***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They were posted with the intention of insulting him. That much was obvious. It's not in compliance with our rules and has no place in this discussion.

You did not criticize an individual. You stated that the collective disparities in wealth could be attributed to stereotypical purchases. You even used the exact phrase "stereotypical purchases."

The overt use of derogatory racial stereotypes isn't "real racism" by your definition?

If someone were to post links to or quotes of your own comments about race on your company's Instagram posts, to show your current or prospective customers that you think the racial wealth gap is caused by "stereotypical purchases" or that you are an unabashed fan of George Zimmerman (https://niketalk.com/threads/r-i-p-trayvon.539700/page-254#post-18321681 https://niketalk.com/threads/george...-from-truck-crash.556459/page-5#post-18384839) how quickly would you complain to Instagram or to us?

You don't post this garbage on your social media accounts. You post it here. I suspect that you either know this is shameful, or recognize that your customers would likely treat it as such. If it's bad for your business, why on Earth should I allow it to stain our forums?

I've done my part to ensure that our rules are upheld and prevent other forum users from posting your photo to insult you.
As Malcolm X said, "wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it."
It is not, however, wrong for you to be held accountable for what you've publicly posted on our forums.

Trolling and racism are not permitted on our forums.
If you'd like to test those rules, you'll soon find yourself in the hallway.

You are right. I agree that I should have left that out. I APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE for that. I understand how that could come off as racist. I honestly didn't intend for it to come off that way.
I don't understand why you insist on bringing my business up. If we go to Amazon.com right now will we see anything about Jeff's political views? How about Mark's on Facebook? Where on Niketalk is there and About Us page that will give me some personal information about you Meth? My business is my business. This is a General Discussion Forum where people have open dialogue about varying topics. Correct? And how is it even a stain on Niketalk if every time someone even comes close to saying something remotely racist they are called a racist and immediately attacked?

What is your racial background?
My point is that it can't go one way. A rule has to be applicable to everyone.
Again with the "both sides" fallacy.

Wake me up when environmental organizations, minority groups, and socialists and communists make terrorist violence an acceptable means of attaining their objective like the multiple militias that have the support of the NRA and many GOP elected officials.

Wake me up when politicians on the Left put themselves above the needs of Americans, to the point where they are willing to shut down the entire government and put millions of Americans in financial jeopardy just so they can get a WALL THAT CANNOT WORK.
You are right. I agree that I should have left that out. I APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE for that. I understand how that could come off as racist. I honestly didn't intend for it to come off that way.
I don't understand why you insist on bringing my business up. If we go to Amazon.com right now will we see anything about Jeff's political views? How about Mark's on Facebook? Where on Niketalk is there and About Us page that will give me some personal information about you Meth? My business is my business. This is a General Discussion Forum where people have open dialogue about varying topics. Correct? And how is it even a stain on Niketalk if every time someone even comes close to saying something remotely racist they are called a racist and immediately attacked?

What is your racial background?
So, you basically want to have your ****ty ignorant opinions, but you don't want to get called out for them. That's hilarious.
My point is that it can't go one way. A rule has to be applicable to everyone.
There is only one way that can happen, and it seems that Trump is trying to prevent it from happening. Trump wants white male privilege to stand, but it is about to fall.
Bomani made a great point on his show today...

That food definitely wasn’t safe to eat

Anyone at any of the fast food places that wanted to stick it to the orange Cheeto could have easily done what food people do when they have a shot at getting back at someone
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You are right. I agree that I should have left that out. I APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE for that. I understand how that could come off as racist. I honestly didn't intend for it to come off that way.
I don't understand why you insist on bringing my business up. If we go to Amazon.com right now will we see anything about Jeff's political views? How about Mark's on Facebook? Where on Niketalk is there and About Us page that will give me some personal information about you Meth? My business is my business. This is a General Discussion Forum where people have open dialogue about varying topics. Correct? And how is it even a stain on Niketalk if every time someone even comes close to saying something remotely racist they are called a racist and immediately attacked?

What is your racial background?
This is pure nonsense.

And exactly how true racist try to normalize their offensive talking points.

They want to constantly cross the line with racially offensive remarks, then when they are called out on it, they know they can't defend the content of their comments so the claim that the line is drawn too closely. That it would somehow be better if everyone, including minorities, had more tolerance for offensive and ignorant comments on race and racism.

