***Official Political Discussion Thread***

childish and stupid insults? like 90% of what Trump says?

we're not doing this because we're stupid and childish. we do it to mock trump and the way he manages his problems.

he doesn't have a monopoly on stupid nicknames like lying Ted. **** Drumpf.

Homie I get it, I iust think it's played out. Same with crooked Hillary or lying Ted.

Only people who I've seen say drumpf in real life are liberal arts majors and feminists . That's why I think it's annoying. Do you brotha idc
^ fair enough. we should at least try to be more grown up and creative than Trump, which isn't hard to do. i mean, the best nickname this year has been Jeborah, which SNL came up with, not Trump.
^ fair enough. we should at least try to be more grown up and creative than Trump, which isn't hard to do. i mean, the best nickname this year has been Jeborah, which SNL came up with, not Trump.

Speaking of name calling you see what Mike pence said . He says "name callin has no place in politics " lmfao . If that's not the pot calling the kettle black idk what is.


I just don't understand how he could say something like that when he's running with trump. Lmao. Either these dudes just don't care or there dense af

Here's the full quote . Referring to Obama calling trump a demagogue

“I don’t think name calling has any place in public life,” said Pence. “I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that, let alone laced into a sentence like that.”
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I'm sure that for 95% people who are going to or considering voting for Drumpf, he can literally say anything and they'll defend him or stand by him. Drumpf said it himself: He could go out on the street and shoot a guy and his followers wouldn't abandon him.

And not only do his insults not hurt him, they somehow end up working to his advantage. I mean, this "Fortunate Son" Vietnam dodger insulted John McCain for being tortured by the Vietnamese yet McCain was endorsing him some months later. Not sure how that works.

Drumpf supporters be like "We need a change from those corrupt Washington politicians. We no longer need leaders who don't make fun of disabled people. We need leaders who openly make fun of disabled people!"
trump will befriend the north Koreans.

he walked right into the Khan trap. they need to set more. one each week until November.
I'm sure that for 95% people who are going to or considering voting for Drumpf, he can literally say anything and they'll defend him or stand by him. Drumpf said it himself: He could go out on the street and shoot a guy and his followers wouldn't abandon him.

And not only do his insults not hurt him, they somehow end up working to his advantage. I mean, this "Fortunate Son" Vietnam dodger insulted John McCain for being tortured by the Vietnamese yet McCain was endorsing him some months later. Not sure how that works.

Drumpf supporters be like "We need a change from those corrupt Washington politicians. We no longer need leaders who don't make fun of disabled people. We need leaders who openly make fun of disabled people!"

Same difference. Hill could be investigated by the IRS by the FBI shoot at police and nothing would happen.
It doesn't matter to his supporters but Trump looks like he's falling apart. His latest interview was actually crazy. Whenever he's pressed on an issue that may make him catch heat from conservatives, he basically says I need to look into it more before I make a decision. Basically the answer you give when you haven't done the homework and get called on in class. Pretty sure the righties in here are more informed on politics than Trump is.

I was worried before that he could take a step towards the center, act a little more competent, and steal the election through his charisma. Not anymore. Dude is crumbling under the pressure. Anyone that's slightly undecided is going to see that the Donald is unwell. Wouldn't be surprised if he decides against the debates.
His supporters don't care, the only thing that could stop him now would be an endorsement from Obama. :lol:
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Mike pence
Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?

With supply-side economics accomplishes to two things. First it is a huge benefit to corporations and the rich. The official motto of supply side economics should be a rising tide lifts all yachts

Since tax breaks aren't free, and tax rates are already relatively low, these tax cuts will only expand our deficit.

Then the bait and switch begins, the public are told that since we are running deficits we must cut spending. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts, or cutting military spending, welfare programs will be put on the cutting board. Food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, etc. Or a pesky regulator agency, like the EPA or Department of Labor (another sneak way of lowering regulations without having to pass a bill)

So the rich get richer, corporations get less regulated, the government gets less revenue that it otherwise would have has, so in return that leads to less services for the poor and middle class

Terrible goalkeeping
but did the robots learn how to fake injury?

Hopefully never, we can't let them get too smart... :nerd:

Question: if you're cutting taxes on businesses, someones losing out right? I assume local and federal govt so isn't that just more funds the general public is missing out on diverted to business owners, with no guarantee of benefits to workers or consumers?

With supply-side economics accomplishes to two things. First it is a huge benefit to corporations and the rich. The official motto of supply side economics should be a rising tide lifts all yachts

Since tax breaks aren't free, and tax rates are already relatively low, these tax cuts will only expand our deficit.

Then the bait and switch begins, the public are told that since we are running deficits we must cut spending. Instead of rolling back the tax cuts, or cutting military spending, welfare programs will be put on the cutting board. Food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, etc. Or a pesky regulator agency, like the EPA or Department of Labor (another sneak way of lowering regulations without having to pass a bill)

So the rich get richer, corporations get less regulated, the government gets less revenue that it otherwise would have has, so in return that leads to less services for the poor and middle class

This further translates to crumbling infrastructure, rising crime, less well-paying job opportunities, less access to higher education and eventually mass emigration and its corollary, brain drain (something that Americans should be extremely wary of, as it eats at the core of Development and Progress)

That's like an instruction manual on how to turn a prosperous country into a developing one in a couple of generations.

