OJ Sentencing on CNN right now

9 years for taking his OWN jerseys and footballs c`mon. They would of given him a dime in for a late blockbuster rental if they could
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Originally Posted by JDB1523

How about you guys stop with the black/white talk and argue what's really at hand here: innocence/guilt? Beyond race, a man has committed a crime and is being sentenced. Shouldn't we all be acknowledging the justice system instead of hiding behind false pretenses of the case such as...race? Commit the crime, do the time in my book.

What crime did he commit?

Exactly.....He brough people who had weapons, not himself.

He went to rob "his" stuff...interesting.....He turned himself in, when he realized certain stuff stolen wasn't his (only reason he was convicted)

But go ahead continue to be the sheep that believe justice was served.
Actually i juss watched Judge Mathis the other day and there was a case where a couple stole this womans dog and the woman saw the dog cause thecouple had their door and she ran in and took it. And Judge Mathis said it is legal if someone has stolen your property and you can visiblly see it you haveall the right to take it back but cant go searching their place but if it is visible you can take it back
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I'm not saying there's a conspiracy in our country, but it just seems that some are just reluctant to see minorities have any sense of power or influence.

They even tried to bring down Michael Jordan. Oh and I almost forgot about Michael Vick, that brother went to jail for dogfighting. But we legally sanction killing of deers, moose and other animals.

GhostWriter brings up some valid points.

Personally, I feel like black figures in our society are easily demonized for things their non-black peers, would be forgiven off. "Institutionalized Racism"--read all about it.

Now granted Michael Vick is a complete moron for we he did, the underlying punishments he received in conjunction with his overt punishments are not deserving of his "crime". Yes dog fighting is a cruel form of entertainment--but is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...

Now granted, Vick's punishment would be warranted if he lived in a society where, all kinds of animal mistreatment were deemed "evil", but we live in freaking America. Somewhere out there, there is a man shooting a defenseless elk, moose, reindeer, deer--you get the point--for fun. He is not hunting because his village/city/town and family desperately need the meat, he is hunting because the head of the defenseless animal is a trophy to him. We can sanction this kind of animal mistreatment as "sport" and give the guy a pass, but a Mike Vick type individual does the same and he is ostracized by society--COMON. Some of y'all might be disillusioned, but I'm not. I could see the slithery, slimy, tentacles of racism dragging Vick down into the depths the minute his situation became news--word to the Krakken...

Now as for dmbrhs, I can't help but disagree with you:
I repeat:

#1 athlete - Tiger Woods (in the whitest sport known to man)
#1 TV star - Oprah (most of her audience is white women)
#1 movie star - Will Smith
President - black guy

Black people have hid behind the race card for years as a convenient excuse for not being successful, or blaming other people for their problems. But slowly, over those years of supposed racial oppression, black people became the most visible figures in many areas. But at some point the culture has to recognize the lapses in judgement of the individuals in that culture, rather than stand behind them as if there is some sort of secret war on that culture.

Before I begin, let me point out that you used an athlete, two entertainers, and one guy who isn't even president yet as evidence of the lack a lack of racism or as reason to believe that black people are "making it"...

Now, know that ignorant black people use the race card as an excuse for their problems. Generalizing an entire community (Black people) like, what you did there, speaks ill of your intellect and "open-mindedness". But even with that said, there are valid reasons why some black people use the "race-card" to this day-- and that is simply because racism still exist.

I don't know if you're of a minority race or not, but being a minority in a majority "world" does affect your psyche. I can say that because i am indeed a minority in a majority "world". I'm a student in a dominantly white school. Furthermore I am a student in a STEM major--areas of education normally lacking in minorities. I am often the only black undergrad in my upper-level science classes. For example, in one such class this semester, I am the only black undergrad in a class of 45-50 students. Now you may be asking yourself what's so racist about that. And the answer is--nothing. However, i can't begin to tell you how often I feel "different" in such circumstances. That is not racism in an overt, in your face way, but it is the lagging aftertaste of "institutionalized racism".

