Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by sStutter

Since when did NT hate on trashtalkers? NT seems to love MJ, Pretty Boy Floyd, M. Ali.

NT Hates Pretty Boy Floyd.

Anyway back on the topic, I'm a Charger fan and when me and my friends watch the Chargers, we blame every blown play on Phillip Rivers... even on defense. If LT or Gates drops a good pass, we'll say.. "stupid Rivers threw it too hard" Or when LT loses yards, we'll say "stupid Rivers shoulda passed it" And if he makes a good throw and Jackson or Chambers catch it... we'll give all the credit to the receivers.

That said, yeah I would rather have Drew Brees, but Rivers is better than some of the other quarterbacks we've had the past 10-15 years... Stan Humphries, Ryan Leaf, Billy Joe Toliver, John Friesz, etc...

I can't believe you put Rivers in front of Stan the Man and Mr. Friesz.
PR couldn't swing from Stan's nuts. And Mr. Friesz, that's justthe old school in me being stubborn.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by RawSheed

Philip Rivers is that dude. That smack talking gets me riled up

Looks like Me Supra and Buggz are the only supporters of this dude
Count me in on that Sheed. I always had PRivs back, especially when Dennis was going hard at him. Team P-Rivers anyone?

You guys better have been cheering PR on when he was hitting LT square in the back of the helmet.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by sStutter

Since when did NT hate on trashtalkers? NT seems to love MJ, Pretty Boy Floyd, M. Ali.

NT Hates Pretty Boy Floyd.

Anyway back on the topic, I'm a Charger fan and when me and my friends watch the Chargers, we blame every blown play on Phillip Rivers... even on defense. If LT or Gates drops a good pass, we'll say.. "stupid Rivers threw it too hard" Or when LT loses yards, we'll say "stupid Rivers shoulda passed it" And if he makes a good throw and Jackson or Chambers catch it... we'll give all the credit to the receivers.

That said, yeah I would rather have Drew Brees, but Rivers is better than some of the other quarterbacks we've had the past 10-15 years... Stan Humphries, Ryan Leaf, Billy Joe Toliver, John Friesz, etc...

I can't believe you put Rivers in front of Stan the Man and Mr. Friesz.
PR couldn't swing from Stan's nuts. And Mr. Friesz, that's just the old school in me being stubborn.
I was about to say, Friesz? I was too young to remember much,but from what I hear, dude was mediocre at best. PR can only get better.
Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by sStutter

Since when did NT hate on trashtalkers? NT seems to love MJ, Pretty Boy Floyd, M. Ali.

NT Hates Pretty Boy Floyd.

Anyway back on the topic, I'm a Charger fan and when me and my friends watch the Chargers, we blame every blown play on Phillip Rivers... even on defense. If LT or Gates drops a good pass, we'll say.. "stupid Rivers threw it too hard" Or when LT loses yards, we'll say "stupid Rivers shoulda passed it" And if he makes a good throw and Jackson or Chambers catch it... we'll give all the credit to the receivers.

That said, yeah I would rather have Drew Brees, but Rivers is better than some of the other quarterbacks we've had the past 10-15 years... Stan Humphries, Ryan Leaf, Billy Joe Toliver, John Friesz, etc...

I can't believe you put Rivers in front of Stan the Man and Mr. Friesz.
PR couldn't swing from Stan's nuts. And Mr. Friesz, that's just the old school in me being stubborn.
I was about to say, Friesz? I was too young to remember much, but from what I hear, dude was mediocre at best. PR can only get better.

Put John Friesz with the team now and I bet he'd be making the same plays Rivers is.
Some of you guys don't know what talent is. Dude's arm is pinpoint accurate. His strength is wack, but prolly because of mechanics. I think he has beenhurt this whole season. But one of the main reasons AJ smith drafted him was because of his awkward throwing, because it throws off the dbacks.

And lol @ everybody saying dude is just a benefactor blah blah, LT and Gates have been non-factors most of the season.

Real talk Rivers did more for this team this season than LT and Gates put together.

I don't even care what happens as far as playoffs, I hope we get that revenge, but just the fact that my guy led us to the afc championship makes me veryhappy. I can't wait til next season!!! It's definitely pick your poison next year.

And I thought Norv Turner is suppose to a QB specialist, why isn't he working on dude's strength and mechanics? I dunno, maybe its because theydon't want to risk throwing off his groove and are waiting till offseason


Also everybody acting like he's sayin nasty stuff to the fans...At the end of the game he was talking to colts fans and they were all smiling. I'mpretty sure they were saying "Go Kill the Pats".
You guys are funny. It's "trendy" now to hate on Rivers--how many "Rivers-is-the-worst-QB-in-the-playoffs" articles are there on ESPN,CNNSI, etc? Why was nobody hating on Rivers last year?

