***Official Political Discussion Thread***

The City of Philadelphia is having a parade for the Eagles. Shutting down all schools, courts, and municipal government offices. Surely that isn't a better expenditure than a parade for the US military. You must think all parades are pointless.
Straw-man argument. I disagree with military parades so therefore I must think all parades are pointless. Not necessarily no; the logistics,, administration and costs going into a full-fledged military parade are generally far higher than other kind of parades. Varies based on the scale of the military parades of course but it's generally a bit more than just a few military jeeps and a bunch of soldiers marching. They also happen to regularly damage the roads they do it on in countries like Russia, China, Ukraine, NK, ... because they're generally not built to withstand the kind of vehicles used in those parades. Which again brings additional costs. Smaller parades rarely have that issue, you don't really see heavy armored vehicles and tanks at a gay parade. France has been doing it for well over 100 years and the route the parade is executed on are built to withstand that. Correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt DC roads are built to withstand loads of heavy military vehicles.

As for the Eagles parade, at least that makes a bit more sense to me as they won the Superbowl. Not exactly a regular accomplishment. If I was on a city council I'd ask for a stadium event instead like we do over here in our sports. Less logistics and far less costly as well.
The City of Philadelphia is having a parade for the Eagles. Shutting down all schools, courts, and municipal government offices. Surely that isn't a better expenditure than a parade for the US military. You must think all parades are pointless.

Straw-man argument. I disagree with military parades so therefore I must think all parades are pointless. Not necessarily no; the logistics,, administration and costs going into a full-fledged military parade are generally far higher than other kind of parades. Varies based on the scale of the military parades of course but it's generally a bit more than just a few military jeeps and a bunch of soldiers marching. They also happen to regularly damage the roads they do it on in countries like Russia, China, Ukraine, NK, ... because they're generally not built to withstand the kind of vehicles used in those parades. Which again brings additional costs. Smaller parades rarely have that issue, you don't really see heavy armored vehicles and tanks at a gay parade. France has been doing it for well over 100 years and the route the parade is executed on are built to withstand that. Correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt DC roads are built to withstand loads of heavy military vehicles.

As for the Eagles parade, at least that makes a bit more sense to me as they won the Superbowl. Not exactly a regular accomplishment. If I was on a city council I'd ask for a stadium event instead like we do over here in our sports. Less logistics and far less costly as well.

City governments tend to have a tremendously smaller budget than the federal government. So proportionally, if cost is the concern, the Eagles' parade is far more expensive. And even more ridiculous as it relates to your "what's the point?" argument. It is just a game after all. Men and women of the military are putting their lives on the line. Surely a parade for morale of the military makes more sense than that.
"Just more locker room horse play between couples, but what about Hillary and the Clinton foundation?"
For a bipartisan budget deal it is seems like good deal.

Turtle seems to be keeping his promise about an open debate on immigration.

Pelosi is upset at no DACA and is on the floor voicing her anger.

I think the Senate might get an immigration deal passed but Trump and Ryan will be an issue . Ryan has not committed to open fair debate.
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"Just more locker room horse play between couples, but what about Hillary and the Clinton foundation?"

The allegations:

  • Porter's first wife, Colbie Holderness, alleged in an interview published Wednesday by the Daily Mail that he kicked her on their honeymoon, progressing to choking and punching her in the face. She provided pictures that were published with the story.
  • Porter's second wife, Jennifer Willoughy, told the Daily Mail earlier this week that he pulled her naked from the shower shortly after their first anniversary, and that he was verbally abusive. The Daily Mail also obtained a police complaint from 2010 of Porter allegedly punching the glass on a door at their home, which led to her filing a temporary protective order.
  • Willoughy told the Daily Mail that the FBI had interviewed her, along with Holderness. The Daily Mail claimed sources told them that Porter's "dark past" was the reason for his failure to secure security clearances.
City governments tend to have a tremendously smaller budget than the federal government. So proportionally, if cost is the concern, the Eagles' parade is far more expensive. And even more ridiculous as it relates to your "what's the point?" argument. It is just a game after all. Men and women of the military are putting their lives on the line. Surely a parade for morale of the military makes more sense than that.
Since when are military parades for the morale of the military rather than padding the ego of whoever orders them? The US has had very little of these kind of parades in spite of its massive military and what I would call a bit of an infatuation amongst many government officials. When was the last time the US held a military parade showcasing large quantities of military hardware? Shortly after the Gulf War? Not just some soldiers marching and maybe a few light vehicles.
France is just about the only non-authoritarian/dictatorship country where those kind of big military parades consistently take place and they've been doing it as a tradition since the late 1800s. Other countries in that company include Russia, North Korea and China for example. I don't think raising morale amongst the military is anywhere on the list of priorities for Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un. And even in those countries who hold at least one annual parade of such scale they repeatedly damage their own roads doing so.

The D.C. Council itself has already pushed back against the idea of tanks rolling down their streets, so has the D.C. mayor.
D.C. Council hits Trump on military parade: 'Giant Tank Parade is cancelled'

The D.C. Council mocked President Trump over his proposed military parade, which the Pentagon has confirmed is in the works.

The District’s legislative body on Wednesday tweeted out a graphic of a “no tanks” symbol.

“The DC government will open on time today. DC Public Schools will open on time today. Sadly, the Giant Tank Parade is cancelled. Permanently,” the tweet read.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday night that Trump had directed Pentagon officials to plan a military parade, which Pentagon and White House officials later confirmed.

Trump has floated the idea several times in the past and was particularly enthusiastic after viewing the Bastille Day military parade in Paris.

"President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe," White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. "He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation."

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday also responded to the idea of the parade, saying through a spokeswoman that if Trump wants to hold a parade in D.C., “he will have to pay for it” himself.

Bowser’s spokeswoman said that D.C. officials have not been formally approached about logistics for the proposed parade, which the Post reported could possibly happen around Veterans Day.
Since when are military parades for the morale of the military rather than padding the ego of whoever orders them? The US has had very little of these kind of parades in spite of its massive military and what I would call a bit of an infatuation amongst many government officials. When was the last time the US held a military parade showcasing large quantities of military hardware? Not just some soldiers marching and maybe a few light vehicles.
France is just about the only non-authoritarian/dictatorship country where those kind of big military parades consistently take place and they've been doing it as a tradition since the late 1800s. Other countries in that company include Russia, North Korea and China for example. I don't think raising morale amongst the military is anywhere on the list of priorities for Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un. And even in those countries who hold at least one annual parade of such scale they repeatedly damage their own roads doing so.

The D.C. Council itself has already pushed back against the idea of tanks rolling down their streets, so has the D.C. mayor.
D.C. Council hits Trump on military parade: 'Giant Tank Parade is cancelled'

So you support the parade without tanks?
So you support the parade without tanks?
I don't see much of an issue if they just want to have some soldiers marching or regular vehicles. That's not all that uncommon and drastically reduces the logistics, costs, security, ... as opposed to having loads of military hardware on display throughout the streets on roads that were never built to handle tanks and other heavily armored military hardware. And with the exception of France, those at least annual kind of displays of military hardware happen pretty much exclusively in those authoritarian and dictatorship states for obvious reasons.
I don't see much of an issue if they just want to have some soldiers marching or regular vehicles. That's not all that uncommon and drastically reduces the logistics, costs, security, ... as opposed to having loads of military hardware on display throughout the streets on roads that were never built to handle tanks and other heavily armored military hardware. And with the exception of France, those at least annual kind of displays of military hardware happen pretty much exclusively in those authoritarian and dictatorship states for obvious reasons.

This is probably how it will end up
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