***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yall still tryna make dude see the light? :lol: Some people just want to remain ignorant and no amount of facts or logic will change that. Just let em live in their bubble and don't say anything when you see their bubble leaking air.....they wouldn't believe you anyway.
Y'all will never get Ninja's dense, stubborn *** to admit anything he believes could possibly be false. We've all been down that rabbit hole, and it never changes. Time to move on imo.
Seriously. Y'all dudes at this point just stroking your egos by constantly going at him
Y'all will never get Ninja's dense, stubborn *** to admit anything he believes could possibly be false. We've all been down that rabbit hole, and it never changes. Time to move on imo.

Yea I'm moving on :lol:

Feel these are relevant


Again,who wants to trust or believe the same admin that lies to your face each and every day?
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The WH claimed the report was 100% false my dude :lol:,the DHS just said that was false and that memo did in fact exist but now they're playing it down

might as well turn in scrap paper instead of scantrons when ya take tests while ya at it with that logic :lol: :lol:
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Y'all will never get Ninja's dense, stubborn *** to admit anything he believes could possibly be false. We've all been down that rabbit hole, and it never changes. Time to move on imo.
Seriously. Y'all dudes at this point just stroking your egos by constantly going at him

Lolwut? Dude claimed the AP was spreading fake news,just wanted to point out how insane that sounded :lol:. Didn't even expect the DHS themselves to debunk his claim as I was typing
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Y'all will never get Ninja's dense, stubborn *** to admit anything he believes could possibly be false. We've all been down that rabbit hole, and it never changes. Time to move on imo.
Seriously. Y'all dudes at this point just stroking your egos by constantly going at him

Lolwut? Dude claimed the AP was spreading fake news,just wanted to point out how insane that sounded :lol:. Didn't even expect the DHS themselves to debunk his claim as I was typing
It is insane. But ninja lives in the upside down where 8 days is 3 weeks, and 4 is "roughly" 33% of 46. Not eem worth the time to respond to a brick wall.
Let's see who's really serious about this, I'll get this started, post a screencap of your NH block receipt...if everyone blocks him, no one will quote him, I know is hard as hell to ignore his ignorance, but he's not a normal person, dude feeds off the negative attention....he's sick in the head and we are giving him exactly what he wants man....this *** has got to stop.

Took the survey, I'm a Chandler :pimp:

Really though, "IF" republicans obstructed Obama?! :stoneface:

Then the lowest donation is $35 get the hell outta here that's your core's weekly income.
Does Spicer actually know anything? The hell else does he do all day in between circus shows?
How about we all sign a list of people who agree to block ninja. We quote each other and add on to the list and pass it on.

Anyone on that list who communicates with ninja gets blocked too

I can start


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:smh: just ignore him or block him, making list is stupid IMO. We should be able to have a different of opinion regardless how asinine or foolish it is.
Lolwut? Dude claimed the AP was spreading fake news,just wanted to point out how insane that sounded :lol:. Didn't even expect the DHS themselves to debunk his claim as I was typing
You're talking about a guy that doesn't care about this though. He will never admit he's wrong about something so it's useless to try and prove him wrong. You're just feeding into his trolling. Best thing to do is just block him at this point
:smh: just ignore him or block him, making list is stupid IMO. We should be able to have a different of opinion regardless how asinine or foolish it is.
While that is true, the thread ends up getting derailed many times because the topic of the conversation ends up being about him
:smh: just ignore him or block him, making list is stupid IMO. We should be able to have a different of opinion regardless how asinine or foolish it is.
While that is true, the thread ends up getting derailed many times because the topic of the conversation ends up being about him


Pretty much.

In order for ignoring or blocking him to work. Everyone has to be on the same page :nerd:

Like how eradicating a diseasse only works if everyone takes the vaccine :nerd:
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