.

Rather than there being power and entrenched systems of domination and exploitation against black people, Whitlock can believe that America is actually very meritocratic and all black people have to do in order to have parity with whites is to individually charge their own behavior somewhat. Changing one’s behavior is far easier than overthrowing the centuries’ old institution of white supremacy and all its attendant social, political, economic, legal, medical, cultural, tools of oppression.

Donald Trump have out his personal phone number and told his disgusting supporters to bombard his personal cellphone’s inbox.

So Lindsey Graham is either the biggest simp on earth OR he rubbed some very strong onions in his eyes.
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