***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Just a bunch of sour grapes.
Deep State
I asked you a question sir. And it wasn't a difficult question.
I asked you three questions - and two of them could've been answered "yes" or "no." You chose to ignore all of them.

You then said "my business is exactly that, my business," yet you think you can demand personal information of others? Nah. You chose to publicly promote your business on our forums. Perhaps you'd forgotten about that, because it seems to me that you're now attempting to aggressively subject our community members to material that you'd rather not have associated with you individually or professionally. I think that's telling.

If someone chooses to protect their privacy, that's their right and we support that. What we don't want is someone abusing their perceived anonymity to try and post hateful or abusive content without consequence or accountability.

Now, if you don't want to be personally or professionally associated with the types of things you're posting here, why should we allow our community to be associated with it?
You have a right to your privacy. You don't have a right to our platform.

When you start trading in the politics of personal responsibility on the macro level, you're peddling the concept of collective superiority/inferiority on the basis of genetics or culture. What is that if not racism?
You even used the word "stereotypical" with respect to the unwise purchases you accused Black Americans of making. Is that not, by your own admission, a negative racial stereotype?

Yeah, as soon as you show me I said there were studies I cited to throw a possibility out. That shouldn't be hard either.
I will take that as a resounding "no" regarding your familiarity with the concepts of circular or tautological reasoning.

Like I said, I am not racist. Nor do I exhibit racist behavior. Once again, you are trying to simplify and label me so YOU can understand me. Once again, I didn't make my statement as a matter of fact, but more of an idea based on the findings of the data that was put in front of me. Systematic! Racism just can't be the answer for everything.
An idea? So if the torch-bearing White Nationalists who chanted "Jews will not replace us" had characterized their rally as a brainstorming session, that would be excusable?

What you said, you said in public. You didn't yell it into a pillow or whisper it to a friend. You posted it in public, not just with the expectation of being heard, but with the goal of being heard.

You are accountable for the results.

You don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You don't make bomb jokes at the airport. You shouldn't post racist comments online and expect the rest of the world to just laugh it off.
The spread of racist ideology and racist stereotypes has broad reaching consequences felt by real people every day.

Want to post offensive material without consequence? Sorry, this is not your safe space.
You don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. You don't make bomb jokes at the airport.
i know it sem like im joking but seriously
if there was a fire
wouldnt anyone instinctively yell fire
and why cant u make a joke like that in a airport
but folks can say hateful thing and racist things in public
and nothing happen
we have politicians
and founding fathers
who have done and said hateful/racist things
but we gloss over that
but i could be arrested for saying fire
and telling a damn joke
america full of hypocrisy
Wait what? This was posted today? Why we got a cot damn government shutdown?
I think he views holding the government hostage as a win-win situation for him. Either he gets funding for his wall and gets a political win with his base, or he keeps attention on the shutdown and away from the investigation. If this was such a huge crisis, it's a real mystery why he did nothing about it during the last two years when the Republicans had the House and the Senate. They focused their efforts on what? Trying to screw Americans out of healthcare and handing out tax breaks to the wealthy? Trump cares about Trump and doesn't give a **** about this country.
LIBBYWINKS, Riley's Dad, Beta35, Bummond Green, Mikal's Son and other clowns wouldn't stand a chance against that squad.
giphy (68).gif
AMAZING. UNBEATABLE. And we have the data to prove it.

An incredible detail in the movie you've posted is that Dr. Benjamin Horlin Grantson, MD, magically births a young Johnsteve Baxnon from out of thin air. The same way he went from a lousy no-name surgeon to the King of the HUD. Turning nothing into something. He's always had the right mindset.

Also, let's not forget the contributions of Zodiac 3-point Specialist Killer Craig Rafael Edward Hodges, aka "Ted". He makes Harden look like he has the beard of a prepubescent girl.
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AMAZING. UNBEATABLE. And we have the data to prove it.

An incredible detail in the movie you've posted is that Dr. Benjamin Horlin Grantson, MD, magically births a young Johnsteve Baxnon from out of thin air. The same way he went from a lousy no-name surgeon to the King of the HUD. Turning nothing into something. He's always had the right mindset.

Also, let's not forget the contributions of Zodiac 3-point Specialist Killer Craig Rafael Edward Hodges, aka "Ted". He makes Harden look like he has the beard of a prepubescent girl.

NOTHING BUT FAX. Still remember all the cheating and hard fouls Nancy Lambeer Pelosi, Charles SchMahorn along with the cheating lib refs used to employ. AOC Daly employed the Donald's Rules to try to keep our President Elect from dropping 50 and building da wall.
NOTHING BUT FAX. Still remember all the cheating and hard fouls Nancy Lambeer Pelosi, Charles SchMahorn along with the cheating lib refs used to employ. AOC Daly employed the Donald's Rules to try to keep our President Elect from dropping 50 and building da wall.
I still remember when President Donald Jordan showed the libs just how many billions of dollars he was going to receive to build da wall:


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