Official Slam Dunk Jordan Release Thread

A friend of mine has a guaranteed pair for me for only $280.

You all may all finally see pics of these next month!

oh ok. thanks. Thought they'd be super soft leather like some of the other limited 6s
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You guys think Blake Griffin is going to wear the Slam Dunk Super Fly's in any of his games? He's as close to a real life Hanamichi Sakuragi than anyone else.
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this  lace lock  will remain on these  .. i usually take them off, but if i get these the lace lock is going straight on the bottom
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Man I want to put the lace lock on the bottom for my 6s but that relace time is turrible
this!!   then that lace hider 
Man I want to put the lace lock on the bottom for my 6s but that relace time is turrible
It's always a process with buying a 6.

I have to unlace to cover the Tounge Tag and the laces never go back in straight without wrinkles so...

I have to unlace the entire shoe, iron the laces, and then put them back in to get them in straight.

The small things though right....
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