***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Chuck shooting blanks but he's shooting nonetheless

I hate how everything is all dependent on those two people, and the Dems are paralyzed into doing something about it.

It’s the type of uncertainty **** and disappointment I simultaneously feel whenever I read something positive about something promising but it turns out to be a fluke cuz goddaamn Manchin and Sinema got the Dems by the balls.
I asked you guys what playing tough means.

You a) Mischartized what the Dems have been doing and b) Even if you were talking about something the GOP has been doing while the government was in split control, it can't be applied to the Dems now anyway.

Harry Reid wanted to kill the filibuster, he convinced his caucus to kill it for certain things. Chuck Schumer wants to kill the filibuster. Unless there is another Elon Musk is an Amazon factory worker in Youngstown Ohio, I don't know what you are talking about here.

It is not what the GOP has been doing, that's my point. You guys keep repeating that without providing concrete examples of how the GOP's strategy can be applied by the Democrats. And making up reasons why you think they are not going down a road that doesn't exist.
Look I generally respect your opinion and you probably know more about politics than I do to be honest but you’re too focused on A) what is going on at this exact moment in time and B) the specifics of each situation and not the overall trend that people like me and mplsdunk are talking about.

The fact is, the GOP playbook, for a long time now, has been to force through their agenda as quickly as possible when they are able to. And when they aren’t able to, to stonewall, sandbag, and make it as difficult as possible for the dems to rule or get anything done. A great example is Hawley, Cruz, and those other mfers still objecting to the election certification and making everyone reconvene to debate the certification. Those fools all know it’s a sham but they know that they are making the dems fight for every single inch. And that wears people down and tires people out.

And of course the Garland situation was different but you can’t possibly tell me that if things were flipped, Schumer would have rammed through someone as unqualified as Coney Barrett in 2 weeks if he had the chance.

And this isn’t just at the federal level. Why is it that the most gerrymandered districts are all GOP? If they can do it, the dems should do it right back when they have the power.

All we’re asking is that the dems show a little fight and stop letting the GOP **** this country with no resistance.
The Mosby story is still WILD to me...

who wanted her gone and why?

they really burned shorties whole life to the ground over 45k? every single acting congressman or woman could go down for similar ish
Look I generally respect your opinion and you probably know more about politics than I do to be honest but you’re too focused on A) what is going on at this exact moment in time and B) the specifics of each situation and not the overall trend that people like me and mplsdunk are talking about.

The fact is, the GOP playbook, for a long time now, has been to force through their agenda as quickly as possible when they are able to. And when they aren’t able to, to stonewall, sandbag, and make it as difficult as possible for the dems to rule or get anything done. A great example is Hawley, Cruz, and those other mfers still objecting to the election certification and making everyone reconvene to debate the certification. Those fools all know it’s a sham but they know that they are making the dems fight for every single inch. And that wears people down and tires people out.

And of course the Garland situation was different but you can’t possibly tell me that if things were flipped, Schumer would have rammed through someone as unqualified as Coney Barrett in 2 weeks if he had the chance.

And this isn’t just at the federal level. Why is it that the most gerrymandered districts are all GOP? If they can do it, the dems should do it right back when they have the power.

All we’re asking is that the dems show a little fight and stop letting the GOP **** this country with no resistance.
-People made comments regarding what the Dems should do right now, I don't know how I am too focused on the present

-So if you are talking about the past you are upset that the Dems didn't follow the GOP playbook of norm-breaking, forcing constant gridlock? Cruz and Hawley were complicit in election subversion, and they failed at their mission. I don't see how that is a model for the Dems to follow.

The Dems can't use the power they don't have. Mitch doesn't need 60 votes to get the main things he wants, which are tax cuts, destroying the ACA (McCain ****** him there), and federal judges. The Dems need 60 votes to pass most of their agenda. There is an asymmetry there people ignore.

When the Dems could block Bush's judge's, they did for a long period. When Mitch returned the favor, the Dems reformed the filibuster.

Harry Reid did **** like this to try to hurt a presidential candidate...

I really don't see a cogent argument here beyond listing something ****** up the GOP did, complaining about the Dems not stopping without spelling out how they could, and some hypothetical about how the Dems wouldn't norm break in the same situation if the roles were reversed

-Gerrymandering happens every 10 years, in the year after the census. The GOP won a massive election right before restricting had to happen in 2011. The Dems got swept out of power so they didn't have the power to fight back the GOP's gerrymander with ones of their own. They sued constantly and used ballot measures to claw back some of the loss. They went all the way to the Supreme Court, but Kennedy didn't buy their argument.

While preferring gerrymandering gone completely. In this cycle, the Dems gerrymandered Oregon (1 district gain since they gain a district), Illinois (two district gain since it already was), New Jersey (two districts), Maryland (zero redistrict gain since already was), and plan on gerrymandering New York (4 district gain). All in an attempt to rebalance the national map. Party leadership in Maryland wanted to take another district but a couple of people chicken out at the last second. Virginia, the setup commission to undo the GOP gerrymander because again, a few people in the party went against the party leadership and didn't want to gerrymander. That would have made no difference now since Virginia is now under split control. The blue state with the most House seats in it is Cali, but they can't gerrymander in Cali. They have an independent commission

If you follow the gerrymandering situation, the Dems didn't just roll over and take it. This area doesn't provide a data point for your argument

Sorry, but if I give your argument thorough examination, it doesn't make much sense to me. I have my criticism of how the Dems dropped the ball, but they are more narrow and focused than what seems to amount to "they didn't try hard enough"
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One of those Oathkeepers folks that got indicted yesterday...

This would be like me going ghost on my girl for a whole day, then walking in the house at 4am, smelling of another woman's perfume, lipstick on my collar, and the first words out of my mouth to her are..... "Explain to me where the **** have you been"
Left these in Nancy’s office too. As seen on late night TV!!


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To be fair, if I was a reactionary detached from reality white dude, and I lost my Under Armor camo print Beanie on the Senate floor, I would want to get it back

Federal prisons be stingy with the heat during winter
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