Even though Romo, P. Manning, Hasselbeck, etc are better QB's, they're all at home right now. Sure, you can talk about how Rivers has Gates and LT, butseriously Gates and LT have been seriously restricted due to injuries in the playoffs, Gates didn't even finish against Tennessee and LT had less than 50or so yards rushing.

Granted he has been a little overboard, especially compared to how he was in college, but a good number of posts in this thread are just bandwagon-hatingwithout any evidence.

Originally Posted by ghettokamel1

He has the 2 best players at two positions, (TE and RB) and all he does is throw to them...OVERRATED in my opinion...the only reason Vincent Jackson does good is because Philip Rivers overthrows it and Vincent Jackson has to jump up, which he can do as we have seen. Why doesn't he throw it on the numbers, hmmmm thats because HE SUCKS!!!
If you had the two best players at TE and RB, wouldn't you throw to them too? I guess you'd rather he throw to Lorenzo Neal all day? Nodisrespect to Neal but it's to prove a point. Also the reason Rivers throws it high to Jackson is because dude is6'5" and chances are the DB covering him is not. If he throws it on the numbers, it's an interception.

Originally Posted by parada45

I just don't like this guy & his cocky attitude.

i.e.: The Chargers/Broncos game and their recent game vs the Colts where he was yelling at some fans in the stands.
I feel you 100 %. He is not that good prob one of the worst starting QB's in the NFL. I can't stand him. Brady and them are going to destroy SD again.
I find this post ironic coming from a ******** fan.

Originally Posted by peerL3ss aLL day

AFC Championship game after beating the Super Bowl champs and coming back from a 1-3 start = a very good look to me.

but how is this guy gonna talk $@!% to the fans, and not come back to play, they rely on Billy Volek to finish the game, even LT was pissed at Rivers on the sideline.

I saw what you're talking about, when Rivers comes back from the locker room and LT looks mad at him and then turns away. I watched it again, and thisis what I believe happened:
LT asks Rivers something to the effect of "you healthy enough to go back in?"
Rivers says "no"
You see LT's response.

That's my interpretation at least. Could be wrong.

kmac wrote:

He can't back up that cocky attitude he has with the we he plays. He doesn't have an arm, and can't get the job done. Meanwhile, he gets knocked out of the game, and is boasting to the fans.

I want the Chargers to beat NE next week, but Rivers is going to get smacked around.

Doesn't have an arm? Can't get the job done? Did you not watch the game? For evidence see any pass to Jackson, see the 3rd down completion toChambers, and see the TD to Chambers. He might not have scored the winning TD, but he was responsible for the other 3.

Originally Posted by KingAJ619

Rivers was never that great in my opinion that's why when drew brees was in SD he started over him. I saw the game when they played the broncos and he was talking trash to jay cutler after they won the game what's up with that?

Bottom line: Rivers=Trash
Drew Brees started over Rivers in SD because Rivers held out due to the Chargers' having a ridiculous contract offer that leaned heavily onalmost impossible bonuses, like making the pro bowl and winning the super bowl. The total package was good but only if he met those impossible criteria.That's more the Chargers' fault than Rivers. How many of their first rounders in the early 2000's held out? Jammer did, there's at least 1-2more who did too.

Also, how many QB's start straight out of college? Brees had been in the league for a good number of years, of course you'll start the veteran over therookie.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by yeahitsRUST

Originally Posted by RawSheed

Philip Rivers is that dude. That smack talking gets me riled up

Looks like Me Supra and Buggz are the only supporters of this dude
Count me in on that Sheed. I always had PRivs back, especially when Dennis was going hard at him. Team P-Rivers anyone?

You guys better have been cheering PR on when he was hitting LT square in the back of the helmet.

That was by far LT's fault. What's the point of running a flat if your not gonna catch the ball? Especially since he wasn't tryna block thedefender who almost sacked Rivers on that play.

I'ma keep it real, LT is starting to get on my nerves. He use to be the most classy person in the L and now all he does is beyatch. He's still my favRB by far (with Peterson!) but LT needs to chill. It's apparent he's losing his cool. I'm also tired of seeing LT hit the wrong holes because hemakes up his mind before the play happens. Stay on your toes LT!