You think there aren't places in the US where if you held a referendum, they wouldn't want to be a part of Mexico?

Does that mean that it should be done?

I was asking because amel is implying sentiment in Crimea is different than what is being reported in many places.

To your question:
1. Not today (as far as whole states go I doubt it?) but probably eventually.
2. No. In all honesty, nobody wants to hand anything over. If a southern region wanted to leave, and Mexico knew they could take it, they probably would if the conditions were right.

As for a Texas/Crimea parallel, let's look at it for fun.

We flooded into Texas (Mexico actually had to ban us at one point), later revolted, and eventually made it part of the US.

Crimea was Russian for a long time, got transferred to Ukraine during Soviet era, and after the USSR collapse it remained in Ukraine. Correct?

So ethnic Russians found themselves living in Ukraine post-collapse.. the countries have good relations though so nobody really cares... a revolution takes place in 2014... in comes a new gov that Russia says they do not recognize, and we know the rest.

Seems like a complicated conflict. Kind of like much of our relationship with Russia, which would probably be better served if it were discussed and debated on a national level, rather than settled through neo-McCarthyite charges our media has been engaging in the past week.


What are y'all opinions on gun control?

I think we need to look into making mental health a priority, as well as making that mental health history kritical towards buying a firearm. I dont think people should lose their guns kuz thats a right, n open karry may be a viable option, if, n only if, we also start towards fixing our kriminal justice system. Banning guns wont reduce the amount of illegaly obtained guns used by terrorists n kriminals. People should be allowed to defend their families n homes.

What people need to realize is that in order to fix something, all attributing faktors need to be examined. Everything that is changed affects something else; theres a domino effect. It seems logikal to me to attack a problem at as many angles possible to address any outliers. Nothings perfekt, n i kno theres other variables at work, these just seem be the hot topiks...ya kno?

last time i checked Mexico didn't give Texas or California away, they lost it in a war..Crimea was given from one part of da former USSR to another part of da former USSR. moving da goal posts huh :lol:


Yeah, someone sure is moving the goal posts with his lame *** technicalities. You might as well have written:

"Last time I checked Mexico starts with an "M", Crimea starts with a "C". It couldn't be more different of a situation. :lol: "

You posted a map that shows different ethnicities in Crimea and pointed out that they voted to leave Ukraine to justify it's annexation by Russia. I did the same for the Latino population in the US. But since that points out the hollowness of your argument way too much and doesn't suit your agenda, apparently what's most important is how the territory was obtained many years ago.

Crimea was Ukrainian territory, regardless of the origins of how it became Ukrainian territory. If it's that simple to retake territory, then I guess Russia could just take Alaska back if they pay back what they originally gave for it. It was theirs first. The same goes for Louisiana and France. A much bigger version of Louisiana, that is.

And speaking of France and staying with your "won in a war" justification, does France also have dibs on various US territories where they won the battles in the American War of Independence?

It doesn't work that way. Crimea was Ukranian land, recognized by the U.N. And Russia just took it while giving zero dambs about U.N. conventions.


Real ****, this elektion is makin idiocracy look like a horror movie [emoji]128129[/emoji]
Crimea was a part of Ukraine, first and foremost.

As da referendum showed, the overwhelming majority wished to join the Russian federation.

This does not give Russia the right to violently waltz into the Crimea and take it. It gives them the right to negotiate about the terms of a possible separation of the Crimea. The referendum bears no relevance to justifying Russia's annexation of the Crimea.

Let's use a hypothetical situation here. Let's assume Texas holds a referendum to join Mexico and the overwhelming majority votes yes. Mexico then invades Texas with military force and conquers it. Would this hypothetical example be ok to you Ninja? After all da referendum showed Texans wanted to join Mexico again.
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His supporters don't care, the only thing that could stop him now would be an endorsement from Obama. :lol:

It's not really about changing the mind of his supporters at this point. Trump can endorse Lucifer and it won't change their mind.

Its about swaying independents and getting Trump haters to vote for Hilary.

It would be an absolute nightmare if Trump haters just choose to sit out the election altogether.

Anytime I hear someone say 'I'm not voting for either of them ******' I want to hit someone. The most cowardly thing you can do is sit out the election imo.
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It's these damn hardcore Bernie Sanders fans that are the problem. Look, I wanted to vote for him too. However, saying you're not going to vote at all because Clinton is corrupt is hilarious, as if 99.9% of politicians throughout human history haven't been corrupt. It's a fact of life you unfortunately have to live with
yeah... being investigated for a crime, a non-violent one at that, vs saying you'd murder someone is a GREAT comparison

lol....who's mans are these 
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