***Official Political Discussion Thread***

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows Trump is racist.

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows the earth is arming up and we are causing it.

There exists 40 years of documented evidence that shows trickle down economics doesn't work.

The standard you mention doesn't not apply to those on the opposite side of you.

The standard mentioned is obviously in regards to due process. On page 6562, @aepps20 suggested I am a supporter of Roy Moore. He/she also suggested that I cape for pedophiles and rapists. I informed that defense of due process is not support for the accused.

I agree that the items you are mentioning are wholly unrelated to the context I just provided.
Your point is well taken. But the problem with ignoring the support for due process in conversations of people that you feel do not need the advocacy is that it creates hypocrisy when responding to situations involving people you feel deserve it. This selective support for due process is the exact erosion that results in mass incarceration of people that look like me.

So if defending due process means that I get drug on niketalk, it is more than worth it in hopes that at least one person reading understands the concept.

If your true objective is to stress the importance and value of Due process, You don’t think your message is getting lost on the likes of Roy Moore...in this thread?
If your true objective is to stress the importance and value of Due process, You don’t think your message is getting lost on the likes of Roy Moore...in this thread?

If you are asking seriously and you’ve been following then you realize that I don’t bring up Roy Moore. Instead, it is brought up that I am a Roy Moore supporter, pedo-apologist and rape-apologist—and then I respond. But for these mentions about Roy Moore I wouldn’t be discussing due process in relation to him. I discussed it at the time of the allegations against him.
What's your relation to Hong Kong if you don't mind me asking?

Admittedly I only know the basics of Hong Kong's history and the relationship with China but the situation does look like an insurmountable uphill climb for the people of Hong Kong.
My (lacking) knowledge of Asia in general could use some more reading to get a better understanding. It's about to be a scorching heatwave in the next few days so that'll give me some time to get a decent grasp of what's going on out there.
My family is Chinese/Vietnamese.

Some people in my family fled from Vietnam to Hong Kong before arriving in Canada

Hong Kong is the first place I traveled to outside of North America
Have you watched the Wire, sir?

I found dwalk's twitter account:


edit: He's a "lawyer"

And this the superior race according to @dwalk31’s boy

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