***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Think this dude get Obama is still president?



the irony in white people complaining about being disenfranchised and the government not caring about them when blacks have been complaining about these things for GENERATIONS 

Watch when he doesn't get the wall built or deport all the undocumented

The tears will flow
Obama needs to let the choppa ring for the next 2 months. America voted "to be less politically correct?" Let Obama speak what's on his mind with some #nofilter #sorrynotsorry hashtag truth. Let the idiots who voted Drumpf into office hear some truth. Nothing would hurt their fragile feelings worse than in 2 years realizing the big evil black man was right, and their white savior duped them and put them in worse positions economically and socially.
I will never be down with Trump. Never ever. Can't ever be down with someone who inspires that kind of hate. Every time I read something like this I get angry.
the irony in white people complaining about being disenfranchised and the government not caring about them when blacks have been complaining about these things for GENERATIONS 

That's what pisses me off the most.

There cries are heard the minute they feel their privilege slipping.

Those same white folks were telling black people to "stop complaining....and pull themselves up by their bootstraps" even in the 60's and 70's.

For some it's about this more than anything:
chances are pretty high imo of a lot of people taking their kids out of public schools... most of those kids didnt learn that on their own, theyve heard their parents racist beliefs so i doubt those parents will tell their kids to stop acting that way. 
That's what pisses me off the most.

There cries are heard the minute they feel their privilege slipping.

Those same white folks were telling black people to "stop complaining....and pull themselves up by their bootstraps" even in the 60's and 70's.

Exactly. That's why I hate people that support this man and his campaign. It literally encompasses the worst things about America
I've been reading Shaun King Timeline and the stories are absolutely deplorable but not surprising. Alot of people have always felt this way and now they feel as though they have the freedom to be their authentic selves because of an impending Trump presidency. I welcome it all because too many people have been ******* sleep walking for too long and they need that wakeup call.
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Already seeing Trump back peddle or tone down a lot of his campaign rhetoric on foreign policy,traditional Allies like Japan,and Korea that have contacted him say the alliances/defense agreements still stand.

He's probably figured out or his advisors have probably brought him up to speed on the intricacies of the international system and how difficult and consequential uprooting/changing the decades old global order on a whim would be.

I just wonder if he'll do good with his threats of a trade war with China,that would be pretty damaging for not just the economies of both countries but the overall world economy
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I've been reading Shaun King Timeline and the stories are absolutely deplorable but not surprising. Alot of people have always felt this way and now they feel as though they have the freedom to be their authentic selves because of an impending Trump presidency. I welcome it all because too many people have been ******* sleep walking for too long and they need that wakeup call.

Yup,they don't have to pretend and play nice, they feel they don't need to keep up the facade anymore and can just he brazen with how they've always felt...:smh:

Gonna be some scary times for sure for POC having emboldened WS thinking they have institutional backing and can act with impunity,hope most of you guys stay safe and strong
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Already seeing Trump back peddle or tone down a lot of his campaign rhetoric on foreign policy,traditional Allies like Japan,and Korea that have contacted him say the alliances/defense agreements still stand.

He's probably figured out or his advisors have probably brought him up to speed on the intricacies of the international system and how difficult and consequential uprooting/changing the decades old global order on a whim would be.

I just wonder if he'll do good with his threats of a trade war with China,that would be pretty damaging for not just the economies of both countries but the overall world economy
remember when we kept bringing up how trump kept saying he never said something when he actually did and there was proof... tables are starting to turn 
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