***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I would be HONORED! Living in a weak, sad Libbie state with a lack of Coal Mines, I will celebrate by sticking my mouth on my neighbors Dodge pickup exhaust and telling him to rev it to 3000RPMs so I can acquire my black lung faster! Let me not forget to mention he has a Trump/Pence MAGA bumper Sticker
Perfect, comrade! Welcome to the gang.

As your are demonstrating a deep interest in cars, low gas mileage, and passing power, I have teamed you up with our gang's expert on transportation. I think you two are going to get along perfectly well. As my man Pythagoras once said, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!



*If only they could get over their disgust of Hillary*

It's kinda late to come out with negative testimonies and videos of Trump saying racially insensitive stuff now. Mofos always trying to turn back the hands of time. Be proactive next time (if there is a next time...)

In a way, I will agree with those who say Trump was needed in the sense that its presidency will serve as dictator inoculation.

Kinda like varicella.

Scalias All the Way Down

While the press goes wild over tweets, Trump is remaking the federal judiciary.

The media remains so caught up with the president’s tweets that it has missed Mr. Trump’s project to transform the rest of the federal judiciary. The president is stocking the courts with a class of brilliant young textualists bearing little relation to even their Reagan or Bush predecessors. Mr. Trump’s nastygrams to Bob Corker will be a distant memory next week. Notre Dame law professor Amy Coney Barrett’s influence on the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals could still be going strong 40 years from now.

Mr. Trump has now nominated nearly 60 judges, filling more vacancies than Barack Obama did in his entire first year. There are another 160 court openings, allowing Mr. Trump to flip or further consolidate conservative majorities on the circuit courts that have the final say on 99% of federal legal disputes.

This project is the work of Mr. Trump, White House Counsel Don McGahn and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Every new president cares about the judiciary, but no administration in memory has approached appointments with more purpose than this team.

Remember though, the left isn’t “tolerant”

More goodies from that nazi rally value summit...

(Folks giving a standing ovation to that are disgraces to the entire species...)

He also fired more salvo's at the GOP establishment setting the stage for a civil war in the GOP during next years midterms...

2017 :rofl:

He might be right for now but who know's if that'll still be the case after da Don hears his latest comments defending that LOOSER Obummer's Iran catastrophe of a deal...
More goodies from that nazi rally value summit...

(Folks giving a standing ovation to that are disgraces to the entire species...)

He also fired more salvo's at the GOP establishment setting the stage for a civil war in the GOP during next years midterms...


But, but, but a breeze told me one time that the ACA is in a death spiral already and all Da Don had to do was wait


Da identity politics was only something the left practiced

It kinda seems like that those talking points were ignorant buffoonery....Say it ain't so.
But ain't this dude try to get his mistress to abort tiff...

O and..

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2017 :rofl:

He might be right for now but who know's if that'll still be the case after da Don hears his latest comments defending that LOOSER Obummer's Iran catastrophe of a deal...

I'm probably just ignorant, but Tillerson comes across as not being a complete piece of **** like everyone else in that administration.
I'm probably just ignorant, but Tillerson comes across as not being a complete piece of **** like everyone else in that administration.
Naa :lol:

I mean you're not exactly wrong to think that, he's shown to be one of few grown ups in the admin that are still grounded in reality.

He doesn't have too much sway over FP but he's shown to take a more moderate tone and stance in his approach. He's had the balls to go against what the manbaby has said on numerous occasions like Mattis
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