Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Lincoln Lawyer S1 was fantastic. Interesting, insightful, fun lawyer stuff, actual trial fun, twists and turns, Neve a whole snack, his 2nd wife an absolute doll, the Joe Buck lookalike, really fun stuff. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Even if S2 never comes, I'm happy with the 10 eps. :smokin
Oh man I shouldve BEEN watching The Man Who Fell To Earth with Chiwetel Ejiofor and Naomi Harris from the start.

Right in my wheelhouse :lol: :pimp:
Just watched this today without checking the thread... Very very good.

Mary Elizabeth was equally awesome to the two male leads.
Have you seen part 1? If not, highly recommend. One of my favorite classics.

Watching “Old” on HBO

It’s so bad but I can’t seem to turn away. Classic M Night Shymalan. Acting is F grade lol
Came in here to post this. I TRIED watching it. Movie is too messed up for my taste.

When ol’ girl came walking up with a bun in the oven………yeah I can’t handle the way the story was turning after that. Turned it straight off. Interesting concept for a movie, but should have been made in Italy or something. This type of horror needs to be NC-17
It's definitely classic M. Night, but I like M. Night.
It’s just the acting is hilariously bad that it works.
No DEFINITELY. Acting was cringe afffff. 🤣😂
I thought Old was actually pretty good😂🤷‍♂️
It’s almost like:

Is it a good movie? No

Is it a movie I’d recommend everyone watch? Yes.

Thank you!! Look, it's not robbing anyone of an Oscar, but it was decent. Dope concept, mediocre execution, cringe acting. 😂🤷‍♂️

M. Night thoughts. 😂

So I haven't seen Airbender or The Visit.

The Happening
Sixth Sense
The Village
Lady in the Water
After Earth

Alright, so for me, 'classic M. Night' is an amazingly unique story with decent development that could have been sold better with even decent acting. 🤣 Even saying that, though, those first 8 movies, I could watch any time. Highly enjoyable, and I legit LOVE my first 5. The next 3? Decent. Then there has to be a huge gap, because Lady in the Water was the 1st M. Night movie that had me like "Huh?"

And After Earth is just terrible.

So today marks the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Please let me know what you guys think of the film. What did you like/didn’t like about the film, your theater experiences, your memories, were you excited for the film when it was going to come out? Do you own it? Etc.
M. Night thoughts. 😂

So I haven't seen Airbender or The Visit.

The Happening
Sixth Sense
The Village
Lady in the Water
After Earth

Alright, so for me, 'classic M. Night' is an amazingly unique story with decent development that could have been sold better with even decent acting. 🤣 Even saying that, though, those first 8 movies, I could watch any time. Highly enjoyable, and I legit LOVE my first 5. The next 3? Decent. Then there has to be a huge gap, because Lady in the Water was the 1st M. Night movie that had me like "Huh?"

And After Earth is just terrible.


You should see the visit. Really solid.

My top 5 would be

Sixth Sense
The Visit
So today marks the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Please let me know what you guys think of the film. What did you like/didn’t like about the film, your theater experiences, your memories, were you excited for the film when it was going to come out? Do you own it? Etc.
My least favorite film of the prequel trilogy. The Anakin-Amadala courtship scenes are painful and most of the rest of it is just boring, IMO.

Ending is kind of cool, but doesn’t make up for the 2 hours of blah that precedes it.
So today marks the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Please let me know what you guys think of the film. What did you like/didn’t like about the film, your theater experiences, your memories, were you excited for the film when it was going to come out? Do you own it? Etc.

Probably my favorite SW film if I'm honest. I have awful taste in movies but I loved it. Acting was top notch.
:lol: You must not venture into the Star Wars thread much. I've typed a page or two on the subject. It's not a lotta praise..... :lol:
…And that’s completely cool. I was just interested in reading you guy’s opinions, good or bad.

I certainly don’t get offended if someone hates a film I love or vice or versa.

Art is subjective…
So today marks the 20th anniversary of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Please let me know what you guys think of the film. What did you like/didn’t like about the film, your theater experiences, your memories, were you excited for the film when it was going to come out? Do you own it? Etc.

Ok, here goes.....

Yes, I was excited. Hopeful. Begging for it to be better than Phantom Menace. But in the back of my mind, I kinda knew it was too late. He screwed up Phantom with lunchboxes & ****, I didn't believe he was gonna nail this.

