***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm glad I'm only attempting to be a fake politician on NT

With my success rate in passing bills, IRL y'all be screwed :rofl:
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The mental gymnastics people go through to always justify everything he does is ridiculous man :rofl:. How the hell did dude earn all this unwavering loyalty?

Trump out here promising to take them back to the times when whiteness was all that was needed to succeed...

I can see why they're so loyal. They want to get back to the good ol' days, and Trump tricked them into thinking that it's liberals, immigrants' and Obama's fault that their world's got turned upside down, not technology or globalization.
Rich white people who decided they wanted to be richer are what screwed poor whites. But they're so gullible they actually believe it when they're told "It's not your fault, white is right. It's the damned coloreds who are the source of your plight."
It's a legit circle jerk.

I will never forget 10 pages of nursing discussion.
I got into an argument with this conservative radio station this morning over that **** show of a press conference yesterday. 


Skip to 7:07

The mental gymnastics people go through to always justify everything he does is ridiculous man :rofl:. How the hell did dude earn all this unwavering loyalty?

Homeboy said "I don't think he lies, he just speaks without checking facts." :lol:

@Paulwest1985 was saying facts are facts and dude basically goes "well it's just what I believe" :lol:

Objective truth has no place in the current conservative sphere.

It doesn't matter that Trump lied 3 times on that little topic (from saying that he had "the most electoral votes" - wrong! - to "the most votes among republican candidates" - wrong! - to "that's the information I was fed" - wrong!); it doesn't matter if leftwing policies are cheaper; it doesn't matter if we have the data that shows that trickle down doesn't work; it doesn't matter if we have the data that shows that conservative tax schemes suck.

They don't believe it, therefore it's not true. That's the real echo chamber they live in and they want to suck the rest of the world in it.
Damn. Rico more active in the Dragonball Z thread than in this one
Rich white people who decided they wanted to be richer are what screwed poor whites. But they're so gullible they actually believe it when they're told "It's not your fault, white is right. It's the damned coloreds who are the source of your plight."

So much of this. Someone always want someone below them. They never want to be considered the dirt at the bottom. That's what it comes down to. It's why even southern whites who didn't own slaves didn't want slaves freed. They now didn't have someone below them anymore. Such a ****** up mentality.
Damn. Rico more active in the Dragonball Z thread than in this one :rofl:

Dude was in here playing the trumpet with enthusiasm until Don started touching federal employees.

"But he'll save me 100% of my taxes!"

He's about to find out what 100% off $0 is.

Be careful what you wish for.
Yea, you're thinking about the wrong Kim Jong. This dude was the heir to Kim Jong Il but was basically disowned by his family after he forged documents to visit Disneyland :lol: Kim Jong Un has been eliminating anyone close to him
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In World news...
Explains why the Korean girl I'm seeing has been hating on my Samsung and telling me to get on team I Phone :lol: She was talking about how more and more people in Korea don't mess with Samsung these days because of the corruption and business practices.
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The Pentagon hasn’t found any documents indicating that Mike Flynn received authorization to accept money from a foreign government before traveling to Moscow in 2015 for a paid Russian state TV event, according to a letter from the acting Secretary of the Army.

The Pentagon finding came after lawmakers raised questions about whether the former White House national security adviser and retired U.S. Army general violated Pentagon rules that require retired officers to report income from foreign states.

Mr. Flynn accepted an invitation to Moscow in late 2015 to give a paid, sit-down interview with Russian state television network RT and to attend the channel’s 10-year anniversary gala, where he sat beside President Vladimir Putin.

The Department of the Army conducted “a thorough records search, and has not found any documents,” Acting Secretary of the Army Robert Speer said in a Feb. 14 letter in response to Rep. Elijah Cummings, a ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, who asked the Pentagon whether Mr. Flynn received approval. Several Democratic lawmakers recently asked the Defense Department to investigate whether Mr. Flynn violated the Constitution when he accepted money for attending the Russian network’s event.

Mr. Flynn previously said he was paid to attend the December 2015 event, which came at a time of heightened tensions between the White House and the Kremlin. In an interview with the Washington Post in August, Mr. Flynn said he was asked to attend the event by his speaking-engagement agent, Leading Authorities Inc., or LAI.

“It was in Russia. It was a paid speaking opportunity,” Mr. Flynn said. “I get paid so much. The speaker’s bureau got paid so much, based on our contract.”

On Thursday, Mr. Cummings, of Maryland, sent a joint letter with the committee chairman, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah), asking LAI to provide documents and information on the matter by March 2.

In particular, they asked LAI for all documents and communications relating to Mr. Flynn’s December 2015 appearance in Moscow and the source of the funding for the trip. They also asked for a list of all of Mr. Flynn’s speaking engagements and their sources of funding.

“We are attempting to determine the amount Lt. Gen. Flynn received for his appearance, the source of the funding, and whether he may have received payments from any other foreign sources for additional engagements,” the congressmen wrote in the letter.

As chairman of the committee, Mr. Chaffetz has subpoena power that could compel LAI to hand over the information. LAI didn’t respond to requests for comment.
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