My school is making great efforts to increase is minority standing--but that effort is a sign of a shady past. The point is the some people use the race card as their excuse for no damned reason; others use it because they've faced racism. I've never used the race card but I'm cognizant of past racism. I may not be at the epicenter of racism but believe me when I say that I see and feel the aftershocks/ripples.

Honor me by telling me the names of these "visible" black people in these mysterious areas you're talking about. I hoping that you didn't use Tiger, Oprah, Will, and Obama as evidence to support your idea that there is "nothing keeping black people from achieving".

Just because Tiger is the #1 golfer doesn't mean that the door is open for blacks. Sure Tiger is #1, but now name all the other top golfers in the world, and tell me how many of them are "black". But even with that, consider this, Tiger is the face of 1 sport. What about every other sport. But even so, consider one more thing, in the grand scheme of things, how important is an "athlete" or athletics in general.

Sure Tiger, Lebron, and Jordan were/are good at what they did/do, but guess what, when your children open up their AMERICAN HISTORY textbook 50 years from now, do you think there will be a chapter chronicling their accomplishments... I think not.

You also used Will and Oprah--both members of the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. Like are you really serious. How significant is the entertainment industry to the foundation of this country. Honestly, the fact that you can only name successful black people, in the entertainment industry, is proof enough that there is something wrong in this country. It's great knowing that a soon-to-be-insignificant crew of entertainers, athletes, and one guy who isn't even president yet--are carrying the torch of my people; a people who helped build this country and have never been recognized for it. Once again, I doubt American history textbooks will talk much about Will and Oprah.

Now Obama is a special case because he truly does embody progress. I am proud and happy that our next president is Black. But just as well, consider this--how many previous presidents have we had. Better yet how long has this country been in existence? So for as long as this country has been in existence, and with as many presidents as we've had, why has it taken America so long to elect a black man into the White House? And here's the punch line of this whole black president thing. Even I, a black man, know that the only reason why Obama won was because the guy before him was a complete imbecile who unfortunately dragged his party down with him. Do you honestly believe that Bush been an excellent, heck average president, Obama would be president elect--no buddy. So yeah, Obama maybe might help your argument but even still, he is not that great of an example.

Point is, it is sad knowing that your rebuttal to racism is the fact that a have a few good black athletes, entertainers, and 1 guy who isn't even president yet. In my opinion, this is the manifestation of racism, whether it be institutionalized or culturally based. My children will be American but their country will see them always as second-class citizens.

Well this "secret war" would be an independent war if it were fought that way-but it is not. Here's what really happens.

One black individual does something bad, and the entire culture gets labeled as being bad. Let me give you an example: "Black people have hid behind the race card for years as a convenient excuse for not being successful, or blaming other people for their problems". You know why that sounds familiar-you said it. A few black people use the race card and you in turn, but not according to you. With you "black people", which references every black person, uses the race card. It is that categorization of the culture that results in us sticking together, whether we want to or not.

Good or bad, we will be judged as a group. So when one black person is captured on the show "COPS" for selling crack, the belief will be that all black people sell crack. When one black guy is seen wearing a Viking hat and a wall clock, prancing about ignorantly and womanizing on national television, the consensus is that all blacks are like that. So it's not so much that we don't recognize the lapses in judgment of these individuals, but more so the fact that "y'all" would rather label the entire group based on these "pocket" lapses.

Point is, it is sad knowing that your rebuttal to racism is the fact that a have a few good black athletes, entertainers, and 1 guy who isn't even president yet. In my opinion, this is the manifestation of racism, whether it be institutionalized or culturally based. My children will be American but their country will see them always as second-class citizens.

I quoted this for truth.
is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...


FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...


FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.


Differences between hunting and dog fighting? the dogs have a chance.
Dude's booty is done for.

The Brotherhood is gonna try and go in on that.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...


FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.

