***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Da coffers are boomin' b.

The way they treat these guys you’d think they’re innocent. Get busted for weed and you’re sitting in jail until your court date. Millions of lives and dollars at risk and they get to pick a day to come in. Sounds fair
Kill one person and you're a murderer.
Kill 10000 and you're a hero.
With Flynn reaffirming his guilty plea and again admitting he deliberately misled the FBI on all false statements in the plea, it again puts the testimony of another former Trump WH official in a bad light.
Kathleen Troia (K.T.) McFarland was Flynn's deputy national security adviser and has since been nominated by Trump to be the US ambassador to Singapore. In the end her nomination was withdrawn.

McFarland testified before the Senate and was asked about Flynn's contacts with Sergey Kislyak.
Specifically, Senator Booker asked her "Did you ever discuss any of General Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak directly with General Flynn?"
McFarland replied in written testimony "I am not aware of any of the issues or events as described above"

Below is an excerpt of Flynn's guilty plea and one of the false statements he admitted to. Based on other reporting and comments by WH lawyer Ty Cobb, that senior transition official appears to be McFarland.
Immediately after that phonecall, Flynn contacted the Russian ambassador to request that Russia refrains from escalating the situation and only respond in a reciprocal manner.


The NYT had also obtained some emails from the Trump transition that appear to contradict McFarland's Senate testimony.
A WH lawyer confirmed the authenticity of at least some of the emails, as the lawyer provided a defense for one of McFarland's statements in the emails.
On December 29th, and note the date on the Flynn guilty plea excerpt above, McFarland sent an email to a colleague that stated the Obama sanctions were aimed at discrediting Trump's victory.
She added that the sanctions would make it harder for Trump to ease tensions with Russia.
"If there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty improving relations with Russia, which has just thrown U.S.A. election to him"

A WH lawyer, Ty Cobb, then told the NYT that McFarland was referring to the Democrats' depiction of the election on the "which has just thrown the U.S.A. election to him" line, but thereby also confirmed the authenticity of the email.
Cobb has since resigned from his position.

In another email to then transition official Thomas P. Bossert, McFarland wrote that as part of the outreach, Flynn would be speaking with Russian ambassador Kislyak, hours after Obama's sanctions were announced.
"Key will be Russia's response over the next few days"
Bossert later became a homeland security adviser to Trump.
He forwarded McFarland’s December 29 email exchange about the sanctions to 6 other Trump advisers, including Flynn, Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon and Sean Spicer.

The email exchange was again verified by WH lawyer Ty Cobb. He said that "it would have been political malpractice not to discuss sanctions,” adding that “the presidential transition guide specifically encourages contact with and outreach to foreign dignitaries."
Cobb added that the only problem was that Flynn had lied about it to the FBI. But evidently McFarland lied about it too. The emails, and later Flynn's guilty plea, are in no shape or form consistent with her Senate testimony.

Flynn's efforts were apparently successful and president Trump later congratulated Putin on following Flynn's request.

The entire collection of transition emails were later obtained by Special Counsel Mueller from the federal General Services Administration.
A Trump transition lawyer, Kory Langhofer, contended that Mueller had illegally obtained the emaills. President Trump later seemed to back that assertion.
When asked if Mueller had improperly obtained the emails, Trump answered "Not looking good. It's not looking good."
Trump later added "it's quite sad to see that. My people were very upset" and noted "I can't imagine there's anything on them, because as we said there's no collusion. There was no collusion whatsoever."

McFarland's Senate testimony at this point is clearly contradicted by not just her own email communications but also by WH lawyer Ty Cobb and Flynn's eventual guilty plea.
It was later reported by the Washington Post and other media outlets that McFarland revised her testimony in the Special Counsel probe in light of Flynn's guilty plea.
Former top White House official revises statement to special counsel about Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador
When FBI agents first visited her at her Long Island home in the summer of 2017, McFarland denied ever talking to Flynn about any discussion of sanctions between him and the ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, in December 2016, during the presidential transition.
For a time, investigators saw her answers as “inconsistent,” putting her in legal peril as the FBI tried to determine whether she had lied to them.

Towards the end of 2017, president Trump ended up admitting on Twitter that he was aware Flynn had lied to the FBI. Previously he had stated that Flynn had done nothing wrong and was only fired for misleading VP Pence.

That admission, if true, then raises the question as to why Trump later told Comey "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go" according to Comey's testimony under oath.
According to the testimony, Trump removed everyone from his office, including Attorney General Sessions, to have a one on one talk with Comey about the Flynn investigation.
Flynn resigned on February 13th 2017. The alleged conversation with Comey took place the day after.
If Trump's own admission that he was aware Flynn had lied when he fired him is true, he was aware of it when he allegedly told Comey "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go"

Giuliani later appeared to confirm the Trump-Comey conversation about Flynn took place, denying it was meant as a direction, but later walked back those comments and said he was simply trying to argument from the Democrats' point of view.

The president of course ended up firing FBI director Comey and admitted 2 days later on television that he was going to fire him regardless of recommendation and directly linked the Russia investigation to that decision. Trump later falsely accused NBC of altering Trump's comments with editing.
He also later falsely accused Comey of illegally leaking classified information, citing no evidence, and advocated for a treason prosecution against Comey along with imprisonment.
Trump advocated treason prosecutions and imprisonment against the Special Counsel and Deputy AG Rosenstein as well.

When asked why he promoted imagery of Rosenstein behind bars for treason, the president doubled down and said "he should've never picked a special counsel."

Despite McFarland also appearing to lie or at best provide misleading statements about Flynn's contacts with Sergey Kislyak, in both her statements to the FBI and in her Senate testimony, she was kept on as deputy national security adviser. On May 19th 2017, Trump announced her as his nominee to be the US ambassador to Singapore. The WH formally nominated her on June 15 2017.

Towards the end of 2017, the Senate sent her nomination back to the WH rather than tabling it for 2018 with other pending nominations. The WH then renominated her.
On February 2 2018, McFarland withdrew her nomination.
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Finally some details on the secret grand jury subpoena

Perhaps this is related to the Middle-Eastern aspect of the Special Counsel probe.
It wouldn't really make sense to issue a grand jury subpoena to a Russian state-controlled company or anything like that.
So what if trump directed cohen to lie for
Or that mike flynn was lied to fbi

Its not like he has hit anybody with a sack of sweet valencia oranges..

Hashtag no collision...(misspelled on purpose)


Somebody wake me up when Mueller actually finds something.

Flynn lied. So what. Everybody does it. He was tricked into it.

I said from day one that this whole investigation was a bunch of sore losers from the Democratic party and their friends in the Republican party and 90% of the crooked criminal justice system who don't like Trump because he is draining the swamp and bringing jobs and money back to the forgotten man. The real heros are the blue lives, aka white cops who know the target is thugs. aka black youths.

We never got a full investigation into Hillary but now this political theater is draining our money and hurting the stock market that Trump worked so hard to save from Obummers disaster.

Coallusion is a conspiracy being funded by Soros and pushed by the Deep State to control the government. Big forces are at play. Both sides are the same. This is politics as usual. if everyone who did what Trump did was prosecuted and persecuted in the same way, Democrats would be livid.

blah blah blah

this makes no ******* sense.

stop being traitors.

find her emails.
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