Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Saw Dunkirk in IMAX this afternoon and loved it. Never once was bored, especially because I knew going into it that it wasn't to be this gore/action-led war depiction.

Civilian boat was definitely my favorite character arch.
saw chips. turned off my brain and was entertained. 6/8.

michael peña making moves in hollywood.
Dunkirk was really good 6.8/8

I wouldn't call it Nolan's best at all. That's some prisoner of the moment stuff.

I love and at the same time was annoyed that Nolan couldn't simply tell his story chronologically lol. I was lost when it said 1 week the mole, 1 hour the air, and 1 day at sea. I liked how most of it came together.

My favorite part was the young soldiers trying to finesse their way out. I also think the stuff with the commander (Brannagh's character) were really good too. The stuff on the boat could've been heartwarming and inspiring but the son, the friend and shellshocked soldier annoyed me.

The pilots were dope but too short. I also don't get why Hardy's character did that in the end.

The movie in one way is really about survival and escaping danger or an inevitable death situation in one way. Nolan captured it well.

My only real complaint is I was fine with Nolan dropping us right in the middle of the action but the score was trying too hard. 5 min in they got this tense music for enemy fighter pilots dropping bombs and that did not make me feel tense and immersed in the story. It just made me aware they were trying (too hard and too fast (that's what she said lol)) to make me feel that way. Overall the score was good though and after a while it gelled with the story almost perfecetly.
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The one thing I picked up on from this years Comic-Con is that quite a few titles are really pimping the 80s( Ready Player One, Ragnarok, Stranger Things) ...lol...calm down
Yeah kind of noticing that as well, however in Ragnaroks defense the movie takes place in current time. The trailer is just done in that genre. Also Stranger Things was doing it first. LOL
Been thinking on this...Will anything from MARVEL studios, Warner-DC , or any other studio with hero properties exceed Nolan's The Dark Knight film?


In terms of box office or quality?

I certainly think it's possible. I think initially DC wanted to somewhat replicate the dark and gritty tone of Nolan's Batman films, but they are kind of going the light hearted & hopeful tones of Marvel films as evidence by WW.
Combination of both... I think it's a tall order. Not impossible but...

Critically its gonna be tough. TDK was critically acclaimed at a level that was unheard of for a comic book film. Hell, I remember people were clamoring for it to be nominated for Best Picture at the oscars at the time.

Even thought it was a box office juggernaut too, I think that Marvel's hype machine can make it top it in terms of dollars.
The one thing I picked up on from this years Comic-Con is that quite a few titles are really pimping the 80s( Ready Player One, Ragnarok, Stranger Things) ...lol...calm down
Yeah but Hollywood is always trying that. Its just this time they got some critically acclaimed hits this time.
Get out your feelings, was genuinely trying to understand why.
LOL...condescending comment, but u were sincere w/ your curiosity. Got it.

Anyways, just wrapped up Ozark (streamed.) Fantastic show that has some Breaking Bad qualities to it. Never really seen Jason Bateman in this type of role, but he pulls it off. Season was a solid 7/8. Well worth the watch.
Nah, it's still an option. I thought about signing up for it too but don't want the hassle of wondering if the movies I mail back will get lost.
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