Jun 27, 2007
Who's watching? I for one have been extremely anticipating today's release. I pre-ordered my tickets.
That movie looks awesome.
I still need to watch the first one though.
How good is the action and story in clash of the titans?
I personally loved the 1st one. The story line was a bit cheezy (like all greek mythology) but the action and graphics were awesome.
Originally Posted by ccastro02

I personally loved the 1st one. The story line was a bit cheezy (like all greek mythology) but the action and graphics were awesome.

Thanks for the info.
1st one sucked

this one looks like it will be better.

def. watching it
I kinda liked the first one and these reviews remind me of the stuff I heard about it so I'll probably check it out anyway. Too bad Gemma Arterton isn't in this one, she was beautiful.
Originally Posted by migit1209

Just came back from watching this movie.


Good, now I won't even watch the first one. 
These degenerates pretty much ruined the chance of a God of War film (at least in the near future), so yes the film deserves to die and I hope it burns in hell.
The acting was horrible, plot was everywhere, corny/typical lines. And I'm usually a HUGE Greek mythology fan, especially with movies like 300, Immortals, Troy, hec even the Odyssey. This movie highly disappointed me 
Immortals, was pretty boring...besides the Gods coming down and annihilating like 20 dudes, and then the last fight between the titans and the Gods, that movie sucked ballsZ
When I found out this was a sequel to Clash of the Titans. I decided I'm not wasting my time or money
solegit08til wrote:

Good, now I won't even watch the first one. 
These degenerates pretty much ruined the chance of a God of War film (at least in the near future), so yes the film deserves to die and I hope it burns in hell.

I don't think it will.  If studios want to make it, they will regardless of what came out recently or if something similar is coming out.
Worthington looks weird rocking his 80's mullet in the movie 
Originally Posted by migit1209

Just came back from watching this movie.


That huge titan made up of lava looks so kool though!!! Just read the plot in wikipedia and the plot looks mediocre, but i'm sure the action will be awesome. Even despite the negative reviews, i excited about watching it tonight.
Movie was ok. Plot is definitely nothing mind blowing, it is just overly simplistic. Just expect plenty of action and pretty good cgi. You'd feel like you've lost some IQ if you expect anymore. I'd suggest saving your money though, just doesn't seem worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by migit1209

Just came back from watching this movie.


Pretty much the review I expected. Like Clash of the Titans was any good?
man i like greek myth movies but from these reviews and the fact i didnt see the first one, I'll wait to download it or something
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