Tell that to Vick. I guarantee you this 50 year old Aberdeen man won't have to pay a million dollars each for the care and treatment of the
cats he beat.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...


FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.

Tell that to Vick. I guarantee you this 50 year old Aberdeen man won't have to pay a million dollars each for the care and treatment of the
cats he beat.

If you actually read the article, you'd know all 19 of those cats are dead and the guy had no job.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

is it really a "crime" whose punishment equates to a man losing, or rather--being stripped, of all his worldly possessions; possessions he built and accumulated from the sweat of his hard work...really...


FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.
The link does not work so i don't know the contents--if you could re-up it i would appreciate it...

So if you noticed, i emphasized crime by quoting it. I think this may be one of those "arguments" people can agree to disagree on because we all havedifferent beliefs as a product of our familial and societal upbringing. But take notice of the fact that i never questioned the fallacy of Vick's actions.I will, however, never accept the fact that what he did was a crime worthy of the punishment he received. A punishment which, if i may add, will always bebrought up--a permanent scar if you will. If Vick tries to make a comeback, best believe there will be an outcry from "animal lovers". Some of whom Iwhole heartedly believe are hypocrites.
FREEHOLD -A Superior Court judge on Thursday sentenced a 50-year-old Aberdeen man to the maximum prison term of five years for beating and drowning 19 cats, some of them kittens, after adopting them from area feline lovers last year.

The sentence, imposed by Superior Court Judge Edward M. Neafsey on Anthony Appolonia, was applauded afterward by some animal lovers, although others said they wished the defendant got a longer prison term.
Honestly, I see a huge difference between what Vick did and what this 50 year old man was sentenced for doing. This guy took these kittens inknowing damn well he would beat and kill them. What he did is not something you just do. I my opinion, what Mr. cat killer did shows premeditation and intent.I don't know much about dog fighting but I presume that it would be bad for business if keepers disregarded the health of their dogs--or worst, allowedthem to die. A dead dog = money you just lost. Once again, I'm not condoning Vick's actions--but his punishment was somewhat ludicrous in my opinion.
Vick got lucky.

Comparing dog fighting to hunting ? come on now... the differences were debated then...and still stand now.
You really believe Vick got lucky. Not getting the maximum of 5 years in prison was as far as luck got him. His assets have being seized. Hisliabilities greatly encompass his income. And guess what, this is not the worst of it. The stigma associated with what he did, which was self inflicted, is theultimate punishment. We will always associate Micheal Vick with what happened in his Virginia mansion. That's all deserving. My only real problem is thefact that a biased, somewhat bothersome, group of individuals in our society will always "hound" him in an effort to make sure that he never amountsto anything. These so called animal lovers will step on this guy's throat for as long as he lives, wherever he goes, in their attempt at carrying out somerighteous cause. They will make sure that Michael Vick doesn't accomplish anything worthy of a reformed man in society. That's the real punishment andthat's why I say his crime isn't deserving of his punishment.

Now as for comparing dog fighting to hunting--why so astonished. We live in America. I can leave my dorm room right now, walk 2 my campus 24hr conveniencestore, and purchase hot dog and hamburger meat for a total of less than $5. The great # of us can afford that. Sure there are starving Americans out there, wholive on a few dollars a day, but i'm pretty sure they are not the ones out there hunting. They have work to go to if they wish to put bread on their table.

The people out there hunting are not doing it because they have starving "chillun" at home, or need to provide for their village. They are doing itfor fun, as a pastime, as leisure activity. It's a form of entertainment. It's a trophy gathering contest. If I can kill the biggest Elk out there, ican mount it's head in my living room as a sign of my "manliness". In a wealthy country like ours, where hunger is not a widespread or close towidespread issue, why the hell are you hunting. Chris Rock put it best: America is the only country where people hunt on a full stomach. You may not see thecorrelation between dog fighting and hunting, but i do. The commonality between the two is "cruelty". Personally, it's insane, in the context ofour well fed nation, that people hunt. That's the cruelty i see...

