***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm going to eat that pizza WELL DONE with LOTS OF KETCHUP and a sprinkling of COAL DUST.

Trump is having an excellent day because every day he doesn't die of a heart attack is a MIRACLE.
not gon lie, when the Brick Oven pizza is fueled by that Boal(shout out to my piru republicans) that pizza be the GOAT. Im on my Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde rn so if I drink the crown im wit Obummer, if I’m off the TIto’s original im wit da repubs. I’m a politically conflicted young man smh
Just collectively sanction the Trump Organization already, this economic buffoonery needs to end. I suppose the upside is at least he's damaging the US' own economy with him.
Trump Approves China Tariffs, Focuses More Closely on High Tech
President Donald Trump has decided to impose tariffs on about $50 billion in Chinese imports, according to two people familiar with the matter, in a move likely to escalate trade tensions between the world’s two biggest economies.

The size of the approved tariffs matches the scale of duties proposed in April, suggesting the president isn’t bowing to warnings that trade penalties may derail relations with China as the U.S. seeks to maintain pressure on North Korea over its nuclear weapons program.

The Trump administration had prepared a refined list of Chinese products to be hit with tariffs that homes in on technologies where China wants to establish itself as a leader, according to five different people familiar with the matter.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer were all with Trump in a meeting Thursday when the president made the decision, said White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who declined to confirm what was decided. Economic adviser Larry Kudlow, who had a heart attack on Monday, didn’t take part, she said.

In April, the U.S. revealed an initial list targeting about 1,300 products worth $50 billion in Chinese imports. Some products were taken off the preliminary list but none were added, said one of the people familiar with the decision, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the action before its announcement.

The U.S. is scheduled on Friday to release an updated list of Chinese tariff targets. The White House has said the duties will be implemented “shortly” after the release of the list, though no date has been set.

The tariffs could be applied in stages, according to two of the people briefed on the administration’s plans. Duties will take effect on some products within weeks. Tariffs on any products added to the U.S. Trade Representative’s list would be subject to a period of public feedback.

Trump said this week he’ll confront China “very strongly” over trade in the coming weeks. “China could be a little bit upset about trade because we are very strongly clamping down on trade,” the president said in a Fox News interview on Wednesday.

2025 Aspirations
The administration has said it wants to aim its tariffs at industries identified in China’s 2025 plan. “Made in China 2025” identified 10 industries that the world’s second-biggest economy wants to become globally competitive, and dominant in during this century.

It’s not clear whether the administration will still target that amount with the list it reveals on Friday.

By plowing ahead with tariffs against China, the Trump administration would undermine efforts by the world’s two biggest economies to avoid a trade war that the International Monetary Fund has warned could undermine global growth. The president has been threatening tariffs against China since U.S. officials concluded that Beijing abuses American intellectual-property rights.


The two countries have been negotiating on trade issues, but President Xi Jinping’s government has indicated it will drop any commitments made in recent talks if Trump follows through on his tariff threat. China has pledged to retaliate in kind.

Trump is shaking up the world economic order with his zeal for tariffs and embrace of trade conflict as a way to secure benefits for the U.S. He threw a summit of the Group of Seven wealthy economies into turmoil by revoking support for the group’s joint statement and berating the summit’s host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

So far, the U.S. has imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Economists expect the direct impact on the U.S. economy to be modest. But if the president follows through on all the duties he’s threatened, including the tariffs against China, U.S. inflation could accelerate by 15 basis points, according to Goldman Sachs.

Trump’s tariffs may also influence his efforts to bring peace to the Korean Peninsula. Beijing is an important player in talks with North Korea on abandoning its nuclear-weapons program.

The president has been under pressure from U.S. lawmakers over his decision to soften a penalty on Chinese telecom-equipment maker ZTE Corp. In April, the U.S. banned ZTE from buying American technology for seven years, effectively putting the company out of business. But Trump said this month ZTE could avoid the ban if it paid at least $1 billion in penalties, among other things. U.S. senators are seeking ways to block the deal in Congress.
What is everyone going to do in years 3 and 4 of this presidency? Still participate in the witch hunt? ...
that’s a helluva dodge my friend. You yourself have said you align yourself with the party that is morally intact but in fact your party is full of disgusting humans. Your pres needs to get peed on to feel special and his VP cant go to dinner without his wife due to his infidelity gene kicking in. I need your answers on this topic as my evangelical christian soul cannot handle the atrocities your party inflicts on minorities and those who are viewed as “outside the norm”

Old article.

Just found out that the Chief security officer of Equifax at the time of the data breach last year was a music Major with no training in security or tech.

Nepotism is alive and well in the US.

Now people are taking Equifax to small claims court and winning.


Haigh, who admitted that he had never set foot in a courtroom before, despite having a law-oriented company, said that he came to court that day prepared to do battle.

“I handed over the print-outs I had made the night before: of my screenshot saying I had been hacked, my Lifelock receipt, and the news articles on Equifax executives leaking our data, dumping their stock, and subsequently sharing links to phishing websites that lured consumers into (yet again), giving hackers their data.”

He even quotes money expert Clark Howard, who said in an impassioned video the week of the hack, “When your whole business is cataloging information on Americans without our permission, packaging us, slicing and dicing us, building these dossiers, and then selling us off over and over again, you gotta keep our data secure.”

End of story, right? Not so fast. Equifax filed an appeal, according to a second blog post Haigh wrote. This time, they brought high-powered lawyers. Not only was the vice president of Equifax’s legal department there, but among the suits was an attorney from big-time law firm King & Spalding, known to charge clients more than $1,000 an hour.

So why would Equifax spend that kind of money on an $8,000 small claim? Some have speculated to Haigh that the company didn’t want to open itself up to be nickle-and-dimed to death by 148 million consumers. Others reason online that it was just a show of force to scare the little guy.

Either way, Haigh came prepared again, this time enduring cross-examination and a battery of procedural haymakers by fancy lawyers intent on sowing confusion in the court.

“All three of them sat at the Defendants’ table, and I sat alone at my Plaintiff’s table. I presented my case, for the second time, and brought plenty of evidence to back myself up, including a report done by Senator Elizabeth Warren’s office with aid from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which described in detail how Equifax actually may profit from its negligence,” he writes.

In the end, he won again. Score one for the little guy!

In an interview with Inc.com, Haigh said that he looked up the cases of two litigants who came before and after him. “They both got similar awards, in the $8,000 range,” he was quoted as saying. “Just showing up to court could mean a significant judgment.”
Better than Trump's tax cuts I guess
You are either delusional or illiterate if that is what you got from this report.

Damn, whenever your Fuhrer is under attack you dudes always stick your head deeper in the sand.

It is summer time b, tiki torches are probably on sale, go stock up at Lowe's and miss us with your BS.

Read his post and insta-ignored.

Going to have to be a better troll than that to get a response.
I InTheHallway remember when you talked about religious values..

My feeling regarding Jeff Sessions summed up by a line in James Baldwin's essay "The Devil Finds Work", where he was discussing the impact a loving white teacher he had as a boy, had on him as a person....

…I never really managed to hate white people—though, God knows, I have often wished to murder more than one or two….
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