@ Anakin
Stan's heart and character > Rivers... But talent, Rivers > Stan and Friesz... I remember playing Tecmo Bowl using the Chargers... My QB waseither Friesz or Tolliver... those 2 would have like a 45% pass completion rating
And in that game, i couldn't trade or release them
After the playoffs I'm definately down for Team P Rivers. I got a lil superstitous thing goin on with the sig now.

Bro, are you serious? I know there were times when it was LT's fault, but come on. In some of those games Rivers had options and hit LT right in the backof the helmet. Even me and my boys in the stands were saying what the heck. There's been plenty of times when Rivers has thrown it behind and LT has had tomake a circus catch. I know some of ya'll remember that from the regular season Titans game.
Drew Brees started over Rivers in SD because Rivers held out due to the Chargers' having a ridiculous contract offer that leaned heavily on almost impossible bonuses, like making the pro bowl and winning the super bowl. The total package was good but only if he met those impossible criteria. That's more the Chargers' fault than Rivers. How many of their first rounders in the early 2000's held out? Jammer did, there's at least 1-2 more who did too.
Drew Brees started because he is the starting QB, not because Phillip Rivers held out. Rivers was drafted because of Brees' horrible 4-12season and 8-8 season. Apparently, we had a QB problem. Low and behold, Brees comes back and has a phenomenal season, helps lead the Chargers to it's firstplayoff appearance in 10 seasons. The following season, due to some crucial losses, the Chargers aren't able to make it back to the playoffs, Brees has asolid season but goes out with an injury in the last game of the season. AJ and Co aren't too confident about Brees' making a full recovery and letBrees go to the Saints, although AJ says he made an offer. IMO, Rivers was going to start no matter what. That's AJ's boy and he wasn't about tolet his first round pick sit on the bench behind Brees, who obviously, had an awesome season last year. Politics shmolitics, Rivers is our starter now.

Also, you forgot to mention that LT was a holdout as well.
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Stan's heart and character > Rivers... But talent, Rivers > Stan and Friesz... I remember playing Tecmo Bowl using the Chargers... My QB was either Friesz or Tolliver... those 2 would have like a 45% pass completion rating
And in that game, i couldn't trade or release them

It's hard to gauge talent between the two, because IMO, weaponry wise, Rivers has more options to go to and had a better line than what we had back in94-95.
Outside of Rivers' TD pass to Chambers against the Colts and his pass TD to VJ in last season's game against the Seahawks, I haven't beenwowed really.

But speaking of Tecmo Bowl, ain't nobody touching the 49ers in that game.

KB8sandiego wrote:

Eh, I don't know about interviews. PR talks so damn fast most of the time you don't understand what the hell he says.

I was cool with Rivers talking trash to Cutler during the Broncos game only because i expect that in a football game, but i think he crossed the line when hewas running his mouth to the fans, but hey you never know what the fans could have said.

on a side note has anyone heard Darren Sproles talk? i think dude has a speech inpedement (sp) no joke.
You guys better have been cheering PR on when he was hitting LT square in the back of the helmet.
I was utterly disgusted and annoyed by those craptastik throws, but I still had/have confidence in him. The only time I'll ever agree with youguys whether Rivers is taking it too far over the line is when LT, Neal, Gates or any other leader/captain calls him out. They seem to be fine with him actinglike a maniac out there. So that's cool with me.
Originally Posted by RawSheed

You guys better have been cheering PR on when he was hitting LT square in the back of the helmet.
I was utterly disgusted and annoyed by those craptastik throws, but I still had/have confidence in him. The only time I'll ever agree with you guys whether Rivers is taking it too far over the line is when LT, Neal, Gates or any other leader/captain calls him out. They seem to be fine with him acting like a maniac out there. So that's cool with me.

LT stay giving PR the
All those questioning, Rivers' toughness know that apparently at the end of the game he was trying to get ready to go back in but Turner held him outright?
The play that your talking about at home where LT was hit in the back of the helmet was because LT was lookin at the sidelines. If LT was paying attention thatcould've been TD material. And yes there has been bad passes from Rivers, just like every QB. I stand by saying that our line wasn't the same thisyear(well in the beginning) as last year, and the team as a whole wasn't the same. They failed as a team, word to TO conference. *sniff for real tho thatsmy QB.

And Brees started over Rivers because he was the Vet. Why is that even being discussed?