At worst you are no better than David Duke demanding America go back to the vile racial discourse of 60 years ago. At best you are like Ralph Nader saying that it would be better for America if people would be allowed to make "ethic" jokes with impunity. At worst you are no better than Charles Murray who yours the country try peddle bull**** race scienes. At best you are no better than Sam Harris that thinks it is an injustice if people don't provide a platform for such vile ideas.

Furthermore, you complain about NT's moderation but NT's moderation is what prevent your personal info to be connected to your trolling, and from business potentially being effected.

Either way, you sound ridiculous.
You are right. I agree that I should have left that out. I APOLOGIZE TO EVERYONE for that. I understand how that could come off as racist. I honestly didn't intend for it to come off that way.
I don't understand why you insist on bringing my business up. If we go to Amazon.com right now will we see anything about Jeff's political views? How about Mark's on Facebook?
Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are held accountable for their political views and for their public speech. You'd be hard pressed to search for articles about either without seeing something to that effect.

I merely pointed out that once you started posting racist garbage on our forums, you stopped posting about yourself and your business. I believe that's telling.I think you know that these are offensive, inflammatory beliefs that you don't want to be associated with you and that you wouldn't want your customers or prospective customers to read - and you are thus treating our forums like a toxic waste dump.

It is not.

If even you now recognize that the posts in question were indeed improper, then the rebuke you've received is well-deserved. So what, exactly, is the problem?

You're the one who wanted to use NikeTalk to promote your business. You're the one who decided to use NikeTalk to publicly post offensive comments. I simply pointed out that you have yet to attempt both simultaneously, and offered my opinion as to why.

And how is it even a stain on Niketalk if every time someone even comes close to saying something remotely racist they are called a racist and immediately attacked?
If NikeTalk members are rejecting racism and making racists feel unwelcome, then our community is functioning as intended.

Your argument at this point is "how dare you call me racist for saying something I now acknowledge was probably a little racist!"

Dr. Emma Jane, an Australian sociologist, specializes in studying cyber violence against women and girls. She's noted many patterns among sexist trolls that fit race trolls equally well - and for good reason, given the substantial overlap. "Toughen up," "they're just words," "I was joking," and appeals to "free speech" rank among the most common excuses for harassment. None of these excuses can withstand scrutiny. "There is," she writes, "an increasing awareness that the free speech argument mounted in defense of attackers does not hold water, partly because the speech rights of one group are being exercised at the expense of another."

When you allow members of a majority group to engage in abuse, harassment, and denigration, this often creates a chilling effect on the speech of their targets. When this becomes viewed as the cost of participating in an online community, many people will understandably consider this too steep a price to pay.

On the unmoderated forums that preceded NikeTalk, racial slurs and White Supremacist hate speech proved commonplace. Those of us who founded this community as an alternative did so precisely because we, and many of our friends, no longer wished to spend time on those other forums. We demanded better. We demanded respect and accountability. That is why this place exists. If you feel comfortable posting bigoted comments here, then we've failed to uphold our community's core principles.

The Internet was once viewed as a place of infinite possibility. With all of the biases and inequities we witness and experience offline, shouldn't there be at least some shared spaces online where you can participate without being continually subjected to hate speech? Shouldn't there be somewhere that you can post without being routinely called a slur, or subhuman, or a thing? Shouldn't there be a community that holds people accountable for rape threats, abuse, and harassment?

The type of uninhibited speech you want can be found anywhere. You can be a racist on Facebook without accountability. You can be a racist on Twitter without accountability. You can be a racist on Instagram without accountability. You can be a racist on Youtube without accountability. You can be a racist on reddit without accountability. You can be a racist in public with little or no accountability.

So if you can't be even "remotely racist" on this ONE FORUM without accountability and THAT is too much for you to handle, you need to check your privilege.

If you're looking for a place where you can comfortably spout ignorance and bigotry, may I propose a very simple and effective solution: go away.
an increasing awareness that the free speech argument mounted in defense of attackers does not hold water, partly because the speech rights of one group are being exercised at the expense of another.

Absolute freedom doesn't exist in a well-functioning society because absolute freedom implies that one is free to impede on other citizens' rights. That is the premise of the social contract.

tl:dr People like the ignored parties propensity to explain away discrepancies between races, sexes, or any other minority because they're just bad or not as capable as the dominant group is because at least, among them, it serves as a reasonable way to rebuke beneficial policies or programs because basically "why bother". Things are the way they are because they are, doing anything at all to help "them" is just upsetting the natural order of things and just plain ol fiscally irresponsible. Put a new coat of paint on the above ideas every decade or so and you get your Petersons, Murrays, Shapiros etc.

The excerpt in the spoiler is from Stephen Jay Gould btw
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