Hey guys, wanna see Darth Vader again???? Yea, yea, I want more, please George yes. OK great, here he is, he's 8 years old.......
Hey guys, wanna see Boba Fett again???? Yea, yea, I want more please George yes. Ok great, here he is, he's 8 years old......

**** you George. :smh:

3 films. 7 hours worth of content. We saw Darth Vader kill exactly NOBODY. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Scowling Anakin killed some kids, and the one Jedi he fought kicked his *** and left him in lava missin all his body parts. :smh: Oh I forgot, he also killed 82 year old Sith. *fart noise*

The God damn story about the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader was two and a half films about a Jedi hero slash kid, and the last 30 minutes of the 3rd movie he turns into a bad guy. WTF? Cuz he had a bad dream, he completely changes his idea and heads out to behead some kids? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!? He thought the Jedi betrayed him, so he kills some damn children. Come the **** on with that storyline.

1st film shoulda been teenage elite Jedi apprentice, falls for his girl, Obi Wan and him are cool, Obi starts to show him some stuff outside the Counsel.
2nd film he starts to go dark, Palapatine pullin strings, he knocks up his girl, he starts to turn over some actual Jedi v Sith confusion, he sides with Palps, fights Obi, becomes Vader.
3rd film he and Boba and whoever else scour the galaxy waxin Jedi one after another. Elite battle after elite battle, Yoda/Obi Wan go into hiding after stashing Luke and Leia.

No Jar Jar, no stupid midi clorians, no Padme died cuz she had the sadz, none of that bull ****. Dark, evil level elite stuff. You can still use Maul, and Mace, and Qwi Gon etc, but you don't need 8 year old boys to sell ****.
Ok, here goes.....

Yes, I was excited. Hopeful. Begging for it to be better than Phantom Menace. But in the back of my mind, I kinda knew it was too late. He screwed up Phantom with lunchboxes & ****, I didn't believe he was gonna nail this.

Hey guys, wanna see Darth Vader again???? Yea, yea, I want more, please George yes. OK great, here he is, he's 8 years old.......
Hey guys, wanna see Boba Fett again???? Yea, yea, I want more please George yes. Ok great, here he is, he's 8 years old......

**** you George. :smh:

3 films. 7 hours worth of content. We saw Darth Vader kill exactly NOBODY. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Scowling Anakin killed some kids, and the one Jedi he fought kicked his *** and left him in lava missin all his body parts. :smh: Oh I forgot, he also killed 82 year old Sith. *fart noise*

The God damn story about the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader was two and a half films about a Jedi hero slash kid, and the last 30 minutes of the 3rd movie he turns into a bad guy. WTF? Cuz he had a bad dream, he completely changes his idea and heads out to behead some kids? REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!? He thought the Jedi betrayed him, so he kills some damn children. Come the **** on with that storyline.

1st film shoulda been teenage elite Jedi apprentice, falls for his girl, Obi Wan and him are cool, Obi starts to show him some stuff outside the Counsel.
2nd film he starts to go dark, Palapatine pullin strings, he knocks up his girl, he starts to turn over some actual Jedi v Sith confusion, he sides with Palps, fights Obi, becomes Vader.
3rd film he and Boba and whoever else scour the galaxy waxin Jedi one after another. Elite battle after elite battle, Yoda/Obi Wan go into hiding after stashing Luke and Leia.

No Jar Jar, no stupid midi clorians, no Padme died cuz she had the sadz, none of that bull ****. Dark, evil level elite stuff. You can still use Maul, and Mace, and Qwi Gon etc, but you don't need 8 year old boys to sell ****.

The stuff you hated was honestly the stuff I loved but then againI have awful taste in movies.
Tommy Lee Jones? :lol:

Jealous of what? :lol:

Some actors just genuinely dislike each other word to Lucy Liu and Bill Murray.
“According to Schumacher, the Texas native took issue with Carrey stealing his thunder with his performance as Edward Nygma also known as Riddler.”

Quote from Schumacher:
“Tommy is, and I say this with great respect, a scene stealer,” he continued. “Well, you can’t steal the scene from Jim Carrey. It’s impossible. And, I think it irked Tommy.”

Source: https://www.thethings.com/im-carrey-and-tommy-lee-jones-feud-what-happened-batman/
The stuff you hated was honestly the stuff I loved but then againI have awful taste in movies.
My man! 🔥

That’s what’s up.

Yeah, I personally love the film because it’s got lots of corny jokes and attention seeking.

I simply can’t get enough of Anakin’s gimmick.
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