I gotta buy some F'ing GOOG. 

Amazon doing big things, and I love my position super long-term (20+ years), however I can't help but think this thing is going to hit sub $600 again in the next few years. I'll probably hold my position instead of trying to time it, but I don't think I'll be adding anything to it anytime soon. 

What makes you think it will drop that far?
what strategies did take when you took the shortcut?

The buy high sell low strategy.
I just had really bad luck with everything going on, market wouldn't stop going down overall. Kept catching the falling knife

sorry to hear about that but its all part of the game. I invested in UAA around 37 and now its trading at 18-20 im down about 5k.

Im interested in learning about options. Thinking about taking a course online.

Definitely all in the game.
I didn't really learn that much about calls before I got into them, just knew if I was bullish or not and bought calls or puts. There are a lot of different strategies, but I just buy and try to sell within the same day, always.

I already started playing options again :lol: :smh:. Trying to catch all these pre earnings rally, Facebook could've made me a ridiculous gain today but I played it safe and sold within 7 minutes, still a 15% gain. Traded Microsoft yesterday and sold for 50% gain, but I barely invested any.
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I gotta buy some F'ing GOOG. 

Amazon doing big things, and I love my position super long-term (20+ years), however I can't help but think this thing is going to hit sub $600 again in the next few years. I'll probably hold my position instead of trying to time it, but I don't think I'll be adding anything to it anytime soon. 
What makes you think it will drop that far?
Revenue and earnings growth are slowing, all the while this thing has been running like crazy. 
This Tesla run up to the model 3 release has been crazy broke 325 today

enjoying the ride while I can with the stop loss on deck ready
TSLA jumping 4% so far today :x Is this a short squeeze? Did I miss some wild news?
TSLA jumping 4% so far today :x Is this a short squeeze? Did I miss some wild news?

Amazon with the short squeeze, thing went so high today :x

Bought FB calls today, up 20% but I'm going to hold until at least Wednesday. I might just go crazy and hold for ER :nerd:
Question guys,

Do we have an investment thread? I'm trying to get some advice on 529 savings plans vs doing my own investing in mutual funds. Any and all advice is appreciated in advance.

Question guys,

Do we have an investment thread? I'm trying to get some advice on 529 savings plans vs doing my own investing in mutual funds. Any and all advice is appreciated in advance.

Pretty sure the Personal Finance thread went over that a little bit ago. Search that thread out and there's tons of useful info for stuff like 529s and other tax advantaged plans.
So much money to be made with all these Chinese eCommerce companies :x. All I've been playing these past 2 weeks daily, 150% gains so far, not going to stop playing them anytime soon. The market in general is so bullish its insane, though. Money to be made everywhere and no one is in here!

It honestly makes me a little sad how much activity the bitcoin thread gets everyday compared to this thread. This thread is a ghost town, not sure why NT wants to blindly go into cryptocurrencies but this thread is dead. Maybe I'm biased since I've fallen in love with the stock market, but I just don't see the appeal of buying a currency, as opposed to buying companies that can actually be researched on..
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