***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I never forgot when he tweeted this blatantly racist and false statistics....and he let it slide


Like, the ***** traffics in conspiracy and racism. It’s who he is and has been. The media not REALLY calling him out on it done normalized it. It aitdog whistles. He just ain’t say ***** on tape yet.
This is just inexperience. It's not like the imagery, blatantly fake statistics and a non-existent "Crime Statistics Bureau" could alert someone to the obvious racist intent.
How could someone know that black people are not responsible for virtually all homicides?
Trump got me pissed today.


Real talk....Dutch Village is in my neighborhood. I grew up walking distance from there. I still hang there from time to time. My aunt lives down the street on McLean to this day. I got homies with apts over there to this day. Like, I’ve SEEN the effects of the ****, Trump family do to people I know. Him and his family real scum bags man :smh:.
dwalk31 dwalk31 some non legal advice. It’s completely okay be a staunch supporter of due process. But your points would land 10000 times better if you didn’t try to shoe horn “the importance of due process” into conversations about people with questionable integrity at best. The system works to the benefit of the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore. They’re not the people that need your advocacy.
dwalk31 dwalk31 some non legal advice. It’s completely okay be a staunch supporter of due process. But your points would land 10000 times better if you didn’t try to shoe horn “the importance of due process” into conversations about people with questionable integrity at best. The system works to the benefit of the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore. They’re not the people that need your advocacy.

Your point is well taken. But the problem with ignoring the support for due process in conversations of people that you feel do not need the advocacy is that it creates hypocrisy when responding to situations involving people you feel deserve it. This selective support for due process is the exact erosion that results in mass incarceration of people that look like me.

So if defending due process means that I get drug on niketalk, it is more than worth it in hopes that at least one person reading understands the concept.
I didn't think I could get anymore disgusted with Trump, then I read his comments on Cummings and Baltimore.

**** anyone that defends or MAKE EXCUSES for such vile bull****.

If DWalk does, then we should all conclude he doesn't have experience in not being a low life.
Hmm, this incident may bring it closer to 10 incidents that could be perceived as being racial. I will admit that he in fact could do better with his tweets, but still not sure he's racist.
dwalk31 dwalk31 some non legal advice. It’s completely okay be a staunch supporter of due process. But your points would land 10000 times better if you didn’t try to shoe horn “the importance of due process” into conversations about people with questionable integrity at best. The system works to the benefit of the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore. They’re not the people that need your advocacy.
You know damn well DWalk is not the staunch supporter of due process he claims to be. :lol: :lol:

He claim in this thread hand waving other people's concerns about criminal justice reform, he defended Trump's actions on the border even after people pointed out people's legal rights were being violated, and he ran in her to take a victory lap regarding the Mueller report even though that was not the conclusion of that legal process.

Furthermore due process ONLY became his criteria after "has anyone been arrested" handwave blew up in his face.

Dude is a troll.
dwalk31 dwalk31 some non legal advice. It’s completely okay be a staunch supporter of due process. But your points would land 10000 times better if you didn’t try to shoe horn “the importance of due process” into conversations about people with questionable integrity at best. The system works to the benefit of the likes of Donald Trump and Roy Moore. They’re not the people that need your advocacy.
I wonder if dude is autistic? Not being facetious but seems like he's obsessed with a strict definition of due process, reminds me of hyper focused autistic kids who genuinely can't see nuance or any variables. Unless he's being disingenuous and is just some idiot defending his idol to a fault. Last part definitely facetious.
You know damn well DWalk is not the staunch supporter of due process he claims to be. :lol: :lol:

He claim in this thread hand waving other people's concerns about criminal justice reform, he defended Trump's actions on the border even after people pointed out people's legal rights were being violated, and he ran in her to take a victory lap regarding the Mueller report even though that was not the conclusion of that legal process.

Furthermore due process ONLY became his criteria after "has anyone been arrested" handwave blew up in his face.

Dude is a troll.

I did, and do, no such thing.
A guilty until innocent standard.

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows Trump is racist.

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows the earth is arming up and we are causing it.

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows trickle down economics doesn't work.

The standard you mention doesn't not apply to those on the opposite side of you.
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