But this whole Mike Vick argument was a tangent. The only reason why i elaborated on it was to show that certain (black) figures in our society will always beassociated with their crimes regardless of what they do after. Mike Vick will always be the "BAD-NEWZ kernel" guy just as Michael Jackson will alwaysbe seen as a "pedophile". Just as well, OJ will always be a murderer in the eyes of some pockets of society even though he was vindicated, in a courtof law, of his charges. The truth is non of us will ever know if he really commited those murders or not. None of us. The only people who know that truth--twoare dead and one is about to serve time in Jail. Just as we have these animal lovers who will chase Vick around for as long as he lives, we had "OJhaters" that kept an eye on him for as long as we was out there. These people have been waiting for any chance they get to hang OJ for a crime he wasabsolved of years ago and they finally did and went in. Is it fair that he's been demonized by society--you tell me.
According to ESPN, he got a minimum of 9 years but will most likely serve 15 for twelve counts of armed robbery, kidnapping, and gun charges. TWELVE COUNTS. That's not fair?

No way, it must be racism. Damn all white people to hell because they're all racist bigots who have it in for every race besides thier own. Allwhite people are the devil, Satan himself I tell you. Don't trust any white people because as soon as you turn your head they'll kick you in the shinjust for fun. That's what they do. They go around pushing minorities into traffic and then laugh hysterically. White people kick dogs in the stomach andpunch babies in the face. When they're born they have little white sheets fitted to their heads because it's a known fact that all white people'sreligions are based on the principles of the KKK. Not only that, but all white people live in trailer parks and have sunburnt necks. They're bad news Itell you, stay as far away as possible.

- Tical.
eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

According to ESPN, he got a minimum of 9 years but will most likely serve 15 for twelve counts of armed robbery, kidnapping, and gun charges. TWELVE COUNTS. That's not fair?

No way, it must be racism. Damn all white people to hell because they're all racist bigots who have it in for every race besides thier own. All white people are the devil, Satan himself I tell you. Don't trust any white people because as soon as you turn your head they'll kick you in the shin just for fun. That's what they do. They go around pushing minorities into traffic and then laugh hysterically. White people kick dogs in the stomach and punch babies in the face. When they're born they have little white sheets fitted to their heads because it's a known fact that all white people's religions are based on the principles of the KKK. Not only that, but all white people live in trailer parks and have sunburnt necks. They're bad news I tell you, stay as far away as possible.

- Tical.
, when you're throwing up the home alone fist pump "YES" and following it with "Finally, we got this p.o.s.!" is when that line gets crossed.

why you geeked someone ELSE is going to jail anyway?

that just reeks of all-around corniness, a trait most easily adopted by Caucasians ANYWAY....

you know the white people who don't care either way? they're the "not racist" people your little sarcastic rant was defending...

not the ones that are very geeked another man is going to jail....

like i said earlier in the post, dudes was in college courses referencing OJ as guilty like 8 years later....

who cares?

only people salty that a black dude supposedly killed a white chick apparently, which didn't actually happen, according to the court of law...

remember, he was innocent?

and this robbery? i mean, it WAS his OWN memorabilia.....

i believe he was trynna get his heisman back......HIS heisman...

so it is what it is...he can stay in a cell till he's 74....for THESE actions...not alleged actions that left 60 percent of white people upset for 14+ years..

he deserves the time for his latest actions...

but don't go on sarcastic rants about how people that are delighted by this mans imprisonment aren't racist....or that race has no factor in their sheer joy with this man's misfortune...

Because in my opinion, he got away with murder the first time so I think him going to jail is deserved. You don't have to share myopinion, that's fine with me.

How could I forget to mention that all white people are corny in my little "sarcastic rant"? Thanks for helping me out withyour hypocrasy.

Oh, and

it is


to read

your posts



you type




- Tical.
I really hope the "Obama is president, there is no more racism" does not become a trump card for white America.