Brees wasn't brought back because economically the Chargers benefited from letting him go. We have too many stars and big time players to be able to affordwhat Brees was asking. Plus Rivers was more than capable to take his place, and plus with Brees playing somewhere else with heavy minutes, that gave us anextra complimentary draft pick. Just like Donnie Edwards for this year and Michael Turner for next year.
Originally Posted by AK Nako

All those questioning, Rivers' toughness know that apparently at the end of the game he was trying to get ready to go back in but Turner held him out right?
Nobody is questioning his toughness.

People are just turned off by his whole demeanor.

Trash talking is one thing, but, it seems as if this dude PR is just a baby about things.

He trash talks from the sidelines, pouts at the refs, goes to the stands and yell at the fans, spikes the ball at his center, etc etc.

But hey, he's got them this far, so, good for him.

I still think he's a douche.
I love it, what other team has a QB with big bawls like PR

Also lemme add that I've seen PR deliver blocks before too, and on turnovers he makes tackles. Dude is no pushover. +25 lbs and he could be an Olineman.
Just like Donnie Edwards for this year and Michael Turner for next year.
Naw, that Donnie Edwards thing is personal between him and AJ.

But then again, some Chargers fans are divided in regards to letting him go. I personally would have like to have kept him, others think he was on the decline.Arguably so. DWAI, where you at homie? I know how you felt about the Donnie situation.
AJ offered him 3.9 or 4.9 M a year, he wanted 5 M. He ended up with the chiefs for like 3.4 or 4.4, I can't remember it was something like that. I wantedhim back too, but like I said theres too many big time players to afford certain people.

Our D would've been sick with donnie this year
Originally Posted by buggzpimpin

AJ offered him 3.9 or 4.9 M a year, he wanted 5 M. He ended up with the chiefs for like 3.4 or 4.4, I can't remember it was something like that. I wanted him back too, but like I said theres too many big time players t him o afford certaitn people.

Our nD would've been sick with donnie this yaear

really? i heard AJ didn't want him back at all..? yeah our D would have been sick with Edwdards but i actually like Cooper and Wilhem in the middle andthe Shawne/Shaun's on the outside. do any of you other Chargers get annoyed by Marques and his backflips? i always feel like one day old boy is going tocrack his head
I can't believe you're going with the Raiders.


I ain't gonna lie, I used the Raiders too.
Cooper is better in the middle than Donnie, but Donnie was FAST and had good hands he could've added another 3 or 4 INT to our 30 or so...

Didn't notice much from willhelm this year. I think he was injured most of the time I got to catch a game. I remember good things from him last year tho.

But Donnie could have not excepted the 4.9 because he didn't agree with the Marty thing. I guess he was gettin up there in age tho for that kind of money.
He just wanted a contract negotiation. AJ got sick of it and said, yo, we'll shop you around instead. Donnie said screw that I ain't coming back. AJwas like, alright then late.

By Kevin Acee
April 14, 2006

Chargers linebacker Donnie Edwards, a Chula Vista native, will be moving on - if not real soon then at least sooner than he would like.

General Manager A.J. Smith verified when asked yesterday that he has notified the rest of the NFL (except AFC West foes) that Edwards is available for trade.

Donnie Edwards
[/td] [/tr][/table]Smith would not confirm what might pry Edwards away, but it is a good bet a first-day draft pick would accomplish it.
"If it's not attractive, nothing will be done," Smith said. "If it is, decisions will be made."

At the very minimum, his being shopped appears to be confirmation Edwards will not be getting the long-term contract he desires in San Diego and will be let go after this season. He is in the final year of the $18.75 million pact he signed when he came to the Chargers as a free agent in 2002.

Edwards, the Chargers' leading tackler each of his four seasons here, has angled for a raise each of the past three years. He and Smith have disagreed as to his worthiness for a lucrative extension.

Only Miami's Zach Thomas has more tackles than Edwards over the past seven seasons, but it is debatable what Edwards would bring in trade in that the cap hit to a team that signed him would be $3.55 million.

After spending his first six seasons in Kansas City, Edwards reunited with head coach Marty Schottenheimer in San Diego in '02. While starting every game since, he has averaged 149 tackles a season. He also has 14 interceptions as a Charger, twice leading the team.


However, he is entering his 11th season and just turned 33. And while his numbers are always good, he is seen as more of an auxiliary linebacker.
Edwards has said in the past he wants to stay here and play another four years or so. He did not return phone messages yesterday.

These were some of his thoughts this past season on the lack of a satisfactory contract:

"I was highly upset, because I think both parties knew where it stood - my production, how much I'm being compensated and where I rank in the league .�.�. I do everything right. I just want to be compensated."
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