As I've already stated in this thread, when 12% of fortune 500 CEOs or Board of Trustees are Black....then that argument will hold some merit.
I'm white.
I'm not Racist.
I'm glad OJ is behind bars.

There was a WHITE guy from my city who was found not guilt of killing his girlfriend in like '89. A few years later they found pictures of the crime withhim in it. They couldn't get another trail for murder, so they got him for perjury. And I was happy about that. I'm awlays glad to see criminals behindbars no matter the color.

Some of you are so quick to call racism regardless of the situation. Grow up.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by T i c a l

eNPHAN wrote:
Originally Posted by T i c a l

According to ESPN, he got a minimum of 9 years but will most likely serve 15 for twelve counts of armed robbery, kidnapping, and gun charges. TWELVE COUNTS. That's not fair?

No way, it must be racism. Damn all white people to hell because they're all racist bigots who have it in for every race besides thier own. All white people are the devil, Satan himself I tell you. Don't trust any white people because as soon as you turn your head they'll kick you in the shin just for fun. That's what they do. They go around pushing minorities into traffic and then laugh hysterically. White people kick dogs in the stomach and punch babies in the face. When they're born they have little white sheets fitted to their heads because it's a known fact that all white people's religions are based on the principles of the KKK. Not only that, but all white people live in trailer parks and have sunburnt necks. They're bad news I tell you, stay as far away as possible.

- Tical.
, when you're throwing up the home alone fist pump "YES" and following it with "Finally, we got this p.o.s.!" is when that line gets crossed.

why you geeked someone ELSE is going to jail anyway?

that just reeks of all-around corniness, a trait most easily adopted by Caucasians ANYWAY....

you know the white people who don't care either way? they're the "not racist" people your little sarcastic rant was defending...

not the ones that are very geeked another man is going to jail....

like i said earlier in the post, dudes was in college courses referencing OJ as guilty like 8 years later....

who cares?

only people salty that a black dude supposedly killed a white chick apparently, which didn't actually happen, according to the court of law...

remember, he was innocent?

and this robbery? i mean, it WAS his OWN memorabilia.....

i believe he was trynna get his heisman back......HIS heisman...

so it is what it is...he can stay in a cell till he's 74....for THESE actions...not alleged actions that left 60 percent of white people upset for 14+ years..

he deserves the time for his latest actions...

but don't go on sarcastic rants about how people that are delighted by this mans imprisonment aren't racist....or that race has no factor in their sheer joy with this man's misfortune...

Because in my opinion, he got away with murder the first time so I think him going to jail is deserved. You don't have to share my opinion, that's fine with me.

How could I forget to mention that all white people are corny in my little "sarcastic rant"? Thanks for helping me out with your hypocrasy.

Oh, and

it is


to read

your posts



you type




- Tical.













you know, sentences?

your opinion on his innocence is irrelevant...

imo, you're guilty of genocide, i think you deserve to go to jail, blah blah blah, who cares?

he was found innocent, your OPINION on the RULING is IRRELEVANT...


yeah, how could you forget how corny white people are?

If my opinion is irrelevant then why are you so salty about it? Seriously, why do you care what I think and why does it make you so upset? These are thingsthat you should ask yourself because I usually don't pay things I deem to be irrelevant any mind at all. Do you know what hypocrisy means or do you justnot care because you enjoy wallowing in your ignorance so much? It must be the latter for you to continually provide proof for the points I've made here. Is it really as blissful as they say it is? Your accusation of genocide proves that you really have nothing good to say about anything resulting in erroneousclaims out of the proverbial left field. A corny white guy must've came to your house in his pickup truck blasting George Straits greatest hits and tookyour girl out for a nice evening for you to have that much hate in your heart.

(I'm glad to see you have the concept of sentences down so your next goal should be a paragraph. I know it's rough, but I believe inyou)

- Tical.
Why did the dude have a gun? Why did the dude kidnap? Those are things I don't support, but he was getting his own stuff back. I think he could havehandled the situation a little better.
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